******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

For those interested the beginning of this video is where we are at today, it explains how despite its size the game doesn't have any level loading.

The game is divided up in to object containers, the default state of those object containers is to be dormant, or "streamed out" on both the server and the client, the player has a kind of bubble around them, as that player moves through the system with that bubble object containers with their contents are streamed in on the fly on both the client and the sever, as the player moves away from the object container it is streamed out again.

Sony talked about employing similar technology to this to also do away with level loading, they used Ratchet and Clank as a demo, tho this was sometime after CIG did it and its on a vastly smaller scale, nether the less this type of technology is the future of game development, especially as mass storage becomes faster and faster....

Server Object Container Streaming (SOCS)
Client Object Container Streaming. (COCS)
These are two of the past foundation technologies, they went live in 2019, i think it was.

While this is always going to benefit the client, there is a problem with it on the server side, if everyone on the server is in all places at once the server is running the whole thing.
Enter "Static Server Meshing" so for the server each "Object Container" becomes its own server, so where now the server is having to run 110 players and everything in the system, every object, every NPC, if everyone is everywhere, Static Server meshing will allow the Stanton System to be divided up in to server zones that the player moves through as seamlessly as they currently do with Object containers, lets say 4 zones, one for each planet, but that number can be infinite, the outpost on each planet can be its own server shard, so there is much less for each server to do, the server performance is higher, it can do a lot more, up the player count to 500....

For that to work each server needs to know the persistent state of its self at every moment, so it can communicate that to the client as he or she is moving from server, or "shard" to shard. THAT. Persistent Entity Streaming (PES) is where we are at now. once that is working they can start meshing servers, Shards.

FYI, Chris Roberts explained or at least hinted that each server mesh doesn't represent an area of the the game per say, but represents a top down level approach.

Basically this below :

One server that represents the whole structure of a star system aka Stanton,

One server that represents each moon and planet.

One server that represents each major landing zone and major bunker outposts.

And in future. One server that can represent a area or room inside a major landing zone.

Doing it like above actually works for dynamic server meshing.

If me and you are just hovering outside orbit of Hurston, Lorville and any large towns or outposts do not spin up a server for those yet until we go there.

It works in harmony with object container steaming in a way
FYI, Chris Roberts explained or at least hinted that each server mesh doesn't represent an area of the the game per say, but represents a top down level approach.

Basically this below :

One server that represents the whole structure of a star system aka Stanton,

One server that represents each moon and planet.

One server that represents each major landing zone and major bunker outposts.

And in future. One server that can represent a area or room inside a major landing zone.

Doing it like above actually works for dynamic server meshing.

If me and you are just hovering outside orbit of Hurston, Lorville and any large towns or outposts do not spin up a server for those yet until we go there.

It works in harmony with object container steaming in a way

Dynamic Server Meshing is not a necessity, its desired but also just a bonus, Static Server Meshing is all that's need to complete the game.

They said they will R&D Dynamic Server Meshing after Static Server Meshing is in, but not promising to do it.

We don't even need Static Server Meshing to complete the game, the rest of the Star Systems can be added without it, they are actually working on putting Pyro in before Static Server Meshing right now, they can do it in the same way they do SOCS and COCS with a conduit of some sort between the systems, a jump gate.
However if its to be a true MMO, with thousands on people residing in the same instance we need Static Server Meshing, at least.
This is doing my nut right in....there is now no option to launch game on the launcher! is it all down?

EDIT...fixed it, had to log out and back in again to fix it
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I finally got logged in late lastnight, was running OK from a performance stand point, but missions were Borked. Only poked around for just over an hour, guess i have no excuse for not setting up my sticks now.
I've given it a couple sessions but I'm waiting until everyone says it's acceptable. They've sort of confirmed that one of the issues is the backend is running too slow to get your account setup within 2 minutes at login; exacerbated by having more ships :D
Its improving... whatever they are doing its gradually fixing it.

Some missions still aren't working, ASOPs are slow, claiming ships doesn't always work, Inventory is working, loot boxes are working, i'm able to get in consistently now.

Not good enough but a hell of a lot better than it was a few days ago.
If the windows on my Mole are anything to go by, it's been working for quite a while :D Seriously, you need to get the ship repaired to see out of the the front turret window after not too long in the field.
The use of the word detrimental as a positive? :D I'm Ron Burgundy?

Nearly 9 years and counting.......my doctor has told me I'll likely need a new kidney in the not to distant future (5 years perhaps), I wonder if my kidney will hold out long enough that I get to see the version 1.0 of Squadron 42.
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As has been said by some in the past. I don't see it ever offically releasing. It will get to a stage where everything is in and working and being refined. They'll stop wiping and just left people play.

Vid about missions with a wee, 'we're working on it, it's hard' message about the current situation.

Thought he did a good explaining the underlying structure of the mission system.
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