*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Potentially there are 8 very good storylines, so a good bit of scope with regards to alt characters. I am interested to see what the endgame is.

Are they totally different story lines? Or are you still going to the same zones, just doing a different "main" quest there, whilst the rest remains the same?

I'm guessing that its the latter, otherwise how will other players go through your story and its zones with you? I assuming that in effect all 8 players would go to the same zones and do the same quests, except for the story line quest (epic questline as they tend to be called in other MMOs) which will be different. Which would ultimately mean that barring an hour or so per zone for the epic quest in a zone, the rest of the zone will be the same for all 8 characters?
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You could essentially play it as if it were a singleplayer game, then when you finish the story, stop. As if it had ended.

Except you'll probably get a lot more out of it, maybe.
You could essentially play it as if it were a singleplayer game, then when you finish the story, stop. As if it had ended.

Except you'll probably get a lot more out of it, maybe.
That's how I imagine I might play it, so will simply subscribe for a month and go through a few of the storylines.
Another player review for you guys -

This really is quite a long post, and can be read in 3 sections, (it might even have been better as 3 separate posts :/)

I mentioned some of this in General chat to get some idea if I am alone on these thoughts, but I look at some mechanics (which are not very well explained at all in the game, I should add) and just don't get the point, or... don't like the implementation.

I should mention, I am a mechanics guy, I am looking at the bare bones, not really looking at story or feel in any of this, just how it affects my gameplay.

3 Areas:

Social Points/Level.
Advanced Class Choices.

Social Points/Level.

It took me a while to get the jist of how this works, and after a number of discussions and trying things out I think I finally worked it out. Upon this, I decided I just don't like it, sorry .

Let me explain what they are, for people that don't know yet:

You get social points for winning MP conversation rolls (8 in a full group)
You need 150 points for rank 1, (Planet 1 requires rank 1.)
With Social Rank you can equip certain gear from certain vendors, they cost money to buy and are generally blue con items with a pretty large range of choice.

Firstly: I don't get the point, I don't understand the need to encourage multiplayer conversations even more than what MMO's already emphasize with grouping up. (I play MMO's in a group myself, I am not really a soloist at all). When playing the game as a group there are already so many plus sides; You play as a group for flash points (Commendations = gear), you play as a group for an easier time through areas (Group areas = better loot), you play as a group with your friends because that's how you enjoy the game. These methods provide better loot than other styles of play already. Putting too much emphasis on the grouping actually makes you feel you are being even more limited by soloing. But I digress...

Secondly: You only get them when you 'win' a conversation, being there in the first place is social... is this a bug? I would personally believe this is a bug... and hope it's a bug.

Thirdly: As it stands this is a huge grind. In the first area you need 150 Social Points, you get 8 per conversation win with 4 people, 6 points with 3 people, and 4 points with 2 people. The gear on the first planet is basically unobtainable unless you somehow manage to win every conversation >.>. Then you move on to the 2nd planet which requires social rank 2, which means a lot of grinding, (especially if you haven't multi-convo'd up to that point.)

THEN on Tatooine you need Social Rank 5... this is basically a bit too stretched out, there is no way this is easily obtainable whilst leveling unless you really 'really' want to grind and focus on it.

With them points noted, let me say what 'my' real problem with it is;

Unless you group for the entire game, you are going to be perpetually behind. It basically limits you more on what gear you choose from. If you go up to the end game solo (which is EASILY doable in this game), you have to then grind up all social ranks before you can get stuff of your level/planet/tier.

I honestly feel like this is a brand new un-tested mechanic that needs to either be refined in a major fashion or just removed from the game, when I see it I do believe this is probably the truth of the matter, and it's only recently been put in. Which is 100% fine I should add!

Suggestions: (not all of these at once):

Make it so social rank earns you titles/cosmetic gear or new emotes, not advancement gear. (My preference overall)
Make it so every planet has it's own social rank, rather than being a rank 1-10 thing (assuming 10 is max)
Reduce the grind dramatically, the first planet should only really require 1 multiplayer conversation, (since some planets only have 1 real group quest with a conversation.) Then realllly tone down the requirement for the later ranks.
Gain social points whenever you take part in a MP convo, not just on a win.


I actually really like the idea behind these, (For those that don't know, you can go to the scoreboard in a Warzone and award a commendation to a single person on your team during a match.)

My main question is more about the ease of abuse:

If I go in with 3 other players, could 3 of us give the 4th member of our party the commendations, or are they locked out of my choice?

I will admit I am not 100% sure on what a commendation gets you 'exactly' it's something I noticed and was intrigued/alarmed by. I am sure as more details are found I will have more questions about it.

Advanced Class Choices.

A lot of people right now have read way ahead on what the advanced classes are and know what they want to chose, but in-game the documentation is close to non-existant. So, if you are brand new to the game and not done any research, you are hit pretty hard when you get to level 10.

You also get locked out right away and have no idea what you are getting yourself in for, if you choose the wrong thing for yourself because you can't see the trees... you restart the character and replay through the story you just did.

If the advanced class system that is in is going to stay, I would suggest allowing a player to change from one advanced class to the other until they have spent a single point in any tree, at that point they are locked. This allows them to atleast take a look at what they can get in the future. Obviously skills you can purchase at 10 for an advanced class would have to be locked until a decision is made.

When it comes right down to the core, other MMO's have used this method and it has eventually been wiped out and replaced for good reasons, 2 examples from major MMO's:

DAoC; you would level up to 5? or 10? then choose your advanced class... this was changed, now you just choose your class right at the beginning and go from there.
EQ2 used it in an even larger manner. You would choose your base class (1 of 4) which then lead to an advanced class (1 of 2), then you would again choose another advanced class a bit later. Example being... Priest > Druid > Fury. This was eventually removed and all 16 classes can now be chosen at level 1.

There are a few reasons for this:

The player can now choose their class and see exactly where they are heading, the abilities they are getting, and plan out as they play... not have to check it all in advance outside of the game.
Ease of use. You choose your class, you decide if you like where it's going and restart if you don't like it, not have to get to a certain level first, and replay everything you just did.
You know your role.

I honestly believe that TOR would be better off just doing this from the get go. OR allowing respec of advanced class for a large fee (the higher you are the more it costs).

Essentially TOR has 8 classes per side, each with 3 trees in their talent choices.

As a player I would prefer:

At level 1 I choose my class from 8 (per faction), and I can see the talent trees right away as I log in. There is no need to change any abilities, players are fine up to 10 as it is... A sage and shadow for example could use the same abilities up to 10 and have the same story. This also allows a greater level of description on creation and far more planning from within the game.

Currently it feels somewhat like... different stuff was planned, then this all came together and decisions were made to leave it as is, it just feels extremely... clunky/unfinished.

In the end, the only difference between choosing your class at 1 and at 10, is that the player learns their class as they play from the beginning rather than get to level 10 and then adjust things, gameplay wise and mechanics wise, nothing else really needs to change.

Either that, or like I said above, allow respeccing of advanced classes, there are 4 major story arcs per faction anyway, if I wanted a Jedi Sage and Shadow at 50 I would have to play through the story twice... which is fine to me, I would do it if I have to, but I am not sure that's what the majority would like to do.

I really should mention, that I really do enjoy the game a lot, sorry if this post seems really negative, it's not meant to be. I just finished my burst for the day and will be heading out for some sleep. I do have a few other gripes but these are the major ones I see right now.

Maybe I am the only one with this opinion... but please say it isn't so. No doubt it's been discussed in many many other posts! There are probably a ton of mistakes too, I am pretty tired :P
Hmm... I wonder what the benefits are of the warzone commendations, it sounds like something which could be very easily exploited by a group of players.

I kind of like the social points concept, but the idea of "winning" a conversation seems somewhat bizarre.
A surprise thats not in yet, quite an important staple of any MMO really imo. Something that they will add maybe.

Its not a staple, WoW didn't have overhead "art" until what Lich King expansion?

That part doesnt surprise me tbh, I suspect that anyone who is expecting another SWG will be disappointed, I wonder how small "really small" is. We've seen before how short lived the excitement over small MMO worlds is. Perhaps this one is down to the expectations of the player though, if the player is expecting a quite linear, small world then theres no problem.

If your expecting a sandbox SWG style, then move on now. If your looking for a theme park MMO, then ToR is the one for you.

But don't come on here and scream the worlds are too small compared to a sandbox, because that is an unfair comparison. Compare it to the likes of WoW, LOTRO, Aion and so on.

That one is a fairly worrying sentence though, its not going to turn out to be another Champions Online/Star Trek Online type of thing is it, where theres not much of a world other than the story and you're never given the feeling of having a choice of many things to do?

What is there to do in WoW, LOTRO, Aion and so on? Level and grind gear. Yet 12 million players play WoW.

ToR brings you leveling, gear grinding and story. At least it offers something extra.

So many miss informed arm chair generals.
So if anyone voicing genuine doubts about the game is a wow "fanboy" does it make you a TOR "fanboy" because you are just defending it for the sake of defending it?

No, i've already explained, nearly all of you are massively miss informed and are claiming the sky is falling before you have even played / understood the game.

Doubts are fine, express them and move on. Don't just go "this game will fail lol" *goes back to running around the dalaran fountain*

For example the people who claim this is a single player game, so sadly sadly miss informed.
Its not a staple, WoW didn't have overhead "art" until what Lich King expansion?

Its a staple now, its irrelevant what WoW did and didnt have, groups are now used to being able to mark target 1, 2 and 3 etc. Its become a staple of group based encounters. As I say, I'm sure they will add it, its not something which requires a lot of coding so probably just something that they havent felt the need to include at this stage of testing.

If your expecting a sandbox SWG style, then move on now. If your looking for a theme park MMO, then ToR is the one for you.

But don't come on here and scream the worlds are too small compared to a sandbox, because that is an unfair comparison. Compare it to the likes of WoW, LOTRO, Aion and so on.

I'm not "screaming" anything, seriously you need to back down somewhat on the attitude, I am viewing the game with objectivity and sitting on the fence. I'm not screaming fanboy claims and I'm not dissing everything I see. What I said was that any comments on the size of the game will be due to the players expectations, which is pretty much what you said.

What is there to do in WoW, LOTRO, Aion and so on? Level and grind gear. Yet 12 million players play WoW.

ToR brings you leveling, gear grinding and story. At least it offers something extra.

So many miss informed arm chair generals.

So many fanbois who wont hear a bad word said about their beloved messiah of MMO gaming , is what I could easily say.

Really you need to calm down, I'm not a misinformed arm chair general at all. Frankly I dont give a damn how many millions of players play WoW, whats that got to do with anything?? Millions of people listen to Justin Bieber, doesnt make his music better than the Beatles. Nowhere have I said SWtor will fail, I dont think it will. I said it worries me because its not what I was hoping for, I had hoped for a little more. Mainly because I pine for the days of UO, Daoc and AC. The game will be a massive success because it carries Biowares name and Star Wars name, I am assessing whether its the right MMO for me, not the right MMO for every person on the planet.

Doubts are fine, express them and move on. Don't just go "this game will fail lol" *goes back to running around the dalaran fountain*

Thats what I've done, expressed my doubts and at no point have I just gone "this game will fail lol". I dont play WoW, so I am not likely to go running around a dalaran fountain either.
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Man, the WoW fanboys are really starting up the flaming.

Its becoming childish. Have you ever heard the phrase "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"?

I don't play WoW, i couldn't get into it.
No, i've already explained, nearly all of you are massively miss informed and are claiming the sky is falling before you have even played / understood the game.

Doubts are fine, express them and move on. Don't just go "this game will fail lol" *goes back to running around the dalaran fountain*

For example the people who claim this is a single player game, so sadly sadly miss informed.

I haven't really noticed too much of that in this thread really. It seems more the case of people saying that since the SP stories are really well developed, that they'll play the game for the SP *at the very least* and the MMO bit is gravy.

Jumping on people voicing opinion & calling them fanboi's & armchair generals who are incredibly badly informed, well that doesn't seem particularly deserved. Perhaps you should try & inform?

This isn't an attack on you or the game. I'm very much looking forward to playing this game, regardless of reviews. I too will approach it like a single player initially, mainly because I'm waiting on my next KOTOR fix, and partially because I'm getting a bit old to play MMORPG's 'properly' so I flit in and out of them, which isn't fair on a guild.

What does seem positive from the tester reviews posted so far, is that it sounds a bit more of an old-school mmo, and one that doesn't hold your hand as much as the recently released ones. I'd be interested in reading more class reviews, is there a good site for this, or are they considered leaks since the beta is still under NDA?
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