******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Yeah if you think about it, Cyberpunk 2077 started in 2012 with the idea, it released in 2020, but wasn't really in a decent state until much later, the originally planned content for the game didn't actually make it until 2022 when the Expansion released. So that's a decade of development for a top notch product.

RDR2 would have started shortly after RDR which would have been around 2010, they didn't start recording mocap until 2013 so that's a potential 8 years for development.

Both games are huge in scope, but still pale in comparison to Star Citizen and SQ42, SQ42 started mocap around 8-9 years ago, but unlike the previously mentioned games, they didn't have a set path for the game, that evolved over time and I don't think they really locked everything in until last year. If we say development for SQ42 started around the time the mocap did its going to be at least a decade by the time 2026 comes around which is about in line with expected time for this level of fidelity and scope.

All we need to pray for is the game to be as good as Cyberpunk 2077 or RDR2 on release, because the huge Hollywood cast will draw in big numbers.
I take everything shown here with a massive pinch of salt - it's largely a big marketing campaign to push funding. I've no doubt they want to implement stuff like this, but a show with "We're still working on all those features you saw last year!" won't put money in the bank so they need to show all the shiny new stuff before they've finished all the previous stuff.

I'm still genuinely amazed they still have enough money coming in to keep this going.

I back it during the kick starter day so I know well what to expect from CIG by now, for me I like watching the development side of things and watching it all come together over the weeks and months. What really gotten my criticism here is this all of a sudden push for 1.0 and all these big features that are nowhere near realistic in the next few years and the resources put into them. They dont have 4.0 out and even when its out its going to take time to patch and understand the changes it will make to the game. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the landing zones got upgrades.

Even after 4.0 game will not be ready for the Org space station, take 25% of a shard to run 1 station, its not ready. Compare it for example to base building, they introduced it last year and showed it at quite an advanced stage this year, the game now could accommodate the game play as well. They was a lot of work put into those space stations but we aint seeing them next year.
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Look at the difference a decade makes, same scenes 9 years difference in development.

Eugene Morrow (Stephen Bisland)

Cara Webster (Sophie Wu)
Here's a recap vid although does miss chunks out of course. One thing I think is important with the weather system, specificity the storms, is the winds will also effect your flying and hovering. When the Zeus takes off it's buffeted around a chunk. The Org base building was skipped almost fully but I'm ok with that as it will be so far off. Remember EVE had Titans for a long time before players could build them. They were then rare and precious before eventually becoming more common.

As has been said, this is the first time we've seen a full and complete game plan from them. With the systems in place that could draw in the non-niche player. When they get server meshing working I think we'll see a massive jump in things we have in the PTU. If they can then fix the flight model we'll be golden.

That's a long thread, is there a specific post that mentions the whole 100 real players as crew and Ray Tracing connection?
There will be somewhere in here... its just known from the intended player count and usable stations in ships like that.

RT is this segment from last year.

I watched the sq42 hour long reveal and wasn't overly impressed to be honest, it didn't look bad but I just wasn't blown away. I think moneys been wasted on the Holywood talent, they would have done far better just with professional voice actors. The fps gameplay shown looked so basic and bland, the enemies didn't seem to react to being shot and had a single attack and knockdown animation that was repeated every encounter.
Design wise it also looks very basic b***c sci-fi artistically, there's no flair or soul to the designs.
I watched the sq42 hour long reveal and wasn't overly impressed to be honest, it didn't look bad but I just wasn't blown away. I think moneys been wasted on the Holywood talent, they would have done far better just with professional voice actors. The fps gameplay shown looked so basic and bland, the enemies didn't seem to react to being shot and had a single attack and knockdown animation that was repeated every encounter.
Design wise it also looks very basic b***c sci-fi artistically, there's no flair or soul to the designs.
I disagree with some of your comments.

The fps gameplay was basic yes but this was a prologue. Check out other sq42 videos from last year that shows fps combat with destructive environments.

No soul? Show me another game that has a space battle that has over a thousand ships (some being capital ships) with the fidelity shown on this?

One thing is for sure. Chris Roberts knows how to create a cinematic set piece. Check out wing commander etc. His cinema set pieces in video games way before metal gear and cod games done it!
I watched the sq42 hour long reveal and wasn't overly impressed to be honest, it didn't look bad but I just wasn't blown away. I think moneys been wasted on the Holywood talent, they would have done far better just with professional voice actors. The fps gameplay shown looked so basic and bland, the enemies didn't seem to react to being shot and had a single attack and knockdown animation that was repeated every encounter.
Design wise it also looks very basic b***c sci-fi artistically, there's no flair or soul to the designs.

It's what happens when there's no oversight, No one to answer to, A massive amount of the money CIG have been given by people has gone on luxury apartments/buildings, Exotic cars, Luxury office furniture, Super expensive props for the building, Then there's the money spent on all the really good actors.

All of that has taken a massive chunk out of the money and judging by recent info, CIG have nearly run out of money, which likely means massive ship sale at the end of November.

I want SC/SQ42 to succeed but CIG have been incredibly wasteful with other peoples money.
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It's what happens when there's no oversight, No one to answer to, A massive amount of the money CIG have been given by people has gone on luxury apartments/buildings, Exotic cars, Luxury office furniture, Super expensive props for the building, Then there's the money spent on all the really good actors.

All of that has taken a massive chunk out of the money and judging by recent info, CIG have nearly run out of money, which likely means massive ship sale at the end of November.

I want SC/SQ42 to succeed but CIG have been incredibly wasteful with other peoples money.
You're just bitter that you did not get to go to CitCon and droll over the f7c ship :) hehe

Jokes aside if they are in a bit of trouble, they no longer can afford such luxury. You get that feeling that someone's cracking the whip now!
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You're just bitter that you did not get to go to CitCon and droll over the f7c ship :) hehe

Would've been nice but I couldn't talk myself into spending £250 on a ticket to sit in a hall :D

Jokes aside if they are in a bit of trouble, they no longer can afford such luxury. You get that feeling that someone's cracking the whip now!

Likely the behind the scenes investors giving Chris Roberts stink eye tapping their watches, Hence why we've had so many server meshing tests recently with several 4.0 tests.
I watched the sq42 hour long reveal and wasn't overly impressed to be honest, it didn't look bad but I just wasn't blown away. I think moneys been wasted on the Holywood talent, they would have done far better just with professional voice actors. The fps gameplay shown looked so basic and bland, the enemies didn't seem to react to being shot and had a single attack and knockdown animation that was repeated every encounter.
Design wise it also looks very basic b***c sci-fi artistically, there's no flair or soul to the designs.

Yeah it is very bland and has a distinct lack of soul and flair, it just looks very 'meh' and I feel like I've seen it all before in some way or another.
Would've been nice but I couldn't talk myself into spending £250 on a ticket to sit in a hall :D

Likely the behind the scenes investors giving Chris Roberts stink eye tapping their watches, Hence why we've had so many server meshing tests recently with several 4.0 tests.
Yes and I feel that the 1.0 panel was mainly for the investors. They must have demanded from cig what sc 1.0 will be like.

I think we will see cig work and churn out things way faster now!

My gut feeling is that they have a separate 1.0 build already dy that they are mostly working on and will just tack on bits of it into the current live service for us to test and give feedback on.

It would be faster to do it that way. Use 4.0 branch as a test bed to just copy and paste things done in the 1.0 branch for testing and focus most of there energy on the 1.0 branch to get everything done and ready for say a 6 to 12 month long ptu test for it before it is officially released
I disagree with some of your comments.

The fps gameplay was basic yes but this was a prologue. Check out other sq42 videos from last year that shows fps combat with destructive environments.

No soul? Show me another game that has a space battle that has over a thousand ships (some being capital ships) with the fidelity shown on this?

One thing is for sure. Chris Roberts knows how to create a cinematic set piece. Check out wing commander etc. His cinema set pieces in video games way before metal gear and cod games done it!

"its a prologue" doesnt negate that the AI shown was basic with a single animation repeated for every single encounter.

Technical prowess doesnt equal soul or artistic flair, they are separate things, something can be very technically impressive which this is but not have an interesting design language. Look at any major scifi franchise in any form of media and they all have unique interesting identifiable designs, the designs on display in this just seem so bland like i could ask an AI to design me "generic scifi ships" and it would spit these out.
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My gut feeling is that they have a separate 1.0 build already dy that they are mostly working on and will just tack on bits of it into the current live service for us to test and give feedback on.

That's my thought also, much like how Baldur's Gate 3 was in early access for 3+ years with only act 1 and they basically did all the work behind the scenes to flesh out the rest of the game before it's release.

I suspect they are doing that while keeping just enough on the live servers to keep funding the development while testing key technology like meshing. We will see how Pyro turns out later this year and what sort of stuff it has to keep players busy for 12+ months.

I do think they are aiming for 1.0 either alongside SQ42's release or shortly after. Which would make sense from a financial/business perspective. SQ42 to attract new players and drive them to SC.
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Whole thing went past the point of no return, 5-6 years ago imo.

The problem they have, is the thing is so bloated - each time they move forward, they're sullied with 5-10 years of tech debt and poor decision making, but they have to move forward with more ships, more trees, more features, 16x the detail - because they need to, to survive financially.

Problem is, all of this added together - makes a terrible, awful experience that reasonable players who want to have fun, (most people) will steer clear of.

These endless AAA style videos and feature promises, are highly irresponsible and misleading.
They're misleading if you believe them, I think those of us who have been around SC since 2012 have come to learn that what ever they say is just what they "want" to do, not necessarily what they will do.

I also think since Rich Tyrer came on board, he has talked Chris out of stupid stuff and set a boundary or goal of what needs to happen for the game to actually come out and since about 2019 they do seem to have an end goal of what they envision the game to be.
Some new info about resource deposits and settlements from Declan the guy designing the system

DecH-CIG said:
Yeah like you say, each individual extraction deposit does indeed have a limited amount of SCU available, however, once you've mined out that site, its done.

New deposits will spawn when certain resource scarcity conditions are met - but just to be clear here, its a new deposit in a new location, not the same previously mined deposit replenishing while a base is active on it. These deposits will typically take a while to deplete however.

Abandoned buildings will degrade and fall down over time. You are not technically limited on the amount of settlements, however in lawful areas the cost of buying land for UEC and the tax is scaled based on how much land you already own on that planet - so it does escalate beyond an affordable amount at some point.
Failing to pay tax on a plot after X amount of time will remove it from your ownership, freeing it up for someone else. You can also just abandon ownership if you wish.

On a side note here with regards to buying land, there are different types of plots available. One is specifically designed for extraction and it's costs & capabilities scale differently from a standard plot with the whole idea of extraction deposits depleting and you moving on to a new one in mind.

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