******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Anyone else have games where they can't hit the broadside of a barn then games where you pilot snipe everything you shoot? Getting a tad annoying :p

I tend to find that this matches whatever ping times I'm getting.

I normally hover around 30-40ms, but on some matches it shoots up to ~ 150ms and I barely hit anything :o
in, the only people 'out' were people either not playing this year or not squadding or never replying



Spangles did give me the ts details but I missed them cause I had to rage quit - I was rammed by the same 'Talanted' person 4 times in 1 arcade game

Thank god there all going back to school, so the proffessionals can resume control.
Have you guys ever had this (I know Boycey has when he's not had his caffeine)?

I was in a match yesterday where one of my team would not stop putting inane comments in team chat. First basic comments on what he was doing, then saying how much he loved the BF109. He then tried to give advice to another player that was so basic I could have cried. All the while he's ignoring the enemy and doing a crappy job of fighting.

So I teamkilled him. (I got 1st on team, FYI).

Was I wrong?
Heck no

My one good deed when I got back on was team bomb a greifer on a domination match who tried to capture a base.

I 'rightly' claimed I was trying to get the guy on the other team who was capping behind him (By the by I got them both double kill 1000lb bomb ftw) But i was aiming for him after the crap he said about bombers and noob brit players etc.

In other news - H6K4 crew have reached god like status rofl - used some gold I had spare from last time I bought some to add extra extra to them :)
Im confused Boycey, you not coming back till christmas?

Boycey go play shooty-shooting in far far away sandpit, because Bin-Laden. Boycey be gone for long time, because RAF.
I do a sad.
Spangles is does a sad.
Matt_FSR, Kwango and even AmeriKutter also be doings sads for him not to be here to play flyplanes.

But Boycey, him no do saddings, for him play with proper flyplane woosh jets in kinda Advanced Simulator mode, with Oculus Rift.
Only with ground targits doh, coz Bin-Laiding, he no have woosh jets.
Between the baby and starting a new job, I have barely been online :( Also seems we have people coming round on Saturday which is a pain. Will try and get on at some point but it is really at random timings. When the baby is awake, it is not worth even trying to play :(
Anybody using a joystick for this? I wonder if mouse is more accurate especially in arcade...

Yup, for arcade simply don't use a joystick. Any other mode, its perfect but arcade gives M+KB a distinct advantage.

Saying that, best line up for joystick arcade is a deck full of P39 and P63's (or Russian BR2-3 planes I guess), since usually just one or two hits on an enemy gets a kill :D
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