*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Been playing a lot of PVP and flashpoints thanks to the group finder, literally just so I can level up to 50 (48 atm). Struggling with some missions but at least I have something that can help me level.

Sith on pvp are bloody annoying though, I feel like my shadow is way underpowered :o
Been playing a lot of PVP and flashpoints thanks to the group finder, literally just so I can level up to 50 (48 atm). Struggling with some missions but at least I have something that can help me level.

Sith on pvp are bloody annoying though, I feel like my shadow is way underpowered :o

Shadows are arguably the most overpowered class in the game right now. If you've only just started PvP don't forget to pick up the recruit set when you hit 50 and please bear in mind you will get destroyed by well geared players when you first get in there.

A Shadow played well is almost unstoppable.
Shadows are arguably the most overpowered class in the game right now. If you've only just started PvP don't forget to pick up the recruit set when you hit 50 and please bear in mind you will get destroyed by well geared players when you first get in there.

A Shadow played well is almost unstoppable.

Probably doing something wrong then haha

Level 14 on pvp, literally getting used to it
Why did they all go and do that :confused:

Frostclaw was a great server when I left it, what happened!

Before the transfers went live, Frostclaw had died completely. I'd seen the repbulic fleet pop dip into the teens at times, and I was regularly on planets with only 3 others on them. People couldn't wait to get off :(
How is the 'Nightmare Lands' server? I just looked into see what the free transfer for my server was, and it points me to here.
How is the 'Nightmare Lands' server? I just looked into see what the free transfer for my server was, and it points me to here.

Not played on it much in the last couple of months as my brother rolled on Tomb of Freedon Nadd so been playing there, but Nightmare Lands always seemed to have a nice community when I was on it and pretty active, hopefully that has remained the same post-transfers, certainly active anyway.
well i re-activated my subm but whenever I try and launch the game it says there is an error with my installation and i need to repair 59 files :( I left it doing this overnight and then when I tried to launch it again it decided I needed to repair 59 files again.

Anybody had any experience of this or know how to fix it?
well i re-activated my subm but whenever I try and launch the game it says there is an error with my installation and i need to repair 59 files :( I left it doing this overnight and then when I tried to launch it again it decided I needed to repair 59 files again.

Anybody had any experience of this or know how to fix it?

Think snave had this and his kept looping, not sure how he resolved - but personally I would remove all trace of it and re-download the installer and start from fresh.
Yes I did indeed have this problem. This is how I fixed it, I have no idea why it fixed it and bioware will insist its not their piece of **** launcher but here it is.

Go to your bios and restore all defaults. Undo any form of oveclocking you have even if it's stable and shouldn't make a difference. Go into your star wars folder and run the "fix launcher" program. This will restore your launcher to its default state, when you run it the launcher will then update.

Right click the launcher and select properties, compatibility and then tick run in compatibility mode windows xp service pack 3. Go into the retail folder and do the same thing with the main exe in there. I'm sorry I forgot what he file is called but it's in the retail client folder.

That worked for me, uninstalling and reinstalling did not make any difference.

Alternatively if you have a friend with a working copy of the game you can copy that onto your pc and it will work fine.

Let me know how you gt on with these fixes, don't even get me started on the retarded responses from bioware....
Thanks for that snave, I have just run everything up in compatibility mode, its fixing the same 59 files again, lets see if that sorts it.
Good luck! Seriously though if you have any overclock it's probably not going to work, I tried tuning it down until it was barely even OCD and it still wouldn't work. Had to be default.

My mind boggles
Done EC 4/4 8Man HM now - was on my healer and despite only having a few Rakata bits managed to heal through it!!! Took about 6 attempts kept getting Kephess to 1 or 2% and him enraging...

Feels good - done all content at all Difficulty now (well only EC 16Man 3/4 actually but 8man is harder I believe)
I was hoping the guild recruitment spam would chill out after a week or so but it's still going strong. Give recruitment channel already!

/first world server problems.
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