That's a little dramatic.
Some encounters bugged some of the time, I know it's frustrating but it's a brand new game and unfortunately that means bugs.
Pillars bugged a lot in EV, Last boss in EV bugged nearly all the time. Platforms not appearing for the rancor boss. Nearly all of them where bugs that would completely wipe a raid and some like the last boss in EV would completely ruin the raid and make him unkillable.
There is nothing raiders hate more then content blocks due to buggy game design.
Orange cosmetic gear all being light armour, armour mods and hilt not removable from items.
Holocrons completely unobtainable for certain body types..... simple geometry......
WoW is 7 years and still has buggy pvp. That entire system is based around FOTM setups and that's considered better than swtors?
Never said anything about WoW or about it being better.
Games been out 6 months, has 3 operations and multiple hard mode flash points, 2 new ones introduced since launch. The next patch will include another operation and flashpoint along with a new planet. I'm happy with the content development and I'm going to assume you cleared them all on the hardest difficulty to make that statement.
Until Legacy patch yes.
Space combat is a side game, it was never a main feature.
So is that an acceptable excuse to provide limited content for it? Either provide good content or just don't bother wasting time on it.
Personally I never missed group finder but I appreciate they are popular features.
Sorry, let me just understand this correctly. You had no problem standing in Fleet spamming General for people to join your group for up to and in excess of an hour? I still remember horror stories when me and my friend (me DPS, him tank) would spam fleet for up to 3 hours to get a group together to do 1 run which took less then 30mins.
Are you playing on max settings? Game looks great to me.
60fps locked with forced improvements through Nvidia Inspector. There is a reason why they added "high res textures" to the Legacy patch.
No idea how you can complain about a low population and multiple instances, you will never get the two.
Its quite easy, i go to the high level zones and there is multiple instances of the same zone, go to the same high level location in WoW and you don't have instances. If a 8 year old game can do it, why the hell can a new game not do that? I don't want to be grouped with somebody and have to switch instances, it just reminds me of AoC all over again.
Illum was terrible but ironically outlaws den is a "true world" pvp area and hardly anyone uses it.
Because PvP'ing the same faction is completely boring.
All in all for 6 months it's come a hell of a long way but the game was so over hyped it was only ever going to end badly for a lot of players. To be honest I was a bit disgusted with the way the community reacted and I'm not sad they left to play other games.
I watched this game since it was first announced, i posted constantly in this thread, i knew pretty much everything about this game before launch, i was invited to the London closed door event, beta tested for months and bought the collectors edition, you could say i was a very big fan of the game.
Then when i got the final product in my hands, i quickly realised that the community had pressured some really really poor development ideas into the game (instanced planets, no dungeon finder etc etc) and if you go back through this thread you'll see where i point them out way before the game launched and during early release.
And now, 7-8 months in, they are adding content that should have been there on release.
The game is good for a MMO, but it was never a AAA MMO and it is a shining beacon as to why you should never ever listen to the community during development, because nostalgia completely ruins perspective.