What I mean by Russian bias:
This was in a LAGG 3-8 with BR 2.3, with mostly similar and some higher BR opponents.
Yep, to be entirely honest, it wasn't that long ago I discovered you can freely look around with C (I tried to get awareness from the map always, and then point my plane to someone to look around , then I felt very dumb when I watched some YT vids and saw people looking around freely), and also only recently discovered combat flaps for trading speed for manoeuvrability.Ah, welcome to the official OcUK trolling / seal clubbing zone crew!
Bit late to the party sadly as most of the old guard have stopped playing, but yes, in a low tier match you can sometimes just wreck a huge amount of players who have quite literally no situational awareness whatsoever, and those early 20mm Russian cannons tear through everything.
Aye, but I think they changed one thing, your BR is that of your best plane, with US I have 1 plane with 3.3 or 3.7 I believe, rest is still lower, and my BR is 3.3/3.7.Just one thing to note based on your earlier post - matchmaking is done off the BR stats, not the tier of the planes, and it averages out over your best 3 planes - so if you have a 2.3, a 2.0 and a 1.7 you'll get an average of 2.0 and may well end up in lots of matches with biplanes in them still.
When you level up a bit, you may find you get dumped into more games with higher tier opponents, and you end up wanting to run a full BR 2.0 or 2.3 lineup.
Brits at 3.7 conquers all though Even those dirty commies...
Aye, but I think they changed one thing, your BR is that of your best plane, with US I have 1 plane with 3.3 or 3.7 I believe, rest is still lower, and my BR is 3.3/3.7.
Btw, I have 1 US plane with the 37mm cannon, that is seriously silly at this BR, you get killed before you notice you're even attacked, and a single or 2 hits obliterate even the biggest planes . Altitute advantage gets far more important the higher BR's you go I feel. Dogfighting is less, erm, safe at this BR.
I exaggerated my second to last post, but I still have a 2:1 KDR with Russia (and a negative KDR with Japan, though, like I said, back then I was one of them noobs without awareness and didn't know about camera controls or flaps, also I was one of them idiots who chased a target into oblivion even though they outran me).
Jesus, I just checked the specs for that plane, silly high armament for br2.3. I don't spend money on the game though, only occasionally get free eagles from doing stuff on my phone like install apps or watch some ad vids. Cba with all the premium/gold eagles vehicles .Allow a man to introduce the i301:
On a serious note, it's a bit of a shame this latest update is a "feed the whales" update, but I guess that's the only demographic who is giving WT any money any more, so they may as well pander to the paying customers rather than the free ones.
I think GB planes are a bit overpowered too, the Hurricane Mk.4 with the 2x40mm cannons, it's BR2.0 but it's silly strong, I prefer it over BR 2.7 planes of the brits (Spitfire mk2 and typhoon).
I mean, aim, get within 0.3km, do a single shot that fires 2 rounds, and u can snipe every target. Bombers single hit kill explosion. How did this free plane stay in BR2.0? It's not very hard to aim either if the enemy is at a ~90 deg angle, it's **** easy to hit them, even from 0.45-0.5 km. Also, most face on encounters, it will easily win, unless you're fighting an experienced pilot that swerves with the pitch, most seem to face you dead on and not move, easy pickings for a 40mm cannon . I seem to see many mk4 pilots behave like idiots, holding the fire button with the target not even near sight and quickly going through their 30 cannon rounds, I treat the plane as a 15x single shot attacker, which works much better. Then when it's reloading I might take some spam shots with the MG, but always use cannon sparingly.
Will need to fix my KDR with japs, but otherwise it's quite positive :
Getting to know most of the planes in the rank 1-2 area now, much better to know which planes are potentially dangerous on opponent side, and which ones can be easily ignored or outclimbed .
Jesus, I just checked the specs for that plane, silly high armament for br2.3. I don't spend money on the game though, only occasionally get free eagles from doing stuff on my phone like install apps or watch some ad vids. Cba with all the premium/gold eagles vehicles .
Halfway researching to Beaufighter, curious, I've had mixed success with the Japanese Ki45 heavy fighter, but that was in a time where I barely knew how the game mechanics worked.
Guilty. I bought the Wyvern and T29.
Beaufighter works well if you have good cover and support, since it's firepower is pretty substantial
the game needs free players as well as premium players.
and that is what gaijin seem to have forgotten
Still more free stuff being added than premium. Have a look in the patch notes
Sad really, could have been such a good game and I'd have kept on spending money on it.
Same, it just got too expensive for the premium content and there was no money going back into fixing the massive bugs.
I was quite happy to pay 5-10 quid on a prem tank or plane, 30 or 40 was just too much.
What miffed me as much as anything towards the end was even paying for a premium account the grind was just mental. I mean I played virtually every night for about 2 months and still was only 3/4's the way towards the IS-3. That was when I decided it wasn't worth the effort anymore.
Meh, BR system, since I got the Beaufighter, I'm being ranked 3.0, and fighting against 4.0, while most of my planes are br 2.3 or 2.0. Still manage to get 2 kills per death usually, but still, gone are the tiems where I do a whole match with a single plane.
Btw, is there a way to filter battles, I want more frontline, domination, and air domination matches, and less ground strike.
Also tried some RB, I quite like it, somehow I have far less trouble in it simply because of less players per map, no more surprises ''where the hell did that **** come from'' and suddenly finding yourself 6vs1, but it's so unforgiving if you make a mistake, forgot gear once>bye bye wheels, accidentally did landing flaps while at high speed> And they're gone. And was at full speed for to long, and boom, water leak, slow and helpless death after 3 or 4 mins with no enemies in sight. And it was a map without an airfield for repairs .
Btw how do I make the plane ignore the targeting camera in free look mode (c)? I know I can ''clear'' the direction when I look from the front of the plane or something, but basically, I want to freely control the plane at (at least rudder and pitch) all times with in free look (c) mode, and only want it to go to the pointer in mouse aim mode. I don't want it to go where my mouse pointer was last time I pointed it when I'm pressing C.