******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Do we have a release date for SQ42 it’s all I’m interested in. Apologise if it has been posted over the last few pages.
Anything from 14 months to 26 months from now based on they just said 2026 as their committed date. I am hopeful it will be Q2 2026 so it out pre 2026 CitCon honestly and all that with a firmer release date at next years CitCon etc.
I don't really care about character animation etc in SQ42, I'm there for the story and battles same as the Wing Commander games.

I want cheesy over the top nonsense, great music and challenging missions. Ideally with few game breaking bugs.
Agreed, that's what's going to keep you coming back, fancy graphics is just the icing on top.
Cheers gents. Still a fair way to go then.
Aye it got all its tech in by last CitCon so feature complete. Then this last year it has been working on content complete (probably 6 more months to go on that like knockdown variations as example) then it will need another 6 to 12 months for polish of all that. If that makes sense and where and why it has got to where has and been since CitCon 2023.
balls... just saw that npc crew are not going to be in starcitizen for 1.0 release. they are still in the long term plan to come at some point post release but given i have already fallen for that line in the other space game i play, i have to say i am v disspointed with that news.

balls... just saw that npc crew are not going to be in starcitizen for 1.0 release. they are still in the long term plan to come at some point post release but given i have already fallen for that line in the other space game i play, i have to say i am v disspointed with that news.

Time to get some friends in the verse! We have a org here already and we don't bite! We are very friendly
so if you want to fly your shiny ships you paid a load of money for you have to find people that want to play as shipmates, online the same time you are?
there will be computers (blades) you can buy to do some bits and bobs but yeah that is about the top and bottom of it, i think they are pushing orgs rather than single players employing npcs as their crew.
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there will be computers (blades) you can buy to do some bits and bobs but yeah that is about the top and bottom of it, i think they are pushing orgs rather than single players employing npcs as their crew.
And I'm fine with that.

If my homie @Uncle Petey and @humbug are not online at the time, I will just create a LFG for people to jump on my polaris
so if you want to fly your shiny ships you paid a load of money for you have to find people that want to play as shipmates, online the same time you are?
Erm yeah course if you have a multi crew ship in god forbid an MMO then yeah you want players to play with. Also it states that AI blades will be coming so that will mean ability to have turrets manned as such with them rather than needing another player.

You wont be able to sort out the engineering side as far as we know although could have an AI blade that sorts out power management and able to vent ships when fire occurs, you won't have another person actually moving through the ship to put fires out etc.

There are also loads of people that want to play as shipmates to do other tasks. I almost exclusively am not all that bothered about flying myself but want to be part of a crew. There another dozen people I know in our Org alone like that so manning with just 2 people (the second one doing that engineering) and using AI blades for all the turrets would be simple and effective enough to play just fine.
Erm yeah course if you have a multi crew ship in god forbid an MMO then yeah you want players to play with. Also it states that AI blades will be coming so that will mean ability to have turrets manned as such with them rather than needing another player.

You wont be able to sort out the engineering side as far as we know although could have an AI blade that sorts out power management and able to vent ships when fire occurs, you won't have another person actually moving through the ship to put fires out etc.

There are also loads of people that want to play as shipmates to do other tasks. I almost exclusively am not all that bothered about flying myself but want to be part of a crew. There another dozen people I know in our Org alone like that so manning with just 2 people (the second one doing that engineering) and using AI blades for all the turrets would be simple and effective enough to play just fine.
Half of the time I like to be part of the crew and kick back instead of flying
Erm yeah course if you have a multi crew ship in god forbid an MMO then yeah you want players to play with.
that is fine, great for you!.... but despite your sarcasm there are players who are not interested in playing with other people, and CIG were just as happy to take our money and npc equivalents were part of the 1.0 release.... now they are not.
put it this way, i would not be so flippant if they had done it the other way and said for 1.0 there will be npcs with multiplayer stuff coming at some point after release even tho personally they would effect me a lot less.

note i am fine with multicrew ships..... i think it is a real loss that in elite dangerous we have these massive ships bigger than an aircraft carrier and you can fly with out any crew

but multicrew =/= multiplayer only crew - or it didnt until now.
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that is fine, great for you!.... but despite your sarcasm there are players who are not interested in playing with other people, and CIG were just as happy to take our money and npc equivalents were part of the 1.0 release.... now they are not.
put it this way, i would not be so flippant if they had done it the other way and said for 1.0 there will be npcs with multiplayer stuff coming at some point after release even tho personally they would effect me a lot less.

note i am fine with multicrew ships..... i think it is a real loss that in elite dangerous we have these massive ships bigger than an aircraft carrier and you can fly with out any crew

but multicrew =/= multiplayer only crew - or it didnt until now.
Sorry but there are loads of things not coming with 1.0 either. There no ship customisation for internal/external, there are no alien races, there are no alien planets, there are no alien settlements, no pets etc. Oh and there clearly wont be all the different jobs and roles based on what shown there still missing things that have been discussed.

You can still play single player, in your single seater you can do everything anyways, in a multicrew ship you can use AI blades. So there is still some ability to solo a multiplayer ship, even without another player you can use such ship it will just not be effective. They haven't taken anything away and blades will add more to the game to not have to have anyone else.

It flippant because the reaction misses that there clearly is a way to play solo now even and going forward. There also was never till Sunday anything confirming what they are aiming for with 1.0 at all. 1.0 is the first release and features will be added after. CP2077 sold with saying multiplayer would come and that has been dropped forever or the destruction system or wall climbing etc and now they all gone. Things happen but they have said it will likely come later than 1.0 is all.

If there was no multiplayer in an MMO it isn't an MMO is it and clearly we would have to magically go back a decade to note have multiplayer since it has been in since day 1 in terms of people on so that is not really a relevant point trying to be made.

Edit: should note I basically fly solo and play random missions when I pop on by self like FPS stuff at min, no interest in anything until at least 1.0 drops to put proper effort in with others. When I do jump on with @humbug @pete910 @FloppyPoppy @Raumarik it always messing about sessions and just silly stuff. Not really playing the game or missions. Solo play is fine and really isn't going to hugely change.
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(Wednesday) We have been testing the server side of the hotfix from yesterday overnight and are planning on sending out a client side portion of the 3.24.2 LIVE hotfix later today
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