*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

snave kindly offered me a trial invite.

Whats the deal with servers etc? Is there an OCUK clan or similar? or just a server where lots of you are on? Dont want baby sitting or anything but alway snice to have someone to talk to.
Sorry if I forgot to mention I already have a Level 50 and have done some Ops, but while guild hunting, I'm levelling an alt. Doing Esseles on that, as well as KuS or FE on the Level 50 were just borefests. I just couldn't wait to finish so I could log off.

Ops are more fun yea, but once you've done it, you don't feel like logging on for the rest of the week because there's nothing else PvE wise to do that make you want to log on.

I just had a 3 hour session on Diablo 3 with my Barbarian and I had more fun than I have had on SWTOR since I resubbed.

It's also the same when levelling alts. On WoW and D3, I didn't get bored until the 3rd or 4th alt. But on SWTOR, I feel like I have to make an alt on the opposing faction just so I don't get bored doing non-Class questing.

The moment I have that feeling in a game where I just can't wait to log off is when I stop defending the game. I've tried to look on the positives and I really wanted to like it again, but I don't think I'll be resubbing again. Sorry.
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I think you'd enjoy the challenge of EC esp on HM - all of the bosses have various mechanics which we learned to overcome via wipes. Esp the last boaa although he does neer some aerious DPS i admit

Quite possibly, although i might have forgot how to handle raid bosses with decent mechanics without boss mods :p

Have to admit, I've unsubbed again (will probably be playing on and off till the time is up).
Since I don't really have the lack of interruptions to be in a decent raiding guild (no point trying to schedule things when the parents like to send me off to the shops/take aways/etc) and theres literally nothing to do for a non raider once you have the Columi sets from HM FP's other than PvP which is still a unbalanced mess and made even worse by the comical stat difference fully augmented war hero gear has over the other available pvp gear.

PvP balance is actually kind of annoying since when you're not facing extremely overgeared opponents it's reasonably fun.

Bioware really need to get on top of providing things to do at endgame, both for raiders and non raiders. Doesn't help that the games biggest selling point (story) is dead and buried once you've finished Ilum.
Reasons to run the FP's once you have the set items would be handy (in WoW you'd keep running dungeons because the justice/valour points are always useful, even if just for crafting materials or such. In SWTOR the tionese/columi comms are useless once you have the gear they buy).
Whats the best way to aquire gear at 50 for pve and pvp,I haven't played for a few months is it still collect 1000 warzone and merc comms ready for 50 and the belsavis dailies before entering hard modes?
It all seems a bit confusing now or i'm just getting to old for mmos:)
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snave kindly offered me a trial invite.

Whats the deal with servers etc? Is there an OCUK clan or similar? or just a server where lots of you are on? Dont want baby sitting or anything but alway snice to have someone to talk to.

check the first post, i just acquired a trial as well and will be downloading tonight.

Edit: might not be able to use the trial because i used the email address on a beta account : /
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So what's everyone doing after they complete the story? Been giving PVP a push but finding it super hard, flashpoints are fun but people just seem to want to run past everything until the boss.
So what's everyone doing after they complete the story? Been giving PVP a push but finding it super hard, flashpoints are fun but people just seem to want to run past everything until the boss.

PvP is harder because a lot of people are running with War Hero Augmented gear which slices through you - esp if you are just in recruit; same happened to me last night hehe.

A lot of people run the HM FP's purely for the Daily or they've just dinged and want some Columi pieces - so it's all about speed and skipping trash, and even minibosses if possible.

You should look into getting guilded so you can run the Operations for a) gear and b) more of a challenge and c) for the social aspect :)

However besides running dailies for money and comms there isnt a whole lot else to do
snave kindly offered me a trial invite.

Whats the deal with servers etc? Is there an OCUK clan or similar? or just a server where lots of you are on? Dont want baby sitting or anything but alway snice to have someone to talk to.

Don't know where any Ocuk guilds are myself but basically after server transfers you want to be on Tomb of Freedon Nadd for Pvp ruleset, Nightmare Lands or The Red Eclipse for Pve and The Progenitor for RP.
PvP is harder because a lot of people are running with War Hero Augmented gear which slices through you - esp if you are just in recruit; same happened to me last night hehe.

A lot of people run the HM FP's purely for the Daily or they've just dinged and want some Columi pieces - so it's all about speed and skipping trash, and even minibosses if possible.

You should look into getting guilded so you can run the Operations for a) gear and b) more of a challenge and c) for the social aspect :)

However besides running dailies for money and comms there isnt a whole lot else to do

Aye, what I currently have equipped. Only way I'm going to get better gear is if I keep playing pvp though?

Kind of annoying as my shadow can only wear light armour and a lot of the things I come across is either Medium or Heavy.

Not sure where to start for looking for a guild though? Swtor forums?
Aye, what I currently have equipped. Only way I'm going to get better gear is if I keep playing pvp though?

Kind of annoying as my shadow can only wear light armour and a lot of the things I come across is either Medium or Heavy.

Not sure where to start for looking for a guild though? Swtor forums?

/1 on the Fleet is hounded by people recruiting for guilds!

If you PvP you can use your Warzone Comms at the Consular trainers to get Shadow DPS/Tank Gear - Recruit > Battlemaster > War Hero is the progression - so you should have full Recruit from the "token" you get at the PvP Terminal when you ding 50, if not you'll have to splash ~320k for the bits - then you can start using the Comms for Battlemaster then once full Battlemaster you can use Comms and trade in for War Hero (thats a hell of grind though).

Or with the PvE Route you can run HM FlashPoints for Columi Tokens (bare in mind it wont always be Consular tokens that drop) to Trade in for Columi you will also earn columi & Tionese Comms to help get parts. You can also run story mode EV/KP for Columi bits (i woul run dailies to get nice armouring/mods/hilts before hand) - once you are full Columi (or close to) you can run HM EV/KP (this is where a guild is needed as HM Ops are not on GroupFinder) to get Rakata Gear... once all Rakata'd up you can go for EC / EC HM for Black Hole / Campaign Gear (you can get Black Hole gear by running daily HM's through group finder and the black hole daily section weekly to help get more gear)

So PvP

Recruit > Battlemaster > War Hero


Tionese > Columi > Rakata > Campaign/Black Hole
On Recuit at the moment so I'll work towards Battlemaster now. Do I get comms by playing matches in PVP? (Sorry for the questions :o )

And I never get invites to guilds on the Fleet

I'll start with Tionese though
On Recuit at the moment so I'll work towards Battlemaster now. Do I get comms by playing matches in PVP? (Sorry for the questions :o )

And I never get invites to guilds on the Fleet

I'll start with Tionese though

Yes you earn Valor and Warzone Commendations in PvP Matches - usually 100-150 Comms depending on whether you win or lose and how many medals you get - the Battlemast Chests for instance cost ~1425 Comms - but you also get 100 or 300 for the PvP Daily (playing 6 matches) and 500 for the Weekly (winning 9 games) - which helps also

They wont invite randoms - but all of General chat is guilds advertise so send a /w to them when you see one about joining :)

Aim for Columi and you will get Tionese drops anyway - so just need to do HM FP's - which you can do through Group Finder.
In recruit gear at the moment, wasn't aware of the PVP Daily awards though. I hold up pretty well thanks to researching the hell out of Shadow specs and armour

Think it'll just get time getting used to playing pvp - Edit: Not doing it at all, too fustrating. Feel like my shadow isn't doing any damage at all.

Where do I start for Tionese/Columi gear? Is it certain flashpoints or planet? (again, sorry)
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Woo my first Level 50 Imp - #3 for the collection; slacked on him big time though... crazy how much of a boost getting that Recruit Gear is at 50!!

Grats! You should say hi to me the next time your on the imperial side, I find it much more satisfying killing people in pvp who I know :)
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