******Official War Thunder Thread*******


Not quite 22, but not too shabby :cool:

I highly recommend the new Yak 1 if anyone is interested in seal clubbing at a professional level, like me, Matt and Hellcat. Also, with the usual boys disappeared for a while, we have a spare space in our noob-tutorial squad, meeting most nights after 8pm. We aim to teach advanced flying skills by making the noobs planes harder to fly.
By blowing them apart.
Anyone interested in helping?
Right, I know I have been a bit AWOL of late. Still trying improve in CSGO. not likely to happen so I will be back in the pilot seat from tomorrow evening onwards........to all the new pilots I will apologise in advance.....;)
Cheers to Brain and Hellcat last night - Apologies for being a utter noob with my BR and my planes

And I must remember to avoid the green stuff - it has a habit of causing the plane to stop instantly
What distance do you guys set your guns at? I'd read 400 was optimal but when flying something with wing mounted weapons and you get up close and personal it's really hard to hit anything...
In something like a spit I lower to 300 as I find myself wanting to get closer to ensure I hit the target with the cannons. In US planes which have lots of wing-mounted .50 cal's I stick to 400, since you can be pretty liberal with ammo and they shred targets to bits.
I've tried from 100 to 800 for various reasons on various planes but typically I use 500 by default. If I am specifically going high after bombers though I will tend to go with 700.

This, as you say, only matters for planes with wing mounted weapons, for nose mounted, so virtually everything Russian, it doesn't make any difference.
CHeers to fire and brain for the realistic battles last night - was epic fun and the F6F-3 is certainly a fun little trio to fly out
Oh I'm sure myself and Brain can muster something, possibly around 10 or 11ish though as we'll be .... partying.... before then. :D

Seeing as most high-level gameplay now sucks big style, we may end up just rolling our 2.0 BR lineups and chewing our way through the entire enemy team's lineup of planes :)

Oh, and I hadn't noticed exactly when it happened, but the Mosquito gained some BR to now be at 5.7 Five-point-*******-seven. A plane who's flight model is as bad as all other heavy fighters which were known to be sluggish, and yet is outclassed in every way, firepower weight, ammo load, top speed, bomb capacity ... by the Mark 22 and 24 Spitfires, yet they're somehow the same battle value? :confused: :confused: :confused:

On the plus side, B17's now no longer absorb all your incoming firepower while mercilessly shooting you from the sky.

This game just seems to be a few hours worth of work to make it really great, yet it just never seems to quite arrive. Stupid thing is, if it was better, I'd put more monies into it. Simple.
Gentlemen, fellow pilots, and the rabble we call a squadron....

Today is War Thunders 2nd birthday, and there's some nice 50% discounts on.... well, everything really!

Including a year's premium account, which I may have just purchased. I may dislike some of the things Gaijin do with the game, but overall it's good fun, enjoyable and has given me some great gaming moments so I don't mind too much. Still getting used to this new "micro-transactions" way of gaming I suppose.
More lions, and double the research points per battle.

So it takes you 1/2 as long to research new planes and upgrades to your existing planes.

So it's less than £30 for a year's premium at the moment.
Aircraft present on War Thunder’s birthday!


Just destroy 5 enemies from 1st November 7am GMT till 3rd November 7am GMT

and get your one of planes for free: He.51B-2/H, DB-7, LaGG-3-23, TB-3 or XF5F

Dear friends, here in War Thunder we celebrate our 2 years anniversary and we’d like to thank you for your personal input in the development of our favorite game. Just log-in to War Thunder, complete an easy task and get one of the unique planes for free! You are guaranteed to get an aircraft that you hadn’t before.


You may destroy your enemies in any gaming mode except Custom Battles;

You are free to destroy planes or tanks, or both;

Bots are out of score;

Right after the task completed, you will recieve one of the planes randomly, but you are guaranteed to get an aircraft you never had before in your hangar.

Happy days :)
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