******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

so I had to delete my Citizenclient folder and redownload but it's now working, testing out my AMD mustang omega and I like it, very nimble can stay on the butts of people very easily, lack of fire power but super nippy and responds well when using Hotas

Not tried my 325a yet to be honest the last time I tried it I hated it so I doubt it will be any better now! the ship itself was OKAY nothing impressing, the fire power was totally lame yes it can pack a bit of a punch when aimed right but the Rate Of Fire was just boring and completely ruined my vision of the ship!
Hey guys really wanting to get into this, any recommendations on what to ship to get first?

It's with my understanding you pledge to get into the game.

I would say get the cheapest available that has beta access and Arena Commander.

Aurora MR with Arena Commander: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Arena-Commander-Starter

You could spend more though, but that's up to you. I think most packages don't come with Arena Commander, but you can buy it for $5 here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Module-Passes/Arena-Commander

Without beta access and Arena Commander you're going to be in for a bit of a wait.
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Hey guys, just a quick question, when I'm watching youtube videos and reviews I see people saying they installed different modules in their ship like different weapons and gadgets, how is this done? Where do you go in-game to do this?

Also just a secondary thing to mention, I went for cheapest option a few months ago as I am really excited for this game, anyway I bought that AURORA LN and that was ok, it looks rubbish but at least I could fly with it and shoot and kill things but then the other day I realised I could upgrade for $5 so I upgraded to mustang beta as they looked better and way more cool as the AURORA LN has a weird shape and the cockpit looks so bad!!

But now I cant play because this new ship I bought has two problems, the first one is that it doesn't fly properly compared to AURORA LN, I know this game is still in development but just disappointed as I was enjoying playing this arena commander and now I cant play. And the second and worst problem is, once the guns overheat to 100% they stop working, the lasers that it. And it doesn't have any rockets either. So if I'd known all this I would have just stayed with the AURORA LN because at least with that ship I could still play.

But anyway I am still really excited for this game and cant wait for its final release!
You can change the weapons using the holotable in the hanger. Press F to open it up, then press tab to view and use your mouse.

The holotable is located on the right podium/platform as you load into the hanger.
You can change the weapons using the holotable in the hanger. Press F to open it up, then press tab to view and use your mouse.

The holotable is located on the right podium/platform as you load into the hanger.

oh thanks mate, I clicked on that table as well but didnt realise you could use it, thanks for the info.

Also they seemed to have removed that helmet thing where you pick up your helmet? Thats a shame! lol

Also one last thing, this game isnt very optimised yet is it? I just built a brand new rig and I can run every game is high/ultra settings like crysis 3, deadspace 3, far cry 4, F1, skyrim, bf4, the new call of duty game but I still just get like 25-30fps in Star Citizen, I guess its to be expected though as it's still alpha.
Also one last thing, this game isnt very optimised yet is it? I just built a brand new rig and I can run every game is high/ultra settings like crysis 3, deadspace 3, far cry 4, F1, skyrim, bf4, the new call of duty game but I still just get like 25-30fps in Star Citizen, I guess its to be expected though as it's still alpha.

That's for sure, before the AC1.0 patch it did run a little better, I used to get 35fps, now I get 25fps and nothing more to show for it.

But they've got so much more to add there's no point optimising it yet. They still have to switch over to 64bit.
1.0 brought a lot of additional models etc. Personally I'm not really fussed until we're well into beta, I haven't even tried getting my CH pro throttle working with it for about 6 months now.
Is it just me or is this game already looking very much like "Pay To Win"

I went on to a public match and was instantly blow out the sky by someone so far away they were nothing but a pixel, and a single hit is all it took, thats how it continued on everytime i spawned.

hhmmm.. is this going to be one of those games with balancing that put a casual player against with someone who spends $200 a week on upgrades to try and encourage you to spend $200 a week?

It will get unistalled if thats what this turns out to be, i'll spend money on games just like anyone, but i'm not going to try and keep up with the basement kids and rich daddies credit card just to remain on an even footing.
Is it just me or is this game already looking very much like "Pay To Win"

I went on to a public match and was instantly blow out the sky by someone so far away they were nothing but a pixel, and a single hit is all it took, thats how it continued on everytime i spawned.

hhmmm.. is this going to be one of those games with balancing that put a casual player against with someone who spends $200 a week on upgrades to try and encourage you to spend $200 a week?

It will get unistalled if thats what this turns out to be, i'll spend money on games just like anyone, but i'm not going to try and keep up with the basement kids and rich daddies credit card just to remain on an even footing.

Well currently all those toys are there to get people to pay more, it's obviously worked. Yes, there are better weapons and missiles from voyager direct but apparently these are "entry level/lower tier" weapons.

Regardless, yes - there are better ships and there are better weapons that are currently cash only. People argue "it's not out yet so what does it matter" but they obviously bought it for a leg up. Also even if it's not out yet who cares right? Wrong, it's still essentially a game for the end user, complete or not, it has a competitive mode. Even with out of whack balance and such - most of it is locked behind cash.

I'll bet one person a tenner they'll add FPS guns as purchases, everyone will get a pistol and a rifle and some base armour but you can buy heavy armour/shields/heavy repeater guns from the store, you wait! :P
Slaying people left right and center but "Who cares, it's not out yet!"

People say you can't "win" in these kinds of games but anything competitive where ultimately you battle with one person or another, that's where winning takes place.
Combat, Market Edge, anything. The entire game is built around improving yourself and your tech, your ship and thats what draws addictive personalities to games like this, progression - if they can shortcut it, most will.

I've argued it is P2W, but I like to say it's more "pay for shortcuts".
As long as voyager direct sticks to low end entry level tech to bring them additional funds fine, but doing it in testing is cheeky especially when they fiddle with everything.
That and being able to buy credits doesn't end up overpowered to infinitely pay off insane amounts of loans by simply reaching your daily/weekly max and repeating it (I bet it does).
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Well currently all those toys are there to get people to pay more, it's obviously worked. Yes, there are better weapons and missiles from voyager direct but apparently these are "entry level/lower tier" weapons.

Regardless, yes - there are better ships and there are better weapons that are currently cash only. People argue "it's not out yet so what does it matter" but they obviously bought it for a leg up. Also even if it's not out yet who cares right? Wrong, it's still essentially a game for the end user, complete or not, it has a competitive mode. Even with out of whack balance and such - most of it is locked behind cash.

I'll bet one person a tenner they'll add FPS guns as purchases, everyone will get a pistol and a rifle and some base armour but you can buy heavy armour/shields/heavy repeater guns from the store, you wait! :P
Slaying people left right and center but "Who cares, it's not out yet!"

People say you can't "win" in these kinds of games but anything competitive where ultimately you battle with one person or another, that's where winning takes place.
Combat, Market Edge, anything. The entire game is built around improving yourself and your tech, your ship and thats what draws addictive personalities to games like this, progression - if they can shortcut it, most will.

I've argued it is P2W, but I like to say it's more "pay for shortcuts".
As long as voyager direct sticks to low end entry level tech to bring them additional funds fine, but doing it in testing is cheeky especially when they fiddle with everything.
That and being able to buy credits doesn't end up overpowered to infinitely pay off insane amounts of loans by simply reaching your daily/weekly max and repeating it (I bet it does).

This is what Chris said on it https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/173901/#Comment_173901

Just words as its not possible to partake in public AC without spending a small fortune, bar being cannon fodder for every 14 year old with $500 worth of upgrades that they throw you in with.

Already its not boding well is it?
This is what Chris said on it https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/173901/#Comment_173901

Just words as its not possible to partake in public AC without spending a small fortune, bar being cannon fodder for every 14 year old with $500 worth of upgrades that they throw you in with.

Already its not boding well is it?

A lot of people think Chris is infallible, but the entire statement about 3) NO unfair advantage to people with either too much money or too much time is hard to swallow.

You can't do that, you can't cater to both because doing so creates another type of player. Originally games were this; you buy it, you play it and generally whoever had time to play it the most got more quicker. Great, I used to be like that and now I can't.

Time Rich - Cash Rich
Time Rich - Cash Poor
Cash Rich - Time Poor
Cash Poor - Time Poor

For the last type you could argue that "well, tough titties you're in a bad position in life to play games right now" but it never used to be like that. I prefer everyone being on one level, timescale.

Introducing cash complicates things more, but he did say it's not going to be for anything other than low tier/level stuff. But he also said that everything that can be bought for can be earned in game. If other games have anything to say that always means "You can grind for weeks because you have a job and little time or you can pay for it right here and now"

Lastly there's the age old argument from devs about "just because you can buy better weapons doesn't mean you'll be a better pilot" but thats such a broken statement. A good pilot will get better, a bad pilot will get better. You can do it right now too, buy a few weapons and slam vanduuls in half a second, good player or bad player you can buy a better ship and buy better weapons.

He's cleverly worded it so that he can still add stuff in the future and say "Well I never said we wouldn't!"
RaRaRah The whole game is a con, its P2W, its not done yet and its already Sunday!! :rolleyes:

Not sure whats more pathetic, people wasting their money to gain an advantage during a pre-alpha module which is the tip of a needle in a haystack, or the people getting upset about it :D
No point playing this, my aurora is absolute turd, all because I don't have £500 to buy ships with :rolleyes: this game might as well be made by the same people as clash of clans etc. as without real money it's gonna suck
Of course its absolute turd, its the cheapest of the cheap. You dont buy a Fiesta then complain it cant beat a 458.

Let them build the damn game, including the ability to unlock stuff in-game simply by playing it, enabling same ship only lobby rules etc, and you'll be fine. I have a starfarer, and if that was the only ship i could fly in AC i wouldnt be going around moaning that everything is lost because a utility ship isnt perfection for a dogfighting module, because its not the reason i bought it.

There used to be sensible people posting in here. Where have they gone, cos its like this place merged with the RSI forums.
No point playing this, my aurora is absolute turd, all because I don't have £500 to buy ships with :rolleyes: this game might as well be made by the same people as clash of clans etc. as without real money it's gonna suck

I thought you said you were done with this game until they "stop pumping out ships"? Oh right, yeah you just say that every month for attention.

I agree with the above posters, this is turning into pay to win. I'm stepping out until Chris Roberts shows me something other than a new shiny every month :rolleyes:

Erm ok, bye then....didn't you already say this a while ago?

You say the same thing every month.
Got this free with my GPU, It looks ok, nothing special and I honestly don't see why the performance sucks so badly, Even for a pre-release game.

And what's with the lack of graphical options ?
I've not played much AC since it was first released, but tried it recently and it's unplayably slow on my rig

AMD FX2 8250
Gigabyte GTX 560 (probably the culprit)
8GB RAM (also maybe the problem?)

Looking to buy a EVGA 970 GTX in the next couple of months. Anyone running something similar able to report decent performance?
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