*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Well the easiest option to gear up quickly is to run the heroic daily quests, you'll get purple mods and armourings as a reward so you just need to slap them into moddable gear and you'll be in a decent position.

That being said as long as you aren't wiping all the time just carry on as you are.

Run Battle for Ilum Twice (damn group finder luck) and didn't wipe at all... I can't be bothered to run dailies more haha - grinded them so much recently on my other toons! heh.
Run Battle for Ilum Twice (damn group finder luck) and didn't wipe at all... I can't be bothered to run dailies more haha - grinded them so much recently on my other toons! heh.

People always moan about others gear, even more so if said person is tank or healer.

Been countless times when 4.3 came out in WoW the groups kicked my tank cause in there eyes it wasn't good enough geared, yet it was over min req
Well I had a Rakata chest token on my Slinger for a Jedi Knight so cashed that in and stuck it in Jugg Legacy gear - so he has a Rakata Chest piece now, obviously without set bonus :P
When was it ever terrible?

One good thing about the knee jerk QQers all leaving is the community is pretty decent right now, every time I read a post from someone saying "going back to wow" I know this community got a little better :)
When was it ever terrible?

One good thing about the knee jerk QQers all leaving is the community is pretty decent right now, every time I read a post from someone saying "going back to wow" I know this community got a little better :)

Well i can say the raids were buggy pos! Even more so the higher up the difficulties you got. Then some daily quests constantly bugged plus a load more things i cant be bothered to list here. It wasn't terrible when it was released but snowballed a month after that!
All I remember was Elliott saying over and over how great the game was in the guild chat. I then went on holiday for a few days, came back and it became the worst game in gaming history somehow.

Sure there was plenty wrong with the game, but there have been much, much worse MMOs out there.
Finally managed to put in some game time with my 7 day pass. It feels much smoother than before and I enjoyed it. Transferred from Kellian Jarro to The Red Eclipse and loads of people on there. Not sure if a lot of them are 7 day pass bods like me though.

For some reason I can't bind any keys to my Logitech G9X, I had a G9 last time I played and managed to bind no problem.
When was it ever terrible?

Buggy raids
Restricted loot
Buggy PvP
Complete lack of end game content
Poor variety of space combat missions
Boring flashpoints and too few hard modes
Too many servers and too few players
Missing Staple MMO mechanics i.e. Group Finder, Combat Log
Low res textures (still reasonably low res now)
Crafting useless
Instances instance instances (Wheres my MMO in my MMO?)
Completely broken world PvP.

Could name a whole lot more, but while terrible is a harsh word to use, it was hardly up to the standards expected of a AAA MMO as they kept saying.
That's a little dramatic.

Some encounters bugged some of the time, I know it's frustrating but it's a brand new game and unfortunately that means bugs.

Restricted loot? I have no idea what you mean unless it's the class specific loot? That was an idea that sounded great in theory but was poor in practice. Initially the concept had a lot of positive backing so not sure I'd count that as terrible.

WoW is 7 years and still has buggy pvp. That entire system is based around FOTM setups and that's considered better than swtors?

Games been out 6 months, has 3 operations and multiple hard mode flash points, 2 new ones introduced since launch. The next patch will include another operation and flashpoint along with a new planet. I'm happy with the content development and I'm going to assume you cleared them all on the hardest difficulty to make that statement.

Space combat is a side game, it was never a main feature.

I agree, too many servers was a bad idea but at least that's now been resolved.

Personally I never missed group finder but I appreciate they are popular features.

Are you playing on max settings? Game looks great to me.

Crafting has been useless in all MMO's i've played. Bioware seem to respond to community queries and suggestions though so hopefully now the game is more stable these will be developed

No idea how you can complain about a low population and multiple instances, you will never get the two.

Illum was terrible but ironically outlaws den is a "true world" pvp area and hardly anyone uses it.

All in all for 6 months it's come a hell of a long way but the game was so over hyped it was only ever going to end badly for a lot of players. To be honest I was a bit disgusted with the way the community reacted and I'm not sad they left to play other games.
That's a little dramatic.

Some encounters bugged some of the time, I know it's frustrating but it's a brand new game and unfortunately that means bugs.

Pillars bugged a lot in EV, Last boss in EV bugged nearly all the time. Platforms not appearing for the rancor boss. Nearly all of them where bugs that would completely wipe a raid and some like the last boss in EV would completely ruin the raid and make him unkillable.

There is nothing raiders hate more then content blocks due to buggy game design.

Restricted loot?

Orange cosmetic gear all being light armour, armour mods and hilt not removable from items.

Holocrons completely unobtainable for certain body types..... simple geometry......

WoW is 7 years and still has buggy pvp. That entire system is based around FOTM setups and that's considered better than swtors?

Never said anything about WoW or about it being better.

Games been out 6 months, has 3 operations and multiple hard mode flash points, 2 new ones introduced since launch. The next patch will include another operation and flashpoint along with a new planet. I'm happy with the content development and I'm going to assume you cleared them all on the hardest difficulty to make that statement.

Until Legacy patch yes.

Space combat is a side game, it was never a main feature.

So is that an acceptable excuse to provide limited content for it? Either provide good content or just don't bother wasting time on it.

Personally I never missed group finder but I appreciate they are popular features.

Sorry, let me just understand this correctly. You had no problem standing in Fleet spamming General for people to join your group for up to and in excess of an hour? I still remember horror stories when me and my friend (me DPS, him tank) would spam fleet for up to 3 hours to get a group together to do 1 run which took less then 30mins.

Are you playing on max settings? Game looks great to me.

60fps locked with forced improvements through Nvidia Inspector. There is a reason why they added "high res textures" to the Legacy patch.

No idea how you can complain about a low population and multiple instances, you will never get the two.

Its quite easy, i go to the high level zones and there is multiple instances of the same zone, go to the same high level location in WoW and you don't have instances. If a 8 year old game can do it, why the hell can a new game not do that? I don't want to be grouped with somebody and have to switch instances, it just reminds me of AoC all over again.

Illum was terrible but ironically outlaws den is a "true world" pvp area and hardly anyone uses it.

Because PvP'ing the same faction is completely boring.

All in all for 6 months it's come a hell of a long way but the game was so over hyped it was only ever going to end badly for a lot of players. To be honest I was a bit disgusted with the way the community reacted and I'm not sad they left to play other games.

I watched this game since it was first announced, i posted constantly in this thread, i knew pretty much everything about this game before launch, i was invited to the London closed door event, beta tested for months and bought the collectors edition, you could say i was a very big fan of the game.

Then when i got the final product in my hands, i quickly realised that the community had pressured some really really poor development ideas into the game (instanced planets, no dungeon finder etc etc) and if you go back through this thread you'll see where i point them out way before the game launched and during early release.

And now, 7-8 months in, they are adding content that should have been there on release.

The game is good for a MMO, but it was never a AAA MMO and it is a shining beacon as to why you should never ever listen to the community during development, because nostalgia completely ruins perspective.
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Anyone help me out with key bindings here?

I'm using a Logitech G9X and can assign all the buttons apart from the tilt left/right buttons on the mouse wheel. I have a profile set up and have them assigned as generic buttons. I have the same setup in WoW and they work fine but SWTOR wont let me assign these 2 buttons.

Sorted it out now. I chose key assignment in the setpoint software and assigned a couple of unused keys to the buttons and used these in game. Maybe this will help someone out in a similar position.
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Hi guys, quick question.

My 2 friends have started playing this as we were looking for something new to play. Now i'm not 100% yet but my friend has let me play his account whilst his laptop gets fixed. I've started levelling a Bounty Hunter, but once I buy my own account will I be able to transfer that character to my own account?
Hi guys, quick question.

My 2 friends have started playing this as we were looking for something new to play. Now i'm not 100% yet but my friend has let me play his account whilst his laptop gets fixed. I've started levelling a Bounty Hunter, but once I buy my own account will I be able to transfer that character to my own account?

No. Account sharing is against Terms of Service.
Hi guys, quick question.

My 2 friends have started playing this as we were looking for something new to play. Now i'm not 100% yet but my friend has let me play his account whilst his laptop gets fixed. I've started levelling a Bounty Hunter, but once I buy my own account will I be able to transfer that character to my own account?

Theres no account transfers like in WoW (where you can transfer between accounts if they have same last name)

Would be easier just leaving the game or trying another class before you get too far on the BH
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