Hey guys really wanting to get into this, any recommendations on what to ship to get first?
It's with my understanding you pledge to get into the game.
You can change the weapons using the holotable in the hanger. Press F to open it up, then press tab to view and use your mouse.
The holotable is located on the right podium/platform as you load into the hanger.
Also one last thing, this game isnt very optimised yet is it? I just built a brand new rig and I can run every game is high/ultra settings like crysis 3, deadspace 3, far cry 4, F1, skyrim, bf4, the new call of duty game but I still just get like 25-30fps in Star Citizen, I guess its to be expected though as it's still alpha.
Is it just me or is this game already looking very much like "Pay To Win"
I went on to a public match and was instantly blow out the sky by someone so far away they were nothing but a pixel, and a single hit is all it took, thats how it continued on everytime i spawned.
hhmmm.. is this going to be one of those games with balancing that put a casual player against with someone who spends $200 a week on upgrades to try and encourage you to spend $200 a week?
It will get unistalled if thats what this turns out to be, i'll spend money on games just like anyone, but i'm not going to try and keep up with the basement kids and rich daddies credit card just to remain on an even footing.
Well currently all those toys are there to get people to pay more, it's obviously worked. Yes, there are better weapons and missiles from voyager direct but apparently these are "entry level/lower tier" weapons.
Regardless, yes - there are better ships and there are better weapons that are currently cash only. People argue "it's not out yet so what does it matter" but they obviously bought it for a leg up. Also even if it's not out yet who cares right? Wrong, it's still essentially a game for the end user, complete or not, it has a competitive mode. Even with out of whack balance and such - most of it is locked behind cash.
I'll bet one person a tenner they'll add FPS guns as purchases, everyone will get a pistol and a rifle and some base armour but you can buy heavy armour/shields/heavy repeater guns from the store, you wait!
Slaying people left right and center but "Who cares, it's not out yet!"
People say you can't "win" in these kinds of games but anything competitive where ultimately you battle with one person or another, that's where winning takes place.
Combat, Market Edge, anything. The entire game is built around improving yourself and your tech, your ship and thats what draws addictive personalities to games like this, progression - if they can shortcut it, most will.
I've argued it is P2W, but I like to say it's more "pay for shortcuts".
As long as voyager direct sticks to low end entry level tech to bring them additional funds fine, but doing it in testing is cheeky especially when they fiddle with everything.
That and being able to buy credits doesn't end up overpowered to infinitely pay off insane amounts of loans by simply reaching your daily/weekly max and repeating it (I bet it does).
This is what Chris said on it https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/173901/#Comment_173901
Just words as its not possible to partake in public AC without spending a small fortune, bar being cannon fodder for every 14 year old with $500 worth of upgrades that they throw you in with.
Already its not boding well is it?
No point playing this, my aurora is absolute turd, all because I don't have £500 to buy ships with this game might as well be made by the same people as clash of clans etc. as without real money it's gonna suck
I agree with the above posters, this is turning into pay to win. I'm stepping out until Chris Roberts shows me something other than a new shiny every month
Erm ok, bye then....didn't you already say this a while ago?
You say the same thing every month.