******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Yeeeeeep. As soon as I got my refund I kind of wanted to play the game again. I can see me pledging again but without the squadron 42 part.
It has a way of worming its way under your skin, once you've got used to its foibles (there are many) it becomes a good game to play.

Just get SQ42 when its out, no point in wasting money on that now....

If you just want to sit on a packege for when you get that itch again. This is all you need https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Cutter-Starter-Package
It has a way of worming its way under your skin, once you've got used to its foibles (there are many) it becomes a good game to play.

Just get SQ42 when its out, no point in wasting money on that now....

If you just want to sit on a packege for when you get that itch again. This is all you need https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Cutter-Starter-Package

Those videos that Johnny posted really helped. I think also where I went wrong when I ran out of fuel trying to get to the marker for the bounty mission was that I needed to stop off somewhere else to refuel. However, you learn by making mistakes.
Game simply seems broken currently with this patch. The same bugs that were in the PTU plus newand exciting ones. :D

Those videos that Johnny posted really helped. I think also where I went wrong when I ran out of fuel trying to get to the marker for the bounty mission was that I needed to stop off somewhere else to refuel. However, you learn by making mistakes.
Swapping your Quantum Drive for a more efficient one can help with that, for example the 325A has a really bad stock QT Drive, maximum range is only about 30 Million KM, if you want to get from one side of the system to the other you need to make two stops, there is a fuel gage on the right hand side of the HUD.

I swap the drive for an Atlas QT Drive, available at HUR-L5, it increases the range to about 90 Million KM.

Edit: also player refueling is in game, if you can find someone willing to fly a Starfarer over to where ever you're stranded.
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Swapping your Quantum Drive for a more efficient one can help with that, for example the 325A has a really bad stock QT Drive, maximum range is only about 30 Million KM, if you want to get from one side of the system to the other you need to make two stops, there is a fuel gage on the right hand side of the HUD.

I swap the drive for an Atlas QT Drive, available at HUR-L5, it increases the range to about 90 Million KM.

Edit: also player refueling is in game, if you can find someone willing to fly a Starfarer over to where ever you're stranded.

I had a Mustang (not sure on other name for it) I assumed I wouldn't have enough money for changing parts nor did I know where to look at the time. Also in that pic you showed with the salvaged ship, does that mean if you land somewhere anyone could just go and do that to your ship? I think my main worry about the game in general is the fact other people will ruin it like in a lot of MP games.
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I had a Mustang (not sure on other name for it) I assumed I wouldn't have enough money for changing parts nor did I know where to look at the time. Also in that pic you showed with the salvaged ship, does that mean if you land somewhere anyone could just go and do that to your ship? I think my main worry about the game in general is the fact other people will ruin it like in a lot of MP games.

This site will tell you where everything is. https://finder.cstone.space/

For example...

Centre left:

That's the efficiency of the drive, the lower that number the more efficient it is.
If you want to know in game what components your ship has go: F1 > Ship Manager > top right in the dropdown select your ship.
The ship needs to be stored in your present location to access it.
Things you need to know about your components is the size, rated from 1 to 9, the size of the component needs to match the size of the components the ship takes, i think the Mustang is size 1 system components and size 2 guns.
Forgot to add, ship components are not that expensive, the Atlas drive is 17,900 aUEC, two or three box delivery missions would pay for that, the larger the ship the more expensive those components are, they can get expensive if you own a very large ship.
There's been some good changes to Arena Commander along with a temporary but great addition imo.

Rental/Inventory System Change
As a temporary solution while the system is reworked inventory (including rentals) when used will no longer lower their availability, meaning you only need to have one of any item to equip to all vehicle slots. In short, usage of any item should not affect its availability.
Additionally, rentals that are equipped will no longer expire. As this is a temporary solution the UI may not display this accurately.

For those interested the beginning of this video is where we are at today, it explains how despite its size the game doesn't have any level loading.

The game is divided up in to object containers, the default state of those object containers is to be dormant, or "streamed out" on both the server and the client, the player has a kind of bubble around them, as that player moves through the system with that bubble object containers with their contents are streamed in on the fly on both the client and the sever, as the player moves away from the object container it is streamed out again.

Sony talked about employing similar technology to this to also do away with level loading, they used Ratchet and Clank as a demo, tho this was sometime after CIG did it and its on a vastly smaller scale, nether the less this type of technology is the future of game development, especially as mass storage becomes faster and faster....

Server Object Container Streaming (SOCS)
Client Object Container Streaming. (COCS)
These are two of the past foundation technologies, they went live in 2019, i think it was.

While this is always going to benefit the client, there is a problem with it on the server side, if everyone on the server is in all places at once the server is running the whole thing.
Enter "Static Server Meshing" so for the server each "Object Container" becomes its own server, so where now the server is having to run 110 players and everything in the system, every object, every NPC, if everyone is everywhere, Static Server meshing will allow the Stanton System to be divided up in to server zones that the player moves through as seamlessly as they currently do with Object containers, lets say 4 zones, one for each planet, but that number can be infinite, the outpost on each planet can be its own server shard, so there is much less for each server to do, the server performance is higher, it can do a lot more, up the player count to 500....

For that to work each server needs to know the persistent state of its self at every moment, so it can communicate that to the client as he or she is moving from server, or "shard" to shard. THAT. Persistent Entity Streaming (PES) is where we are at now. once that is working they can start meshing servers, Shards.

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[2023-03-14 Updates]
0350 UTC - Reducing severity to partial outage while we validate the outcome of infrastructure maintenance.

Its been upgraded to "Partial Outage"

I haven't been in today yet, i'll have a look later to see if its working for me now.
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