*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Confused over here. I'm a level 31 Sith Marauder going for the Dark Side :D. I've been been any good at fitting characters out. What should I be aiming for? High Strength & Willpower?

I don't play marauder so you may want to check the marauder section of the Sith Warrior forums (official site). Anyway, you don't want willpower thats for Inquisitors. You'll focus on Strength as your primary stat and then stuff like power, crit, surge and accuracy. edit... and beaten by mcdaniel :P
So Nightmare Pilgrim was a total fail due to a bunch or rep idiots ganking us. Will have to go for it at 3am or something daft to ensure not many are around. EC HM tonight.
Hi guys. I've not been playing for a while and I am wondering how the servers have picked up over the past 3-4 weeks? I play on Tomb of Freedon Nadd since transferring my characters for free from Niman.
Hi guys. I've not been playing for a while and I am wondering how the servers have picked up over the past 3-4 weeks? I play on Tomb of Freedon Nadd since transferring my characters for free from Niman.

Population is not an issue at all anymore. Was Pvping until 3am last night with no delay in queues.
Reactivated after giving it a couple of month break.

Much better with the high-res textures, group finder, shorter waiting times for PVP to initiate.

Getting my old L50 a bit of gear, so easy to get groups as a tank - still waiting to see what the next big content patch will add - that will be the decider as to if I keep playing.
I posted a link on the last page with details of the next patch, check it out it looks pretty good!
Cheers mate, any chance of a copy-past from the sites (for those at work, will be good to have it in the thread) "shameless request" :p

The game has definitely improved, as with all MMO's it's always worth giving them a few months to sort out the teething pains - definitely going to start the next MMO 6 months after launch (At least), as I always play from day 1 & regret it.

The story mode operations is a nice addition, as it gives people with limited time a chance to see the content.
I just got my marauder to level 50,got the full set of recruit pvp gear and started the warzone queue and i have been in the queue for nearly 2 hours:confused: this is on tofn which is packed is this normal? its gonna take months to gear up at this rate:(
2 hour queue seems very abnormal. Possibly there was a glitch that prevented you from actually queuing? Tofn has a massive pvp population so waiting more than 5 minutes should be rare.
Cancelling my subscription for this as i find LotRO a much better MMO through my eyes, [i've played LotRO before] but i hope everyone else who is currently playing and enjoying this game continue to do so and that BioWare keep this good work going.
I’ve been reading about this game for a little while, nearly purchased it a couple of times but never as I’m not keen on the MMO thing at all. I’m a casual gamer but I loved Mass Effect 1 and 2, didn’t like the third instalment as much but I do like how Bioware flowed the story and made a role playing game interesting.

Stars Wars Knights of the old republic was a fantastic game, and I was hoping Star Wars the old republic would be Mass Effect type gameplay set in a star wars universe.

Sadly its online MMO but I’m no expert on MMO, I’ve never played one, I have read though, this game has a single player type mode to it, and you can play it like Mass Effect but just have other online players around you.

Not keen to pay £30 to then find out I get whooped and blown to bits within minutes of joining up, I want to explore, follow a story and just have a few hours here and there playing as maybe a sith or something and enjoy the cinematic scenes just like I did with Mass Effect..

Bottom line, is this a story based game with others wondering around? I don’t want some fps type game where I get totally annihilated, or have to learn to become a ace shot, does the game have enemies that are scripted or are you fighting against actual online players? Or are they a combination of both scripted and online players? Will I just die a thousand deaths and waste £30?
I’ve been reading about this game for a little while, nearly purchased it a couple of times but never as I’m not keen on the MMO thing at all. I’m a casual gamer but I loved Mass Effect 1 and 2, didn’t like the third instalment as much but I do like how Bioware flowed the story and made a role playing game interesting.

Stars Wars Knights of the old republic was a fantastic game, and I was hoping Star Wars the old republic would be Mass Effect type gameplay set in a star wars universe.

Sadly its online MMO but I’m no expert on MMO, I’ve never played one, I have read though, this game has a single player type mode to it, and you can play it like Mass Effect but just have other online players around you.

Not keen to pay £30 to then find out I get whooped and blown to bits within minutes of joining up, I want to explore, follow a story and just have a few hours here and there playing as maybe a sith or something and enjoy the cinematic scenes just like I did with Mass Effect..

Bottom line, is this a story based game with others wondering around? I don’t want some fps type game where I get totally annihilated, or have to learn to become a ace shot, does the game have enemies that are scripted or are you fighting against actual online players? Or are they a combination of both scripted and online players? Will I just die a thousand deaths and waste £30?

It's free untill level 15 now mate. So go mad...:D
It's free untill level 15 now mate. So go mad...:D

Well how confusing is that lol I went to origin and the game is listed as £29.99 onwards but no mention of a free trial to demo the game.

Yet if you look or search the official website, you can indeed obtain a free copy to try it out https://account.swtor.com/trial

Quite handy, so that’ll do me and I’ll give it a go. That’s my evening sorted, upset the girlfriend when I fire the laptop up and pretend to be a sith lord lol
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