*Official* Star Wars the Old Republic: Guild recruitment

a bunch of us have formed an imperial guild "EAT SITH" on a PVP server and are looking for a few casual people to join us as we are quite small currently, check our Swtor home page out and come join the fun on launch day!
a bunch of us have formed an imperial guild "EAT SITH" on a PVP server and are looking for a few casual people to join us as we are quite small currently, check our Swtor home page out and come join the fun on launch day!

Is your guild made up of OcUK'ers or people you know from elsewhere? Always interesting to get to know other Guilds.

Keep joining the OcUK guild at: http://beyondtheclock.enjin.com/forum sign up, get involved and get to know people.
We at XSGamers will be having a guild.

Currently set for PvP Sith, but without a finalised name. Currently named XSG but likely to change.

Always welcome ally with other guilds etc.
LoKiS, When it comes to MMO's with myself, If i'm on, i'm always willing to group up and quest or pvp or basically do whatever tickles our fancy at the time. I'm probably gonna be on a lot as well so there will be me! :)

Good to know :) , I wont be on the early pre order release as I ordered from Coolshop but I also will be on a lot. I'd imagine there will be a guild chat or member viewer in game to meet up with people.
Thanks Monkeymatt for putting the site update in here (the new domain has just been set up, so if you are not seeing the site straight away dont worry, its just taking a little time for yours to update)
I have pre-ordered and joined a different guild as I didnt think OcUK was forming one.

I will defo be up for joining OcUK guild however I cant find it on SWTOR's guild page and the above links are not working for me.

My choices are: -
a bunch of us have formed an imperial guild "EAT SITH" on a PVP server and are looking for a few casual people to join us as we are quite small currently, check our Swtor home page out and come join the fun on launch day!

Casual doesn't exist in PvP. :p
I have pre-ordered and joined a different guild as I didnt think OcUK was forming one.

I will defo be up for joining OcUK guild however I cant find it on SWTOR's guild page and the above links are not working for me.

My choices are: -

If you're having trouble with the links above, drop the www. , more than likely its just waiting for propagation.


Give that one a whack for this evening if you're still waiting for www.beyondtheclock.com to propagate. (its the same site)
If you're having trouble with the links above, drop the www. , more than likely its just waiting for propagation.


Give that one a whack for this evening if you're still waiting for www.beyondtheclock.com to propagate. (its the same site)

Excellent that works, thanks

Can you explain please what beyondtheclock is? Is it a Guild or is it a website setup for OcUK? I'm a little confused which tbh isnt hard for me :D
Excellent that works, thanks

Can you explain please what beyondtheclock is? Is it a Guild or is it a website setup for OcUK? I'm a little confused which tbh isnt hard for me :D

This thread might help a little to explain what it is..


Essentially we have so many MMOers and all different branches of "official" OcUK guilds across a number of different MMOs, usually with different guild names and playstyles, that a few of us thought that some recognised community site which a person could go to , to get the info they need for whichever MMO game they were interested in the OcUK guild for, would be useful. Its not a guild itself, more a gateway to the OcUK guilds, a quick and easy way to see whats going on with the various OcUK guilds or to get access to the various OcUK guilds websites.
Wab, didnt you have a DCUO guild with the same name?

Yeah I did. still going I think tho they may have changed the name, if you with us there at the very short height of that game we ruled that server :)

We also have a guild In Rift, still going strong. We tend to always be on PvP servers as we a bloodthirsty lot :)
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