******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Gentleman. OcUK has a new troll-weapon of mass destruction.

Feast your eyes, upon this:


:p :D

BR 19.4 I heard.........

Haw haw! /nelson muntz
holy poo sticks batman.....

you need to get of those night shifts dude...WW2 chronicles had IS-1's on the Poland map :D

Edit: IS-1's my back side, they were IS-2's!

Yup, I had a quick go last night, it was utter pants as no one works together to win so you get flanked.

Gentleman. OcUK has a new troll-weapon of mass destruction.

Feast your eyes, upon this:

:p :D

Haw haw! /nelson muntz

There is no way in hell that's going to remain at 3.0, its going to be 3.7 MINIMUM. Only other thing with 4 cannons at 3.7 in the brit line is the prem typhoon.
That BR won't last long!! I predict a mini patch straight after the WW2 chronicles thing finishes and they'll slip it up to BR 5.0!

I care not. :)

I shall abuse with it while it has its' ridonculous BR! :D :D

Also, just flew out my Brit 3.7 lineup... I may have unlocked the Sea Gladiator, and got 4500 RP towards the first Sea Hurricane... in 1 match.

I blame my premium Typhoon. It's dirty. In every way imaginable.
Oh yes. The premium typhoon, so dirty it even puts out on the first night. She don't evne mind if you don't call her back, just turn up every night and use and abuse her. Dirty dirty typhoon!
HOW much for that Calliope??? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

£30... for a tank.

And Gaijin claim they *aren't* greedy? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha good joke comrade! More vodka, Dmitri!

Im pretty sure the price is artificially high so that there arent games full of Calliopes.

Just out of interest, do you guys play solely on the EU server?
Im pretty sure the price is artificially high so that there arent games full of Calliopes.

Just out of interest, do you guys play solely on the EU server?

True, we've only seen one in tonights games, it got killeded.

I play with EU and US selected, not interested in playing with russians as they all camp in spawn/boom and zoom kill and the SA servers have massive ping.
I play mainly on the SA and US servers. Ill keep a look out for you guys on the US server, though i think the timezones would be prohibitive.
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