Got the open beta just installing now - looks pretty good.
Tbh despite my love of planes I've never really looked into many flight games, anything else similar to this I should be looking into? Only other games I've played are the battlestations games and blazing angels.
Theres two types of flight games - ones you can pick up easily and ones you need a phd in flying aeroplanes to be able to understand.
You could look at gaijins previous effort Wings of Prey and the addon Wings of Luftwaffe, there is a shedload of single player content. Online has a small following aswell.
Then for something a bit more meaty you could look at IL2 Cliffs of Dover which is a proper sim, with great visuals and you will be needing a joystick and a decent pc.
You could go back a lot of years to my favourite, IL2 1946 which is the classic IL2 Sturmovik game with all its expansions. Large following on hyperlobby (software used to play online mainly for the older flight sims) and a community with a mature attitude.
Neither of those sims will need a phd to comprehend, just a small bit of learning a few basic controls. The hard part is mastering the flight model in these games.
Then, there's all the modern sims. These generally are pitched towards the hardcore and will need you to actually read stuff to get the hang of. Lock On Flaming Cliffs 3 is the best entry point as its not a clickfest and you can fly the planes in a basic fashion without doing much reading.
There's also loads of arcade games like the blazing angels games you mention, I'm not a fan but I heard the new ace combat game is supposed to be good.