******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Shame I'm away, the floats thing was really fun last time :(

I remember me and another h6k being the last two planes in game, practically flying in formation, both of us pretty duffed up, him trying to overtake me so he could get his cannon on me and me using my single remaining 7.7 to try and pick off his engines one by one. After a good 5 or so minutes of trying this I came to the conclusion that jap 7.7s cant do anything to H6ks, so, pretended to let him pass overhead then pulled up into his underside :)
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Been using facetracknoir faceapi lately and it really helps in dogfighting.If you have a webcam laying around give it a try.
Hello gents, I thought I'd share something with you I've been thinking about recently.

2 months ago I unlocked the HE162 German micro-jet fighter.
Ever since I've been grinding to upgrade it, using both Arcade and Realistic modes, but as of yesterday I officially give up. Now, here's why:
The first upgrade costs you 40,000 research points. For a good battle, I get 1,000. But mostly I'm getting 200-800 per battle on. Which means it will take me about 100-200 battles to gain only the first upgrade. In the meantime, I'm running a jets that won't turn, is inaccurate when it fires, is slow for it's tier, and doesn't have the ammo upgrades that would allow me to compete. I'm also forced, at the beginning of every match, to turn 90-to-180 degrees and go into a steep climb for HALF OF THE BATTLE, to gain the altitude to boom and zoom effectively, which is the only damned way this thing can get kills. I can't hunt bombers, they just kill me. I can't turn fight, I lose every time. I can't surprise people, because the thing is too slow against the competition to pounce on them.
Which brings me to the tiering. The 162 is 6.7BR. Currently, because Gaijin, I am going up against post-war Meteors, P-80's, MIG's of every type, F9F Panthers, fully-upgraded F8F's and TA152s, and, oh-so-wonderfully, F-86's! Remember how I begin every match by climbing level with the spawn? Many of these planes have the speed and power to reach me in under 2 minutes from their own spawn, and once they do there is no competition. I am dead. My best choice is to turn and head-2-head them and prey I can clip them to score a few measly Research points.

So I am recommending to everyone:
Once you get to the point where you are researching jets for a country, switch to another country.
Jet gameplay is purely boom-n-zoom and one-shot kills. It is boring, tiresome and your equipment will take so long to level to the point it is usable you will have lost your mind to tedium by the time it is.
I'll be sticking to props from now on.

Thanks Gaijin.
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I've had two high tier prop sessions since last online with you chaps. I was extremely surprised to be flying high tier Brits (BR 5.7+) and not being put onto Hokkaido a single time! Up against German's and Japanese most of the time, woo!
Just to expand on my previous (I wasn't at my Gaming Laptop before, so couldn't access WT to check things):
Here's the Modifications tree:

In total you need to earn 201,000 Research Points to fully upgrade this plane.
In my last 3 battles I earnt 2346 RP, giving an average of 782 RP per battle.
That would mean I have to fly this plane out, and do average (or better) exactly 258 times.
And my best was 1006 RP, and my worst 509 RP. I also got a 185 RP battle 2 days ago. Not good.
Say I play WT every night without fail, and each night I play 10 times. I would need to dedicate an entire month (26 days) of nothing but German high tiered jet battles in order to get this plane performing how it should. I would be getting killed every time by F8F's, Meteors and the damned Mig 15's every time. And even then it may not be competitive, because it's first generation tech'!

Sod that for a game of soldiers.
Brain - is it not worth putting it into Realistic battles then instead of arcade?

Or does it not matter what you do you still get lumped against daft opposition?

I'll stick to my big multi engined stuff I think then - Bombers FTW
So much want for more bombers or multi engined stuff

Any suggestions for multi engined goodness - excluding our beloved h6k4?
On the way there currently

Thinking maybe the Brit stuff, and then the German stuff for when they add the big german bombers like the condor etc
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