******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Have not played it in a while but really enjoyed it when it was in closed beta have they added playable ships to the yet?
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Haven't really tried this properly yet, is it considered to be pay to win? I read something about paying affecting how many planes you have available to take into battle?
Have joysticks been nerfed to allow mouse players more competition? I read somewhere that there was a lot of 'shake' in a joystick input whilst the mouse did not suffer any? Be interested to know, this looks like fun.
Haven't really tried this properly yet, is it considered to be pay to win? I read something about paying affecting how many planes you have available to take into battle?

not really unless your daft. As the British I have 7 planes that I can field and for another slot its around £8 then the slot after that would increase.

I think you start of with 5 slots.
Got the open beta just installing now - looks pretty good.

Tbh despite my love of planes I've never really looked into many flight games, anything else similar to this I should be looking into? Only other games I've played are the battlestations games and blazing angels.
Got the open beta just installing now - looks pretty good.

Tbh despite my love of planes I've never really looked into many flight games, anything else similar to this I should be looking into? Only other games I've played are the battlestations games and blazing angels.
Theres two types of flight games - ones you can pick up easily and ones you need a phd in flying aeroplanes to be able to understand.

You could look at gaijins previous effort Wings of Prey and the addon Wings of Luftwaffe, there is a shedload of single player content. Online has a small following aswell.

Then for something a bit more meaty you could look at IL2 Cliffs of Dover which is a proper sim, with great visuals and you will be needing a joystick and a decent pc.

You could go back a lot of years to my favourite, IL2 1946 which is the classic IL2 Sturmovik game with all its expansions. Large following on hyperlobby (software used to play online mainly for the older flight sims) and a community with a mature attitude.

Neither of those sims will need a phd to comprehend, just a small bit of learning a few basic controls. The hard part is mastering the flight model in these games.

Then, there's all the modern sims. These generally are pitched towards the hardcore and will need you to actually read stuff to get the hang of. Lock On Flaming Cliffs 3 is the best entry point as its not a clickfest and you can fly the planes in a basic fashion without doing much reading.

There's also loads of arcade games like the blazing angels games you mention, I'm not a fan but I heard the new ace combat game is supposed to be good.
Anybody playing this ?

I've been playing this rather than world of tanks for the last 2 to 3 weeks and loving it.

In game name is Hodders

Any body else ? What's you in game name and I'll keep an eye out - maybe we could squad up ?
There has got to be more than two others ! Anybody else. Flying with a wingman/formation has got to be more fun !
Not getting this at all. Finally got trackir to work last night, now whenever i play ive got a huge telescope where my gunsight should be? The only purpose of the telescope seems to be to effectively block out the most important part of your ability to aim so that its all random luck where youre shooting.

The only option seems to be to play arcade mode and third person which is not what i want from a combat flight sim at all. Wheres the enemy plane? Oh behind the telescope somewhere.

Not impressed.

Edit hmmm just seen some gameplay video with proper gunsight recticules, guess its just an annoyance with the starter craft. Now to figure out how to start upgrading.
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Never played with track-ir so cant really comment.

The control method impacts on what modes you can play. Arcade can be played with mouse or full controls. Mouse is rightly seen as "easy mode". Historic and realistic battles can only be played with full controls. They also require you to land to re-arm etc. Plus have no lead indicators etc.

The telescope thing is just the spotting scope. So I guess you are using the cockpit view. Try pressing V until you get the 3rd person view and see if you prefer that although the trackir will probably not work then...

It realy does seem as though there is something for everyone.

Sorry I can't help with your track IR.
So whats the best way to get some planes? Im a bit fed up of this biplane junk. Ive messed around with arcade trying to get rank but apparently thats different from level... ffs. Im really fed up of flying with a mouse, been only doing it to fly arcade mode, but still a bit away from the hurricane. Dont know if i can go on, but i cant imagine it will be much fun flying historical or realistic with the starter planes. Is there anything other than pvp you can level on?
Playing historical battles in a biplane isnt bad, I tend to concentrate on ground targets with them.

You can rank up in arcade mode just fine, it where I got most of my XP from.

Currently rocking 2 Bombers (Blenheim(?) and Beaufort) and 3 fighters. (Hurricane MK1 + MK2 + a Spitfire MK1)
Lovin it

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