******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Brain I was useing the art of subtle persuasion (Not to mention my dyslexia) to embad a thought proccess

Though that works as well
had a major cull of inactive players tonight (with other opinions as to who plays or not)

if anyone has been cut that still wants to play please reapply, and my apologies in advance
Sorry mate we always see you online but you never respond to squadding requests.

I usually play some tanks too so we still want you in the squad if you want to be, I'll squad up for some tanks if you want. I'll happily play some tanks!

The message I sent out hopefully explained this, however it was not meant in a harsh way at all, just we see a lot of people that want to be in the sqn but dont want to play as part of it.

The same stands for everyone else, if you still play and want in then please accept my apologies.
Oh no, i understand completely, ive gone off planes and mainly stick to tanks in realistic battles these days, arcade is just way too easy for tanks - i would like to re-join only reason ive not squadded up in a while is because ive been on tanks and i know you guys like the planes more, i guess in realistic battles we can do both though.
Also TS might be hard at times but i can sure try and get on more, just dont want to push the girlfriend out by spending time on TS lol.
Reapply mate and I'll sort some realistic tanking out, im only in the country for another few days mind but I'm sure someone else will want to aswell.

Teamspeak is not essential, only recommended, we have a few players who only listen in for targets and chat etc. and some who just type in chat. You will never be excluded for a squad for having no TS.

If anything its prob easier in tanks to type anyway as you have the time.
I have done so fella, thats not a problem, ill ask when i see people online see if anyone wants to RB in either tanks or planes as they both work together, as long as you dont mind losing the plane and having to use tanks or vica versa.
Just to back up Boycey, you're more than welcome dude. Me and Boyce play quite a bit of tanks and with him being away sunning himself ;) I'll happily squad up if you wanna bit of rb tanks. Not back in country till next Friday though.

Btw glad you did the cull mate. Was something I've been planning for a while. Much better having a small number of people who want to play together than a huge crowd made up off mainly lone wolves. Was the main reason I started the squad up. Not meaning to be rude but if you're happier playing on your own you don't need to be in a squad.


See you all in a week

p.s. I still hate you brainchild lol
...what? :confused: I was referencing your vag' destroying capabilities... honest... :D

...OK Fine!
Kutter is not an American, he is a Yorkshireman.

...who abandoned the one true Eden (Yorkshire) to become a traitor to the Crown across the pond ;) :D :p :cool:

Everyone knows the truth that lancashire outshines yorkshire any day :P

i hope to get on at some point this weekend as monday is a holiday over here.
Anyone else have games where they can't hit the broadside of a barn then games where you pilot snipe everything you shoot? Getting a tad annoying :p
Anyone else have games where they can't hit the broadside of a barn then games where you pilot snipe everything you shoot? Getting a tad annoying :p

Ha, all the time mate. I'm convinced Gaijin intentionally cripple the may plop it's accuracy from time to time just to give others a chance*

*this may not actually be true, I may just be guff sometimes!! Lol
if this update ever finishes downloading i shall be taking to the skies for a bit tonight, although you lot will probably be in bed by then.
Thanks for not kicking me out, I haven't played in a squad with you guys for a good few months but I've got back into the game in the last few weeks, so up for some Planes and Tanks! Mostly play RB on both but up for some AB too.

(In game name: JimpleSack)
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