Oh I'm sure myself and Brain can muster something, possibly around 10 or 11ish though as we'll be .... partying.... before then.
Seeing as most high-level gameplay now sucks big style, we may end up just rolling our 2.0 BR lineups and chewing our way through the entire enemy team's lineup of planes
Oh, and I hadn't noticed exactly when it happened, but the Mosquito gained some BR to now be at 5.7 Five-point-*******-seven. A plane who's flight model is as bad as all other heavy fighters which were known to be sluggish, and yet is outclassed in every way, firepower weight, ammo load, top speed, bomb capacity ... by the Mark 22 and 24 Spitfires, yet they're somehow the same battle value?
On the plus side, B17's now no longer absorb all your incoming firepower while mercilessly shooting you from the sky.
This game just seems to be a few hours worth of work to make it really great, yet it just never seems to quite arrive. Stupid thing is, if it was better, I'd put more monies into it. Simple.