******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Not the patch I was anticipating.

Handling of certain planes using a mouse in arcade are now somewhat jerky especially the American planes. The Airacobra flys like tank with the same turning circle as one too.

Also I have noticed from the ~10 games I have played today that there is a noticeable reduction in Lions after a match.

I do hope they redress some of these issues but looking on their forums it would appear that instead of a direct dialogue with their beta testers they seem prefer to delete posts rather than accept any form of critique or for that matter at least try to explain certain decisions to the community. Not good.

Sounds like a moan I know but a little bit of fun for me was taken away with this patch.
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You get less lions, but lower level planes are also cheaper to repair.

On the other hand, it looks as though they've adjusted prices according to what people buy, not how capable the planes are... which is just stupid.

I honestly think they've made it slightly worse. This game has unbelievable potential (graphics and gameplay are brilliant) but they make idiotic decisions regarding balance and encouraging people to play in the way they want. If they listened to their players, it would be fantastic. As it is, it's very, very good - but you always feel like you're dancing to their tune and that they see you (the player) as a cash cow... and I suspect I'm going to tire of that before too long. It isn't an MMORPG, and I have no intention of grinding and paying out daft amounts of money for a flight sim. This one is good, but it's not worth hundreds of pounds, or having to grind just to get the planes I want.
Been playing this all weekend. One very cool looking games, great fun when you get the flying right.

Got my Spitfire and Hurricane :cool:
The combat is just so much fun. Bombers still need work and the recent "YER spamming" when several of them just bomb your base is getting irksome. But heh - it's a BETA ! It is not supposed to be perfect !

Biggest problem is the economy. Sooooo hard to make money - 1000000 to train my spit Vc crew ! Profit on a really really good game is maybe 20,000.

Still loving the game though - just really hope they keep it sane unlike WoT.
This Sunday your first and fifth victorious fights bring you 100 Golden Eagles!

8 A.M. — 11 A.M. PDT (March 31st 15:00 — 18:00 GMT)
7 P.M. — 10 P.M. PDT (April 1st 02:00 — 05:00 GMT)
Today's update. Is. Awesome.
Adds the ponyland airforce, whose reserve aircraft are ponies which are massively fast and OP.
Best April Fools' Day ever.
War Thunder announces special prices and discounts for all pilots.

Visit your hangar and see UP TO 40% DISCOUNTS for more than 100 planes of all nations!

Then, enter the Arcade, Historic, or Full-Real Battle and discover +20% SILVER LIONS INCOME FOR AIR KILLS.

Want more? Fly your mighty bomber and get +50% SILVER INCOME BOOST for all bombers setting destruction to ground targets!

Lock'n'load and be ready to fight the War Thuder skies!
Sunday is war thunder day:

This Sunday we give 24 hours of free Premium account for every War Thunder player.

From April 7th 06:00 GMT till April 8th 08:00 GMT (April 6th 11 pm PDT — April 8th 1am PDT) every logged-in War Thunder pilot immediately receive 24 hours of Premium account for free! For those pilots, who already use the Premium, the free Premium day simply added to their payed days.

Premium account could be purchased for the premium currency — Golden Eagles. Premium account gives you 200% XP points and 150% silver income for every online fight.

Test the advantages of Premium account for free!

See you in the War Thunder skies!
I still play. But I only play arcade mode and it's actually a lot of fun and just an awesome pick up and play.

I'll go back to CLOD when I want to play a proper sim.
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