******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Ah ha! To all you naysayers:
Lastnight myself, Matt, Hellcat and Kutter all rocked the boxers of 3 enemy teams in 3.7BR tank battles.
Working together we managed to infiltrate 3 enemy spawn points, killed at least 1 entire team and bringing another to the point where they couldn't leave their spawn.
Many of us got damaged, only to have a teammate roll up beside and cut our repair times down to F-all.
At one point myself, Hellcat and Kutter were all running on a spawn point, only to find ourselves damaged/slowly-reloading as a Sherman rolled over the top of the hill. That was clearly the end of our fun jaunt... Until a shell came in flat from the far horizon, killing him instantly, and Matts voice come through on TS with "Sorry, went to get a drink" :D He'd been AFK, then run to cap A (on a hill). That vantage point then allowed him to do overwatch on our position, and pull our asses out of the fire!
Then I jumped into a bomber and killed the KV1 sneaking up on him as he guarded A.

On that same map we were rolling down a side track together in KV-1s when a Panzer 3 popped his head over a rock. He tried firiing on us, but kept switching targets, so none of us got any significant damage. A few rounds into his Commanders hatch later, he's still alive but has decided that running away from the wave of KVs is the best bet... except he ran past a gap to our left, exposing himself to our combined fire.
Him dead now.
As we came around the large boulder he'd been using as cover we found he had 2 friends close by, and another 2 off to the far left. ALL of them died :D None of us did :D
Hellcat had to be assisted with a repair, and then we trundled on ;) 5 kills, no deaths. Tidy!

In one match I finished the game with 11 kills!
Teamwork for the win, lads!
Moar tonight, methinks.
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This one was fairly good.


But this one was awesome.

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I just love the Panther II and the Tiger II(H), although I'm researching the 10.5 I've no interest in using it or anything else in T5.
Finally got the Panther crew to ace last night, 990K for expert then 2000G for ace was painful :(
Oh well done now, here's a game from last night, not great with the P2, but the Tiger rocked :)
Wish it showed the hit camera as with the long distance shots you can't easily see in the replay if you actually hit. ie shooting back at our cap point from the bridge all 4 shots hit but at that distance it's hard to see.

Tiger 2(H) Rocks
Truly horrendous teamwork lastnight, lads (Matt, Hellcat and Vidar). Those OCUK scum (Boycey, Kutter and Kwango) truly destroyed us. I think it was that dirty Kwango who managed to drive into our spawn, then sat shooting me while I flew a plane, like a dirty scutter! And Kutter kept doing long range overwatch shots like a coward... a really good-at-aiming coward... -_-
Their teamwork is strong. They must be destroyed...

Managed to land a plane on Boyceys face tho. Made me happy :)
The above is lies......utter lies sir!! If you were as you say in a plane, how was it then that you were trying to manoeuvre?! I declare that you were simply out flanked by superior opponent who, I might add was driving much inferior tank to yours.

In the vernacular of the kids today, you got Rekt boi!!
The above is lies......utter lies sir!! If you were as you say in a plane, how was it then that you were trying to manoeuvre?! I declare that you were simply out flanked by superior opponent who, I might add was driving much inferior tank to yours.

In the vernacular of the kids today, you got Rekt boi!!

I here recount an accurate tail of my death at the hands of the vicious murderer, Kwango McKwangerson 3rd.

1. Go out in plane.
2. Finish ramming Boyceys tank and return to my own.
3. Discover a wild, rabid, psychotic Kwango sat behind my Tiger H1.
4. Attempt to reverse and turn super slow Tiger H1.
5. Fail at both because of super slow Tiger H1.
6. Think I'm OK as Kwango maneuvers his gun away from me to fight Hellcat, who CLAIMS he is there to defend me.
7. Watch in Horror as Hellcat rams Kwango sideways, bringing his gun to bear on my side armour.
8. Die like a bish, just another innocent, handsome Englishman to be killed by an evil Irish Rebel.

And so ends my tail of woe.
So who's up for some hot OcUK-on-OcUK action tonight then chaps? :D

I'm thinking we could fly planes for a while... yes... planes. Planes with a battle rating of oooohhhh, let's say, 2.3?

OcUK loves me when I fly that level. :)
So who's up for some hot OcUK-on-OcUK action tonight then chaps? :D

I'm thinking we could fly planes for a while... yes... planes. Planes with a battle rating of oooohhhh, let's say, 2.3?

OcUK loves me when I fly that level. :)

Well seeing as tonight is the last Friday we have our resident DJ (Mr Boycey) available for a while, I think it only right we have as many on line as we can muster and cause as much outrage and disgust as is humanly possible....

What say you all to that?
I'm really enjoying flying at 2.3 again too.... racking up some serious silver lions and having fun with it too for the most part.
well flew my first jet battle and really enjoyed it!

Mainly because my meteor got shot down immediately so I got 4 kills in spits instead, says a lot.....
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