I’ve been reading about this game for a little while, nearly purchased it a couple of times but never as I’m not keen on the MMO thing at all. I’m a casual gamer but I loved Mass Effect 1 and 2, didn’t like the third instalment as much but I do like how Bioware flowed the story and made a role playing game interesting.
Stars Wars Knights of the old republic was a fantastic game, and I was hoping Star Wars the old republic would be Mass Effect type gameplay set in a star wars universe.
Sadly its online MMO but I’m no expert on MMO, I’ve never played one, I have read though, this game has a single player type mode to it, and you can play it like Mass Effect but just have other online players around you.
Not keen to pay £30 to then find out I get whooped and blown to bits within minutes of joining up, I want to explore, follow a story and just have a few hours here and there playing as maybe a sith or something and enjoy the cinematic scenes just like I did with Mass Effect..
Bottom line, is this a story based game with others wondering around? I don’t want some fps type game where I get totally annihilated, or have to learn to become a ace shot, does the game have enemies that are scripted or are you fighting against actual online players? Or are they a combination of both scripted and online players? Will I just die a thousand deaths and waste £30?