*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

So, as some of you may be aware ive been praising the 1.3 patch that i first tested on the PTS and then live yesterday for its performance gains and FPS fixes, most noticeably was the huge improvement in WZ's.

So played tonight and WZs were playing like 1.2 with random FPS drops to low 40s and getting stuttering, dont get it, what can change in 24hrs, i was getting 60 fps constant last night when 1.3 hit live?

The game last night was running superb the best ive played in 6 months by far, thats all changed tonight.

Not that it matters but my server is The Red Eclipse

Im now going to jump back on the " Hate the Hero Engine train again :)

Edit: Very strange played a WZ's at 2 in the morning and all is fine again?

My ms is around 30 and does not go higher than 90, so can that mean i can still get lag which would result in FPS dropping ?
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It will be a ghost town as everyone moved to The Nightmare Lands! :)


How much more do you want it changed - it has a whole interface editor!

more like wow would be nice, can change everything, reskin etc, It's not the placement I hate, it's the look of the bars, I wish i could reskin it, like elvui for WoW but on swtor. Moving around is good, sure. But I'd prefer if I could do more :P
So, as some of you may be aware ive been praising the 1.3 patch that i first tested on the PTS and then live yesterday for its performance gains and FPS fixes, most noticeably was the huge improvement in WZ's.

So played tonight and WZs were playing like 1.2 with random FPS drops to low 40s and getting stuttering, dont get it, what can change in 24hrs, i was getting 60 fps constant last night when 1.3 hit live?

The game last night was running superb the best ive played in 6 months by far, thats all changed tonight.

Not that it matters but my server is The Red Eclipse

Im now going to jump back on the " Hate the Hero Engine train again :)

Edit: Very strange played a WZ's at 2 in the morning and all is fine again?

My ms is around 30 and does not go higher than 90, so can that mean i can still get lag which would result in FPS dropping ?

A different gameplay experience at peak vs off-peak hours would indicate server side latency (beyond your control). I havent played SWTOR since Feb, but I dont recall anything like that then however.
Was very unplayable for me last night the lag.

I have to admit last night wasn’t great! I also experienced quite a bit of lag. Mainly on Fleet and in WZ's. I also did Boarding Party FP and that was fine. I don’t think it’s the amount of people that were on as I got on quite late.
I have to admit last night wasn’t great! I also experienced quite a bit of lag. Mainly on Fleet and in WZ's. I also did Boarding Party FP and that was fine. I don’t think it’s the amount of people that were on as I got on quite late.

I dunno whats wrong in fp am now getting lag. Random spikes and big delays in moves
I played this for the first few months solid, i was actualy one of the few people on my server having a lot of fun with it, but at some point people just did not login anymore and the guild was basicaly dead... server was so quiet (Boa'Dur).

I did think about going back when the transfer came in but to be honest i was knee deep in D3 by that point. I hope i pick it up again at some point, its not a bad game at all.
I played this for the first few months solid, i was actualy one of the few people on my server having a lot of fun with it, but at some point people just did not login anymore and the guild was basicaly dead... server was so quiet (Boa'Dur).

I did think about going back when the transfer came in but to be honest i was knee deep in D3 by that point. I hope i pick it up again at some point, its not a bad game at all.

Definitely worth a bash mate. It's not perfect but the community is thriving at the minute with the server transfers and some great additions (albeit long overdue) in 1.3
The server transfer I'd like to do isn't available at the minute (i.e. destination server is not my pre-determined destination server).
I'm thinking about moving to the pre-determined server now as my current server is a ghost town (I think around 11 people online on imperial side when I looked earlier).
My concern is that if they open up the system more in the future my new server may be excluded from the origin list as it'll be one of the big servers.
Should I risk it?

Has there been any word on when the next stage ill be and what it will allow?
The server transfer I'd like to do isn't available at the minute (i.e. destination server is not my pre-determined destination server).
I'm thinking about moving to the pre-determined server now as my current server is a ghost town (I think around 11 people online on imperial side when I looked earlier).
My concern is that if they open up the system more in the future my new server may be excluded from the origin list as it'll be one of the big servers.
Should I risk it?

Has there been any word on when the next stage ill be and what it will allow?

Seriously move your characters. It's free and won't effect whatever they introduce later on, playing on a busy server is so much better it's literally like playing a different game.

I wouldnt expect any paid transfers for a little while. The vast majority of players are happy and it's a unnecessary developement cost for bioware.
Seriously move your characters. It's free and won't effect whatever they introduce later on, playing on a busy server is so much better it's literally like playing a different game.

I wouldnt expect any paid transfers for a little while. The vast majority of players are happy and it's a unnecessary developement cost for bioware.

I was hoping to combine them all on one server (which I thought was part of the point of the transfers!). I gained absolutely nothing from the first round of free transfers. I think a lot of my friends were the same too.
My other characters are on a full server so I know what it's like.
Best I can tell the only real difference it will make for me is there will be more people clicking all the glowies or hunting all the people I need to hunt. Which is why I'm tempted not to move, almost a whole server to myself!
Just be happy you're playing with no issues mate! I've been having a absolute nightmare since the patch, got stuck in the repair loop and this game will not let me overclock my pc. If its oc'd it will not patch and when oc'd the game randomly crashes.

I have no idea why this happens, everything else works 100% fine and it's definitely not a hardware fault. I can't believe bioware can release a patch that cocks things up and then blame it on my computer it's bonkers.
Best I can tell the only real difference it will make for me is there will be more people clicking all the glowies or hunting all the people I need to hunt. Which is why I'm tempted not to move, almost a whole server to myself!
Which completly defeats the object of playing an MMORPG in the first place, you might as well play a single player game if you want to be the only player on your server.

Do you not care about Heroics +2 /+4 / PVP Warzones / Flashpoints/ ?
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Which completly defeats the object of playing an MMORPG in the first place, you might as well play a single player game if you want to be the only player on your server.

That'd be ideal, could you point me at the single player version of SWTOR? :)

On other servers I often play teamed with my friends, but not on this specific server. And BioWare wont let me move the character to the server my friends (and other characters) are on.

Do you not care about Heroics +2 /+4 / PVP Warzones / Flashpoints/ ?

Not really no.
I was like that too. Was hooked on the story found one or two places hard but was enjoying it on my own, but now thanks to the group finder I'm doing a lot more of the flashpoints and heroics.
PVP Warzones are pretty fun too, minus hutball.
I was like that too. Was hooked on the story found one or two places hard but was enjoying it on my own, but now thanks to the group finder I'm doing a lot more of the flashpoints and heroics.
PVP Warzones are pretty fun too, minus hutball.

I do more of those things on the characters that are on the same servers as my friends.
I'm repeating enough content on my Bounty Hunter (the one on the deserted server) without having to repeat every Heroic and Flashpoint along the way.

I've got characters on 3 different servers and was hoping that server transfers would allow me to consolidate them on to one server and play with friends (which I think they hype around server transfers mentioned) but all of them have different destination servers, so I gain nothing by transferring. Well other than competition for glowies and possibly having to queue to be able to play.

The server transfer are a good idea, I just think they could've been done better.
What do people want to see next :D? apart from End content.

Would like to see Hairdressers to change your look and a better aliment system with rewards.
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