******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

perhaps starcitizen will be different to any other game i have played online however IME some players dont need a reason or for it to be profitable, they just like the fly around ganking players for the lolz,
Yes generally but you do need to earn the credits somehow to afford to gank someone and also recover said ship when it is destroyed by the UEE NPCs or bounty hunter players etc. And the time to travel back and forth etc. So relatively speaking in time ganking would really be minimal in such places and locations.
If having to earn the credits to do this is going to be so arduous for big guilds to do, how hard is it going to be for small groups or individuals to do anything if you're constantly worried about the cost of any action?

No exploring, costs too much.
No getting into space battles, costs too much.
Travel directly to a mission using the most efficient route, do mission as efficiently as possible, don't stop to have fun at any point and return to wherever.
Is that what it would be like to play?
Fighting, exploring etc as in real life cost money. They aren't typically profit making.

It needs balanced though, hopefully not by making exploration like fetch quests.
The longer development goes on the less fun the game appears to be to play from my experience, hopefully they sort this element out.

You have running costs though, they aren't meant to be restrictive but any cost will be and it scales, bigger ship = bigger costs. So in many instances you'll want to take the most efficient setup you can for a particular job. No point taking a 600i to deliver 1SCU of cargo etc.
The longer development goes on the less fun the game appears to be to play from my experience, hopefully they sort this element out.

You have running costs though, they aren't meant to be restrictive but any cost will be and it scales, bigger ship = bigger costs. So in many instances you'll want to take the most efficient setup you can for a particular job. No point taking a 600i to deliver 1SCU of cargo etc.
You think so? I think it has only got better in terms of actually enjoying it. Finally is aiming to be a game with more gameplay loops etc. The biggest thing I think we have as early adopters is burn out and it why I try and only play a little each major patch drop. Don't want to feel burnt out basically.
You think so? I think it has only got better in terms of actually enjoying it. Finally is aiming to be a game with more gameplay loops etc. The biggest thing I think we have as early adopters is burn out and it why I try and only play a little each major patch drop. Don't want to feel burnt out basically.

I do agree with this. Every now and then a new gameplay loop will come available or majorly update and that may get most players back in for a few hours. Im quite sure 1.0 is going to be fantastic though simply because finally total and utter persistence which is exactly what is needed. No wipes meaning that mission you did finally counts toward your end goal.

This said, i have spent quite a lot of time (and 30ks) today playing. I have done several bits in the pu and smashed arena commander twice to get used to basic flight control again ready for my virpils to arrive now so i can be even more of a nuisance in the verse! PS the F7A2 with a full omnisky loadout... utter filth.
You think so? I think it has only got better in terms of actually enjoying it. Finally is aiming to be a game with more gameplay loops etc. The biggest thing I think we have as early adopters is burn out and it why I try and only play a little each major patch drop. Don't want to feel burnt out basically.

It's not burn out, it's apathy when patch after patch the stability is still not there so you are unable to complete these gameplay looks reliably. I'm done with the "it's an alpha" excuse to be honest, the "game" as it stands is a shocking mess of instability, bugs and poorly planned changes, year after year.

Every year we're told how it's about to get better, but it continues to be just as poor as the previous one, with terrible progress, a barrage of excuses, reduced scope etc.

Yes there are bright spots but my word they are few and far between. I haven't logged in for 3-4 months now, it's deffo not burn out. When I do - I'm waiting until there's a patch that sounds like it's vaguely stable, which yet again doesn't appear to be the case.
It's not burn out, it's apathy when patch after patch the stability is still not there so you are unable to complete these gameplay looks reliably. I'm done with the "it's an alpha" excuse to be honest, the "game" as it stands is a shocking mess of instability, bugs and poorly planned changes, year after year.

Every year we're told how it's about to get better, but it continues to be just as poor as the previous one, with terrible progress, a barrage of excuses, reduced scope etc.

Yes there are bright spots but my word they are few and far between. I haven't logged in for 3-4 months now, it's deffo not burn out. When I do - I'm waiting until there's a patch that sounds like it's vaguely stable, which yet again doesn't appear to be the case.
Fair fair. I have had months during patches where it been stable enough to think it's a game already and then patches where it crashes a few times in a session.

The last two years since 3.19 have been pretty solid for me playing wise. Just life in way for any gaming.

It deffo won't be the case for a while at moment but sounds like be wait for 1.1 (let's be serious 1.0 will be a mess when it arrives in 4yrs).

Not sure ilk agree on "it's an alpha" part. End of day it is in development still and it slow but it is.

Edit: to note I do think it is getting better and more stable generally. Yeah 3.24.2 been a mess but that is 4.0 code branch underlying it all. Come 4.1 I do feel that things should have moved forward. The last two years seem like direction going the correct way and they finally making the stuff go from tech demo linked together to a game with where they aiming for 1.0.

Worth deffo checking out 'A Social Universe' and when drops if not seen 'road to 1.0' stuff as they what made me think this is actually going somewhere. The armour, ships, and such are the filler but the actual game and content and it to be stable. Yeah certainly looks Rich and Benoit are driving it forward much more compared to previous.
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I can't listen to Bored gamer and I don't watch that chap either :cry: It just popped up in my feed and it seemed relevant.
Honestly, I barely touch the game these days and don't really give a toss until something major happens.

Citizen Kate does some good gameplay stuff though. I don't mind her.
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Also did it really need to be 2 days this year?
well you'd of needed a 16hr day to fit it all in one day and allow lunch and dinner breaks. We was all shattered end of day one.
I've legit spent the week in bed shattered after it, and i live a 20min bus journey away (plus ~8min walk) :D.
In fairness, a lot of that is my medical conditions, but theres no way i'd want to do both days contents in a single day. Yeah, they could tighten it up a bit, but its not like it was padded with needless content, such as looking back at the last years work, or doing Q&A sessions.
I wasnt impressed that the 'priority access lanes' on the VIP ticket means 40min of queuing with everyone, and then being told 'VIP this way, regular that way' and walking directly into the location with just 1 person ahead of me. I didnt pay for my ticket, but had i done so, i'd have expected priority queues to mean 2 queues. Im not good on my feet, and that absolutely destroyed my energy levels before they'd even started.

I looked at the schedule and wasnt fussed about the middle of Day 1's contents, im not arsed about social content, and couldnt care about them playing dress up, so i was thinking i might just walk into the shopping center and have a wander round or find somewhere that had the 3pm footie on. In the end i stayed put cos i was already shattered, and was really impressed with both - mostly because it wasnt what i was expecting, but also because it looked good and was much needed.

The 5 systems is disappointing though. I feel like they really could do with throwing in a couple of additional less-populated systems, or they could have done with creating a few into the lore to begin with. Tens of thousands of players online, in a single instance universe, and theres only 5 systems? As huge as they are, that still feels a little bit tiny to me. Then throw in half a dozen orgs with 10k+ members, i expect some will attempt to prevent access to 'their' space, and then you'll have areas where Orgs are straight up at war with each other inside a system, making it difficult to enter and not get caught up in it all. It sounds problematic.
If there was more like 8-10, and they were somewhat empty like Nyx is, i'd be a little more positive about it. I've already spent the last couple of years avoiding playing SC because i dont want it to hit v1.0 and immediately be bored with 80% of the content cos i've hammered every new location, new career game-loop, in the years building up to release. That was with the expectation that they were working on a bunch of planets quietly behind the scenes.
I guess we'll get a good indication when we have server meshing online, although i doubt capacity would be even hit 10% of what it'd hit once we're 1.0+. Thats the only thing that left me concerned from this years event. It also effectively killed any hope of Operation Pitchfork happening, if theres no Vanduul system to invade right before a wipe, people arent going to act as recklessly as they would have, cos its risk free opportunity to do dumb things as a community.

Yes and I feel that the 1.0 panel was mainly for the investors. They must have demanded from cig what sc 1.0 will be like.

I think we will see cig work and churn out things way faster now!

My gut feeling is that they have a separate 1.0 build already dy that they are mostly working on and will just tack on bits of it into the current live service for us to test and give feedback on.

It would be faster to do it that way. Use 4.0 branch as a test bed to just copy and paste things done in the 1.0 branch for testing and focus most of there energy on the 1.0 branch to get everything done and ready for say a 6 to 12 month long ptu test for it before it is officially released
If i'd read more comments like that first line from you, you'd have been returning to the ignored list :p It just sounds like textbook Scam Citizen hater theory.
The few investors involved might need placating with a more defined outline of what the target is, but they can very easily do that behind closed doors. They wouldnt need to do that while 4500 backers were also there, and stream it live to the rest of the community & co.
Surely the whole point of it was setting the expectations of the community. What needs to be included for their 1.0 release, and what will have to come at a later date. Things like the 5 system universe lower expectations and complaints come release, and stuff like the storyline quests is something that we'd never really had an indication would exist, but is felt necessary to help ease people into the game and hand-hold a little early on. I think since day 1 the community has got a little carried away with what will be possible and what is hopeful/wishful thinking, and this should clarify things somewhat.

They'll definitely have a development build or 2 that has certain incomplete/unreleased features operational, but they'll have had that since the very beginning, rather than it being a secret 1.0 build they're building over months. I doubt its drastically different to the 4.0/meshing releases the Avocados have occasionally accessed, maybe 6mo ahead of what we're seeing. It'd be easier to do things like a launch a demo instance with base building on a local machine, rather than constantly having to update a private master build and if something breaks it prevents others from working/testing in the meantime.
@PaulC2K I wouldn't be too dismissive of the "only 5 systems in 1.0" I would much rather 5 dense systems, which if the tools they demo'd really does allow them to populate planets well, should mean so much content per planet, you'll always have something to do.

5 systems, with dense planets that have 3000+ points of interest, along with fleshed out gameplay loops, base building should be sufficient to keep even the biggest attic goblin busy.


100 systems, with a handful of points of interest and one or two landing pads. Which was the original kickstarter pitch. We didn't have fully realised planets and the ability to fly in and out of atmosphere at will.
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