*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

That's positive. As a barometer to that and so people can get some idea of what sort of mmo appeals to you, what would you say was the previous best mmo you ever played (prior to sw:tor taking that place for you) ?

Rift im still subbed to that but havent touched it since the TOR beta started thursday. I didnt really enjoy WoW, and LOTRO felt average because none of the classes appealed to me.
It's not KOTOR though remember. It's not like you start off neutral and slide towards the dark or light sides depending on your choices. You pick sith or jedi as a starting class and you're stuck with it.

I don't know what kind of impact the conversation choices are going to have, but I doubt very much turning to the dark side and switching sides is going to be part of it.

It'll probably be more in line with Mass Effect's Nice Guy or Prat system.

Quite big choices in the game actually. I was plotting with another guy to kill this lord, to get up the ladder in the sith academy. But after talking to the lord and realising he would (for a while) make a better ally and nicer rewards i sided with him and killed the plotter:D
Rift im still subbed to that but havent touched it since the TOR beta started thursday. I didnt really enjoy WoW, and LOTRO felt average because none of the classes appealed to me.

So before you played SWToR you felt that Rift was the best MMO you'd ever played. Many thanks, always helpful to have a measure to compare with.
It's not KOTOR though remember. It's not like you start off neutral and slide towards the dark or light sides depending on your choices. You pick sith or jedi as a starting class and you're stuck with it.

Plus they couldn't implement that because knowing what today MMO playerbase is like the second one side was better in warfronts or better in pve raids everyone would grind points to switch faction leaving the other deserted.
Going for the sympathy vote, other half walked out and many hours of empty void to fill....beta access key much appreciated
Wait, so everyone speeds up by 35% at level 15? If that's the case couldn't they just increase the default run speed by 35% and not give it out as an enhancement to your character? Very odd.
Item Enhancement
Top marks for this one Bioware, it's an ingenious mechanic. Rather than having to get whole new items you can swap out components to keep them up to date with your level, it's a great system.

So something like LOTRO then, with the legendary weapons? - One of the best features in LOTRO
Not sure if it has been posted, but this will be an Origin exclusive digital release apparently :( - looks like I will be picking up a retail copy, but was hoping to have it on Steam :(
Not sure if it has been posted, but this will be an Origin exclusive digital release apparently :( - looks like I will be picking up a retail copy, but was hoping to have it on Steam :(

There was a post a while back called " EA moves all their games to Origin" well something like that and it was discussed that SWTOR would be an exclusive to Origin. There were many EA haters in that post and at the end of the day where ever you buy it , money still goes to EA. But it would have been nice to have it on Steam
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