Ah ha! To all you naysayers:
Lastnight myself, Matt, Hellcat and Kutter all rocked the boxers of 3 enemy teams in 3.7BR tank battles.
Working together we managed to infiltrate 3 enemy spawn points, killed at least 1 entire team and bringing another to the point where they couldn't leave their spawn.
Many of us got damaged, only to have a teammate roll up beside and cut our repair times down to F-all.
At one point myself, Hellcat and Kutter were all running on a spawn point, only to find ourselves damaged/slowly-reloading as a Sherman rolled over the top of the hill. That was clearly the end of our fun jaunt... Until a shell came in flat from the far horizon, killing him instantly, and Matts voice come through on TS with "Sorry, went to get a drink"
He'd been AFK, then run to cap A (on a hill). That vantage point then allowed him to do overwatch on our position, and pull our asses out of the fire!
Then I jumped into a bomber and killed the KV1 sneaking up on him as he guarded A.
On that same map we were rolling down a side track together in KV-1s when a Panzer 3 popped his head over a rock. He tried firiing on us, but kept switching targets, so none of us got any significant damage. A few rounds into his Commanders hatch later, he's still alive but has decided that running away from the wave of KVs is the best bet... except he ran past a gap to our left, exposing himself to our combined fire.
Him dead now.
As we came around the large boulder he'd been using as cover we found he had 2 friends close by, and another 2 off to the far left. ALL of them died
None of us did
Hellcat had to be assisted with a repair, and then we trundled on
5 kills, no deaths. Tidy!
In one match I finished the game with 11 kills!
Teamwork for the win, lads!
Moar tonight, methinks.