******Official War Thunder Thread*******

you guys would have loved the h8k

5× 20 mm Type 99 cannon (one each in bow, dorsal, and tail turrets, plus one each in two waist blisters)

5× 7.7 mm (.303 in) Type 92 machine guns in fuselage hatches
I read the H8K as only having 3x 20mm cannons? Edit: Bah, premium one has moar gunz than standard.

Anyway, it's BR 3.3 so it'll get torn apart by fighters cannons. The joy of the 4-man (or 8-man!) H6K squad was being at very low tier, so you could take a huge amount of incoming fire, and still laugh it off. :p :D



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New patch out today, among other fixes:

Churchill Mk.III
- fixed (increased) maximum speed, max. speed is now 17 mph (27 km/h), according to: Tank Data. Aberdeen Proving Ground. Maryland. U.S. Army Ordnance School. July 1958.

Well done Gaijin, you put British tanks in around Christmas 2015, it's only taken you 4 MONTHS to get a fairly important detail right.... *slow hand clap*
Yeah we've still not managed to get a game but I've consistently failed to find people online in game in the squadron panel. I know you still play and TonyTurbo was fairly active (before The Division ;)) but I think most others have pretty much given up on the game :(

Mate its a shame that it wasn't like the old days, used to be a good 8-10 of us on most nights and definitely weekends, but tbh gaijin have pushed people away from the game whether through bias or constant 'fixes' that have broken things.

I had a great time with the ocuk squad and if they ever fix it will be the first to return, but I don't think theyre bothered by complaints.
Mate its a shame that it wasn't like the old days, used to be a good 8-10 of us on most nights and definitely weekends, but tbh gaijin have pushed people away from the game whether through bias or constant 'fixes' that have broken things.

I had a great time with the ocuk squad and if they ever fix it will be the first to return, but I don't think theyre bothered by complaints.

Yup, I remember well although I joined after the peak as it wasn't long until folks drifted away. It was great when a good number of us were on, I remember some really good air RB games with folks.
Mate its a shame that it wasn't like the old days, used to be a good 8-10 of us on most nights and definitely weekends, but tbh gaijin have pushed people away from the game whether through bias or constant 'fixes' that have broken things.

I had a great time with the ocuk squad and if they ever fix it will be the first to return, but I don't think theyre bothered by complaints.

Friday nights, H6K trolling and DJ Boycey on the decks.....fun fun times!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha haaaa! :D

Just taken the T44-100 out for a test drive.... sat at spawn, and one-hit killed every tank up to the King Tiger, with stock APHE ammo.

What a joke tank... 14 seconds reload time as well.
I only briefly took part in the game with everyone but they were a lot of fun - which I wish could have continued.

However the wonderful game it was has since been laid to rest and now it's just a P.I.T.A

I do still pop on very rarely - but thats all
Defrag special! :D

I just bought the AC Thunderbolt premium tank in the Brit tree, because I had Eagles to spare and they're on 30% off at the moment.

May make playing Brits at 5.0 BR manageable, because its' been pretty horrific so far!
Thunderbolt and Firefly would make a good brit combo at that BR. Maybe take a churchill (4.7 or 4.3 If i recall?) seems like it would be a solid lineup not to mention the Firefly and Churchill get the recent armor addon unlocks.

Its probably the highest you can go with British forces before getting horribly out classed by Tiger 2's, IS2s etc.

Let me know what you think about the Thunderbolt, looks bouncy :)

WarThunder navy later this year aparently:
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Took the Thunderbolt out for a spin on lunch break yesterday, it's quite bouncy and acts like a real tank usually does, taking hits and damage before finally dying.

The Firefly on the other hand, seems to be modelled with 1mm of armour plate. Took a 75mm incoming round to the side armour, with a 30-40 degree angle. Straight in, pen, 1-hit explode everything to death. Same thing has happened almost every single time I've driven the Firefly, it must be one of the worst tanks in the game and cannot in any way justify its' 5.0 BR rating. My 10 deaths in it for 6 kills attest to this.

(My KV-2 on the other hand, has a glorious 360 kills, for 137 deaths.)
Just been playing this the last few weeks, plane battles of course (tanks are to slow for me, cba with patience and slow positioning and camping).

I used to play as Japan, now gave US and Russia a go. Finally getting positive K/D ratio's easily.

US and especially Russian planes (early tier) are much better, much heavier armed. I have only unlocked 2 planes, the first LAGG and YAK-1, and these planes really tear up opponents easily, 1 well aimed pass and bye wing of targets even 2 tiers higher. Also discovered using flaps in combat, and using the rudder to my advantage.

Many things still annoy me though:

- Retarded teammates, I look around often and see friendly planes being tailed by bandits, instead of flying towards me/other friendlies, they seem to enjoy flying off into nowhere or deeper into enemy territory, WHY? If you're pursued, GO TO FRIENDLY's grrrr, while evading (which is really easy if you have the typical noob who is doing nothing more than flying behind you, simple erratic movement back and forth left/right and barrell rolls, I've saved myself many times by doing that and simply flying towards friendly's, while the idiot pursues continues to empty his MG's on me hitting me barely, then being chewed up by the many fighters spawning near me)
- Target dot disappears often lately, why ? Now I can usually aim blindly now and still hit/destroy them, the ''aim dot'' often disappears when I'm diving in for an easy kill.
- Collision detection, often I'm being punished/destroyed by a collision by a chasing plane because I'm moving erattically away, then out of nowhere ''air collision'' while I haven't even seen what/who I collided with. Collision detection seems to work ok when accidentally touching someone face on, if you try to evade it will spare you, but I'm often being punished for hitting something I haven't even seen when I'm ''evading'' someone on my tail.
- Moronic teammates ramming me or staying way to close for comfort, if you're <200m away from me back off bugger, what's wrong with gaining a bit of altitude, making distance, and diving back?

Anyhow, with US I usually manage 1.5:1 K:d with tier 2 planes. With Russia it's easily now 3:1 or even 4:1, with tier 1 planes (just the 3 reserve biplanes, the yak1 and first lagg). Them 20mm canons chew enemies up so easily it's silly, and even the 3 reserve Biplanes have 4x 7.67mm mg's, I often kill tier 3 planes with em. Also the tier 1 Russian planes seem to have better stats compared to tier 2 US planes (Turn time, altitude gaining, and max speed wise)?

Mind I only play arcade.
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Arcade is all about the guns in my opinion so yeah, anyone but Japan is great really... Play realistic battles and you'll soon appreciate the maneuverability of them.
Arcade is all about the guns in my opinion so yeah, anyone but Japan is great really... Play realistic battles and you'll soon appreciate the maneuverability of them.

I've recently started playing Russian in RB Tanks+Air. I started flying a premium Yak-9 and it's like arcade mode! You can't really stall the plane and you can pull extremely high G flat turns (so often your pilot actually blacks out). The difference between those Yak's and something like the FW190 is just crazy, try and pull any sort of similar maneuver and you'll stall or flip it.
I've recently started playing Russian in RB Tanks+Air. I started flying a premium Yak-9 and it's like arcade mode! You can't really stall the plane and you can pull extremely high G flat turns (so often your pilot actually blacks out). The difference between those Yak's and something like the FW190 is just crazy, try and pull any sort of similar maneuver and you'll stall or flip it.

Yeah if you try and fly an FW or BF like a yak it's going to end badly, in the German planes gain altitude over your targets, dive on them hopefully kill them and repeat... If you miss just use the speed to climb again and get in to position again... Called boom and zoom..
Yeah if you try and fly an FW or BF like a yak it's going to end badly, in the German planes gain altitude over your targets, dive on them hopefully kill them and repeat... If you miss just use the speed to climb again and get in to position again... Called boom and zoom..

Yup I know about the tactics I'm just saying that the flight model for the Russian planes seems a little too good to be true, frankly. Every plane is a dream to fly, very docile and flexible.
Christ haven't played this in ages. Good to see from the above posts the Russian devs are still coding the Russian planes 'fairly!' Lol

Same, apart from the odd minute here and there I've not played in months. I had a similar experience with German aircraft, then started flying them, never looked back!
Same, apart from the odd minute here and there I've not played in months. I had a similar experience with German aircraft, then started flying them, never looked back!

brit 3.2 planes is where the fun is at (or at least used to be) - can't remember my exact line up but something along the lines of

premium typhoon, spit IIB, the 2 premium boomerangs, spit MK V(I think) and possible one of the firefly's. oh that used to be soooooo much fun! thought they did nerf the typhoon a few times but not enough to put me off it, and the spit IIB is (or was) simply the best plane in the game. played right it could hold it's own against low tiered jets
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