[Cas];17022801 said:
You get more annoying as you post. Call yourself an Arsenal supporter? Try giving them a little of support, instead of criticising every single thing they do!
Oh and just in case you didn't know, Arsene Wenger isn't to blame for the worlds troubles.
Wow, so throwing away 15million by keeping him for another season DOES make sense and I'm wrong? Please explain how.
A good fan actually see's the problems, and wants them fixed, a stupid fan ignores the problems, assumes beating McNobody FC means they'll win the world cup, and thats how you end up with England being embarassed completely in the world cup.
Arsenal and England completely ignored, and belittled anyone who said there were problems as long as they were beating crap teams by narrow margins, when up against the top teams, they got BATTERED and everyone wondered what happens.
Ignoring problems = not even remotely helpful.
You might have noticed, 6-7 years ago, we'd be even expected to win more than 50% of our top 4 games, for two seasons we've been basically spanked in all 6 of those games.
If you notice, go back in the past 3 seasons, if we won those games, we win the league. Being able to beat a bankrupt Pompie, or an awful Derby, really means nothing, if you can't draw with the top four, let alone win, you can't win the league, its not possible, you can't do it. We weren't even competitive, not being competitive = a HUGE problem, as a fan, I actually want the team to improve, most other fans want to ignore the problems and pretend they can win the league.
If we were broke, couldn't buy, played our best players and formation and couldn't win, thats one thing. Arsenal have a net spend of £5mil since 03, yet post the second biggest profit of any team in the league, in the region of 50-60mil a year now, with 30mil going on the debt, leaving 25-30mil profit a season. Spurs have spent 120mil net, Villa and pool around the 100mil mark, Sunderland and Birmingham over £50mil.
I don't even want us to spend, we're a club with the money, most of the players and the quality to actually compete, but we aren't and there isn't a good reason for that at all. UTd have done exceptionally well, with only a 38mil net spend.
Wengers lost his marbles, we had 4-5 better players to start games over Diaby, who was abysmal, its entirely nuts we played him, or lost Gilberto, the best DM in the world cup, and the confed cup, by far, who we could have kept for nothing, amongst many many many other huge and critical mistakes.
LIke I said, if we weren't profitable, couldn't spend, didn't have better players, stopped buying central attacking players as we move to a formation that uses less of them, etc, etc then I wouldn't care if we finished 10th, or just above relegation. But thats not the situation the club is in, the situation we are in, squad, money, profit, transfers, draw of the club, we should be genuine contenders, and we aren't at all. We've still gone backwards this summer, and our big push forwards....... is to get a goalkeeper a year, maybe two from retirement, for a pretty high fee and it signals the bigger problem, that Wenger still thinks Fabianski will come good.
If we get Schwarzer, then we'll be right back where we are now, without a competant keeper, in 2 seasons max. Wengers complete inability to cut the dead wood is his biggest failing.