******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Its not the sort of game that's made convenient for a quick 10 minute game loop, it doesn't transport you to where you want to go or what you want to do at the click of a button, deliberately so... you have to treat it like a second life, you move through it as you would your real life, once you understand that it makes more sense...

Its not the sort of game that's made convenient for a quick 10 minute game loop, it doesn't transport you to where you want to go or what you want to do at the click of a button, deliberately so... you have to treat it like a second life, you move through it as you would your real life, once you understand that it makes more sense...

Yes, I got farther this time, Next time I will get out of the hanger:-) If someone destroys my ship what happens, will it be gone?
Yes, I got farther this time, Next time I will get out of the hanger:) If someone destroys my ship what happens, will it be gone?

No, if that happens go to any ship terminal and put an insurgence claim in for it, after a short while, minutes, it will be delivered to you, good as new. :)
Got out of the hanger, tried to load missing menu, don’t know the button so pressing everything, ship tuns off and falls to the ground and explodes! Wakeup in hospital, get in lift, fall though the floor, dead again, wtf! I don’t think I like this game, never going to like all the time suck stuff as its very repetitive. I will probably persist some but even if it’s the best game ever, the unnecessary repetitive stuff will put me off.
Got out of the hanger, tried to load missing menu, don’t know the button so pressing everything, ship tuns off and falls to the ground and explodes! Wakeup in hospital, get in lift, fall though the floor, dead again, wtf! I don’t think I like this game, never going to like all the time suck stuff as its very repetitive. I will probably persist some but even if it’s the best game ever, the unnecessary repetitive stuff will put me off.
Load missing menu? I have no idea what that means. When you 'pressed everything', you probably hit I or U and turned off either your engines or the entire ship and that's why it dropped.
Given that all you've managed to do is leave the hangar, I'm not sure how you've decided you're never going to like stuff :)

As for falling through the lift... **** happens, I guess :cry: Never experienced that one.

Have some patience and don't rush to conclusions when you don't immediately get it :) You will encounter bugs and some ropey mechanics, it's no secret.
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Load missing menu? I have no idea what that means. When you 'pressed everything', you probably hit I or U and turned off either your engines or the entire ship and that's why it dropped.
Given that all you've managed to do is leave the hangar, I'm not sure how you've decided you're never going to like stuff :)

As for falling through the lift... **** happens, I guess :cry: Never experienced that one.

Have some patience and don't rush to conclusions when you don't immediately get it :)
Just looked at the video again, its the mobiGlas-->Contracts Manager, so [F1] was the button, think. I will load it up again but if its back at the hospital and it’s going to take ages just to get back to the ship, that’s just a nightmare.
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Got out of the hanger, tried to load missing menu, don’t know the button so pressing everything, ship tuns off and falls to the ground and explodes! Wakeup in hospital, get in lift, fall though the floor, dead again, wtf! I don’t think I like this game, never going to like all the time suck stuff as its very repetitive. I will probably persist some but even if it’s the best game ever, the unnecessary repetitive stuff will put me off.
Going to be honest having a quick look at the controls in the menu would solve a lot of this. If you don't know the button for something then button smashing really isn't the answer.

I've seen hospital once in about 30hrs of playing due to a bug. It really doesn't have to be repetitive other than calling up the ship from a terminal to just get out and fly but once you are out of a city you can set your regeneration point at a space station and so it isn't such a trip to get out into space.

I've also actually not fallen through a lift floor myself. I've had duplicate lift issue so you can't access. But yes there are bugs as it's in development and there are lots of cases of things happening or not and needing to work around them.

If you are feeling that will be too much then it would honestly probably be better to try again at a later date. Otherwise you'll just get more frustrated at it which isn't helpful. It's nowhere near ready for Beta let alone release so you've got plenty of years before it is likely to be any better on that front.
Got out of the hanger, tried to load missing menu, don’t know the button so pressing everything, ship tuns off and falls to the ground and explodes! Wakeup in hospital, get in lift, fall though the floor, dead again, wtf! I don’t think I like this game, never going to like all the time suck stuff as its very repetitive. I will probably persist some but even if it’s the best game ever, the unnecessary repetitive stuff will put me off.
Don’t let your initial frustrations put you off. It’s going to p… you off at first, I know. It’s not like any other game I’ve ever played but that’s the draw for me. At first I had a page open on my phone with the basic controls and after a few days you do it so often it’s second nature. Sometimes I buy the whole stand of food just to take two bites and drop the rest on the floor. It can be buggy but funny at the same time. Even now I have about 16 pages open on my phone with information of where to buy, sell, loot etc and I’m by no means even getting started yet. I spent the other day trying to figure out why I couldn’t leave the atmosphere at Orison, was I going the wrong way? Was I lost in space forever? No it just takes about 15 minutes to actually get out.

Try not to think of it like a normal game where there is a starting point and an end point with any direction at all. It’s all about the experience of learning, ejecting by accident and trying to drink with your helmet on wondering what the f… is wrong with this game.

If you need any help the lads on here are very patient and seem to have been playing much longer than me, so will be better to help you. However if you need any help with basics give me a shout.
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Just looked at the video again, its the mobiGlas-->Contracts Manager, so [F1] was the button, think. I will load it up again but if its back at the hospital and it’s going to take ages just to get back to the ship, that’s just a nightmare.
Might pop on tomorrow if all things go well.

Happy to jump on discord and take u around the verse
As mentioned earlier. Siege of orison will start

Hello everyone!

The Nine Tails gang hasn't learned their lesson from the bombastic debut of Siege of Orison, and this peaceful city in the clouds is once again under assault!

Siege of Orison kicks off anew on January 20th at 16:00 UTC and will run until January 30th at 20:00 UTC. For more details on surviving the Siege, including a mission rundown and tips from the designers themselves, check back Friday for a Siege of Orison Comm-Link and get ready for battle!

It's time to take back Orison. Happy hunting!
Thanks for the help, everybody. I started the bounty hunter permit contract but did not plan the root correctly so ended up out of fuel:-) After work I just don’t like thinking as I do that all day, which is why most of the games I play are dumbed down console ports set to [easy as possible].
I will probably persist just to finish the bounty hunter permit contract. flying through space reminds me of Elite Dangerous, I liked that, was nice and chilled out until I started getting attacked every single game which is why I stopped playing it. Games need a GTA-style I’m invisible mode for players that are not interested in PVP stuff.
Thanks for the help, everybody. I started the bounty hunter permit contract but did not plan the root correctly so ended up out of fuel:) After work I just don’t like thinking as I do that all day, which is why most of the games I play are dumbed down console ports set to [easy as possible].
I will probably persist just to finish the bounty hunter permit contract. flying through space reminds me of Elite Dangerous, I liked that, was nice and chilled out until I started getting attacked every single game which is why I stopped playing it. Games need a GTA-style I’m invisible mode for players that are not interested in PVP stuff.

I think Prospector mining and simple box delivery missions, or cargo trading would suit you.
Thanks for the help, everybody. I started the bounty hunter permit contract but did not plan the root correctly so ended up out of fuel:) After work I just don’t like thinking as I do that all day, which is why most of the games I play are dumbed down console ports set to [easy as possible].
I will probably persist just to finish the bounty hunter permit contract. flying through space reminds me of Elite Dangerous, I liked that, was nice and chilled out until I started getting attacked every single game which is why I stopped playing it. Games need a GTA-style I’m invisible mode for players that are not interested in PVP stuff.

Unfortunatly for you it wont ever have a non-PVP setting like that. I have honestly been attacked maybe 3 times in total in my hundreds of hours in SC, once was whislt wwe was in a group and got a bounty on one of us, another was I was taking pop shot at people for a bit of see how it goes, the last was someone being a pirate.

What will change is low security, gigh security gameplay as it developers further. So places like Stanton for the most part will be low risk/low reward, with Pyro as example high risk/high reward. There are professions like mining that honestly can be done in reasonable safety and very unlikley to be attacked even now (at least till you are trying to haul your mined materials to location to sell). But even then it isn't to bad.
Yeah, you're more likely to be attacked by random NPC's while (moon) mining and that's fairly rare.
Anyway Fred, see if you can join us next time we're on to get a better flavour of what it's all about :) I guess it'll be this weekend if everyone's up for some Siege of Orison.
Tried that mission called “The Pride Of Arliss” was having a look around the ship, went up some ladders and tried going back down….Big mistake. Ended up stuck half way down and couldn’t move or do anything, so that was that. When you fail a mission, do you always get to do it again at some point? I hope so anyway, i was wanting to finish that one. Another thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes when I enter my ship, my character will do a sort of Nazi salute and block the controls etc. I haven’t figured out how to stop it yet.
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