******Official War Thunder Thread*******

So question.

Why is the American ground forces lineup so weak in Realistic battles? I've lost count of the amount of matches where half of the American team im on is out of the game within the first few minutes of it starting. Everyone spawns in M18's and then doesnt have enough Spawn points when it gets popped to continue.

Its really dragging on me now as its making progress difficult with back to back losses :(

Could be because the M18 is new, and people are still wanting to play it / just researched it / hoping it will get better with modifications.

In reality, it won't, because it's not *that* good a tank destroyer where it's placed in the tech tree. Its' gun is the same as a Sherman, yet it suffers from thinner armour, an open top, less sloping armour, and a slower turret traverse - so when fighting other tanks, it's at a serious disadvantage.

I appreciate that they've put it in-game, but it was never really a 'tank destroyer' in the sense a lot of people think, it's more that it's a mobile AT gun that doesn't require a separate vehicle to tow it.

Problem is, too many people don't want to use it how it's meant to be used - sitting in a hedge for ages, hoping to get a surprise shot off on someone!
The above is a bit draconian. We are not and no one in the squad should be on the 'look out' for people to kick from the squad.

A single officer making unilateral squad removals were not something that has ever been agreed on. It is the reason there are 4 officers and me, rather than everyone or only 1 person having the ability to remove players. Any squad removals should be and must be by agreement with all those in the position to remove a player. Or at the very least by a majority.
I have absolutely had enough of your 'THIS IS MY SQUAD' attitude Brainchild!

You are not in charge of us, you are not the alpha male of the group and yet you insist of trying to get us to all fall in line with your wants, needs and wishes. This is not why I signed up to play with the squad, I signed up to make new friends, increase my enjoyment of the game by having a laugh with like minded people who I otherwise would not have met and that is still the case for me with the majority of members.

You and I used to get on, we used to have a laugh but your entire demeanour and attitude while in game is quite frankly disgusting. Your rude, have the audacity to shout over people, make utterly offensive comments like your child abuse one the other day to and then have the utter cheek to moan when YOU are pulled up on it!

You are now blocked on steam and will be in game when I have the time to re log after work. Think I'm the only one who feels this way, think again most members I've spoken to (I wont name anyone, but they'll probably come forward themselves) no longer wish to play with you either.

Oh I'm sure you will make some (in your eyes) witty retort and may feel that removing me from the group is the answer... Well go ahead I may not have the OCuK tag against my name any longer but it wont stop me from playing with the really great members of this squad in fact after this post of yours on the forums, you can take this as my resignation from the squad for as long as YOU are a member! You can also remove that deliberate and annoying misquote of me from your signature, they are not my words!

As for everyone else, I apologise for having to write this. But after many such incidents over recent months and finally the above forum post which has been for me the last straw. As I am in fact resigning from the current squad, for anyone I haven't already added on steam either get my details from Boycey or Kwango etc and add me as I'll look forward to playing with you all again.

I have absolutely had enough of your 'THIS IS MY SQUAD' attitude Brainchild!

Well go ahead I may not have the OCuK tag against my name any longer but it wont stop me from playing with the really great members of this squad in fact after this post of yours on the forums, you can take this as my resignation from the squad for as long as YOU are a member! You can also remove that deliberate and annoying misquote of me from your signature, they are not my words!


On these grounds I am no longer in the squad.
I do not wish to be a reason for other active members to leave.
The signature has been changed, as requested.
The post above removed, as I read it afterward and felt it was inappropriate also.

I apologized the other night upon making the comment you mention, and apologize again now. I am sorry.
The above is a bit draconian. We are not and no one in the squad should be on the 'look out' for people to kick from the squad.

A single officer making unilateral squad removals were not something that has ever been agreed on. It is the reason there are 4 officers and me, rather than everyone or only 1 person having the ability to remove players. Any squad removals should be and must be by agreement with all those in the position to remove a player. Or at the very least by a majority.
Was there a reason I was dropped from the squad?
maybe this game drives you to insanity?
It certainly has frustrated me and I have only played it for 7 hours or so (so steam says).

Yesterday's little arcade run has convinced me that the game is not for me and I am deleting it from my steam account.
I hope you all get more enjoyment from it than I ever could.
Yesterday's little arcade run has convinced me that the game is not for me and I am deleting it from my steam account.
I hope you all get more enjoyment from it than I ever could.

Not trying to 'hold onto' you as a player per se, but can I ask what types of games you played, and was it in planes or tanks?

Fair enough if it's not for you, and at least you've lost no money in trying it :) - but it's well worth giving it a go with at least 1 other squad member who knows a bit about what they're doing, it really does improve the game a lot.

Fair enough if you've binned it already, but if you haven't give me a shout and I'll squad up with you.
Not trying to 'hold onto' you as a player per se, but can I ask what types of games you played, and was it in planes or tanks?

Fair enough if it's not for you, and at least you've lost no money in trying it :) - but it's well worth giving it a go with at least 1 other squad member who knows a bit about what they're doing, it really does improve the game a lot.

Fair enough if you've binned it already, but if you haven't give me a shout and I'll squad up with you.

Hi Matt, thanks for the kind offer.
I have squaded (not a word) with a few guys I have played WoT with (Sarg and Cded / Zoom), which eases the pain of playing the game as it is most certainly fun playing along side those guys (thanks for putting up with me and my frequent rants :o) But in the times I have solo'd "arcade mode" mainly, it has been to the point that I just can't bear hitting "ready".

Basically, I just don't understand the power grades in the game, for instance, I was informed that once you get to the M3 lee level things improve...well they didn't in fact you are continually one shotted from about a light year away by a PZ Auf J (can't remember the exact model, but it is a nightmare).

The aim reticule takes such a long time to make a shot worthy that most tanks have moved on by the time you are ready to fire. In the rare instances you are not one shotted, your crew is most often than not dead or knocked out, rendering you a sitting duck.
Overall, there are some nice concepts within the game, but the dynamics make it too frustrating for me, your right, it has cost me nothing but my time, but there you go.
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see I have exactly the same opinion of WoT in that it's a waste of my time, which to be honest is good because at least there are different horses for courses so to speak.

I like that in WT you have to think about where to shoot to get a kill, one shots are indeed possible most of the time, youve just got to get good at avoiding it.

Theres no 'power grades' as such, even a tiny cannon can do ridiculous amounts of damaged when aimed properly. Aiming aswell, once you get the hang of it becomes second nature.

All in all I think I prefer the depth that WT gives over WoT, I left Wot as it just became a left click hitpoint kiddy fest.

Really is a pity you didn't enjoy it, at least you can say you gave it a go
Both WoT and WT are flawed games they both have merits, things they do well and other things that are just beyond awful. I liked WoT for the line of sight, the fact you could hide in a game etc but that was it, you could see becoming pay to win very quickly. WT is a very different kind of animal, it's very much more realistic especially in Simulator mode (so want to try it with oculus rift) but you have to give it a chance, it's painful at first you have to upgrade your tanks, train your crews and learn where to place shots as that can make all the difference in the world.

Try and stick at it buddy, join the squad and we'll entertain you while you get used to it.... Hanging round with a bunch of WoT in WT is like a group of LFC fans trying an Everton game.
Gold ammo, power creep (medium tanks dominating), autoloaders and arty (sky cancer) killed my WoT enjoyment for me. I'll be sticking with WT and having a break from WoT for the foreseeable future, maybe Armoured Warfare too when that releases.

World of Warships isn't for me either having played it for the past month or so now lol.
Gold ammo, power creep (medium tanks dominating), autoloaders and arty (sky cancer) killed my WoT enjoyment for me. I'll be sticking with WT and having a break from WoT for the foreseeable future, maybe Armoured Warfare too when that releases.

World of Warships isn't for me either having played it for the past month or so now lol.

That's what did it for me with WoT. Absolutely hated it in the end up. Loaded up again a while back and rage quit after 1 game!! Lol
Thekwango, what sort of day/time do most people in the Squad get together for games? The most I've seen online was 4 other OCUK this evening.

Just wondering if there's any planning goes into it or not!
Thekwango, what sort of day/time do most people in the Squad get together for games? The most I've seen online was 4 other OCUK this evening.

Just wondering if there's any planning goes into it or not!

Generally friday nights are 8/9pm till whenever, think it was 4am yesterday lol

I'm prob going on now but am usually earlier
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