******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Tried to play at the weekend crashed again numerous times so played Cyberpunk, have just ported my account over to the PTU and will give that a go instead after reading the above :D
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Just spent 3 hours in 3.18.

We had 3 Vultures in the asteroid belt and my Corsair to which we transferred all the boxes in to, we had one "Box Monkey" with a hand-held tractor doing that.

Once full i took them to Brio's Breakers Yard, you get more if take them to a proper trader but its also more time consuming.
Anyway, i got a phone call just as i entered orbit of Daymar, i though i had stopped the ship before i took the call but when i came back 10 minutes later i was in hospital.
I had a marker for my body, i claimed the Corsair on insurance and made my way to where my body was marked, sure enough on the surface of Daymar my body was there, along with my now mangled Corsair and its cargo scattered all over the place, i loaded them back on the my ship and took off for orbit from which i made my way to Brio's Breakers Yard, on exiting QT on my way there two players intercepted me, they flew around my ship signalling me to stop, i did, they were role playing the Space Police, Brio's Breakers Yard is notorious for selling illegal goods, i told them i had nothing illegal and to scan me, i also opened my cargo ramp, they had a look and agreed what i was hauling was not illegal and sent me on my way.
I arrived at Brio's Breakers Yard, it was littered with battle damaged ships, about 5 or 6 of them...

I sold my cargo.
Minutes later a small fight brokeout above Brio's. i just got the #### out of there.....

During the whole 3 hours the game ran flawlessly, performance was good too. its really coming together and while its slow more and more is being added to it and its becoming quite an extensive game, frankly.

The last hour of this... the rest had left, just 3 of us left at this point, nothing much interesting to what but apart from maybe a bit of banter about the poor quality of Drake ships here....

My mate has been going on and on to me for the last year to get this game lol im not sure i would like it though as not really into flying about type games, is there much to do?
and is the game overly complicated lol?
I've heard mixed results with those. It seems some people find them and others never do. However I am hearing that it's been hard to bug find in PES due to the frequency of updates. If they change it every day or two, hard to really recreate issues.
Yup defo and each patch always wipes your progress. I kinda gave up doing anything meaningful on it and sort of put the game down until it goes live.

I originally predicted that it will go live on Feb and that was back in December I said that lol.

Are we close to live? Yes. But how close?

Umm no idea.

Its definitely not ready for live.

Cig seems to trying to fix the bugs blindly in a rush instead of taking there time to investigate the issues accordingly.

I've been in the situation as a dev where we had a gun on our head trying to fix a build and we've had to rush things which mean that it may work now but later it will break again and i am getting these same vibes. No way are they able to release patches with *fixes * every day and especially on weekends...

That smells of them being put under huge pressure from the higher up and its not good.

How many times did they say elevators and trams are fixed??
Anybody using a Tobii eye tracker in this?

I'm thinking about trying one, but I've read mixed reports on the mounting solution for curved monitors. Seems like it just falls off eventually if the adhesive warms up.

Seems like it may also block the controls on the bottom of Alienware monitors.
I've got one but my monitors are standard 27" affairs, nothing curved. Works really well and is quite useful once you get it setup and tweaked and also remembering about not turning your head too much! Not as good as VR but much better than without] eye tracking/head movement.
I've got one but my monitors are standard 27" affairs, nothing curved. Works really well and is quite useful once you get it setup and tweaked and also remembering about not turning your head too much! Not as good as VR but much better than without] eye tracking/head movement.

How configurable is it would you say?

Could you set a limit where if you turn your head past that, it centres? I quite often turn to look at other things in the room, and would prefer to glance back at the screen and see where I was going still.

Maybe it's better to have a toggle to stop tracking.
It tracks your eyes and head so if your head is centered and your eyes are centered after looking back at the screen, then it centres the view... its really quite strange to start with but it does work. It is configerable in terms of detection range etc. and haven't had any issues myself... and yes you can configure within SC a button to turn it on and off... just don't use it for first person shooting as it doesn't work well, I only use it for vehicles and ships.
“Additionally, the mapping of threads on Intel CPUs with P/E cores was rewritten - critical threads such as main, render, and network threads are ensured to always run on performance cores to avoid the otherwise poor performance on affected CPUs”

This has made my day.
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