*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

heh some people cant grasp the whole thing of the guaranteed beta access doesnt mean that they are able to be in it from the start. All they have to do is get it fixed before the OB ends, enabling people to join.
heh some people cant grasp the whole thing of the guaranteed beta access doesnt mean that they are able to be in it from the start. All they have to do is get it fixed before the OB ends, enabling people to join.
heh some devs cant grasp the whole thing of guaranteed customer support based upon their experience of beta access from start to finish. All we have to do is hit the cancel button before the OB ends.

Works both ways;)
goa must still be running the closed beta servers, its the only thing i can think of because MJB said the account page beeing up wasnt due to lack of trying.
ianc mentioned only a few weeks ago they were ordering the new suposed 9million euro worth of server cluster.

i bet it still hasnt been delivered because they waited to damn long before ordering and the old hardware cant handle a fraction of the open beta keys never mind the auth server which acts like its beeing hosted on some free webspace
So for those of us who have been able to enter the open beta successfully, what do you think of the game so far? I've got upto rank 5 on my Goblin Shaman, it's ok, the PQ's are pretty cool, I've not managed to get into the scenario yet though for some reason seeing as though I have been queuing for it for most of the evening. So far it's not been groud-breakingly good, nothing I'm going to be rushing out to buy tbh. I think I'll give it a few months first and see how it goes.
Beta code registrations aside, if we did all actually manage to successfully register our keys do you actually think we would all be happily playing?

I've got my doubts.
I've finally registered my beta key, just waiting for email confirmation and hopefully I'll be in ;). I think because of the slow rate in which keys are getting approved, there won't be a huge problem getting on a server...

Fingers crossed anyway :p.
So for those of us who have been able to enter the open beta successfully, what do you think of the game so far? I've got upto rank 5 on my Goblin Shaman, it's ok, the PQ's are pretty cool, I've not managed to get into the scenario yet though for some reason seeing as though I have been queuing for it for most of the evening. So far it's not been groud-breakingly good, nothing I'm going to be rushing out to buy tbh. I think I'll give it a few months first and see how it goes.

WAR isn't revolutionary (it claimed to be more evolutionary). It comes into its own when you PvP, which you wouldn't have really happened yet at level 6. If your server has low pop then scenarios will take longer to get into - this should be sorted when the OB people actually get in. My advice would be to head to your first warcamp and fly to the chaos-empire starter area, their scenarios are usually always up and fast to enter.
Beta code registrations aside, if we did all actually manage to successfully register our keys do you actually think we would all be happily playing?

I've got my doubts.
Yep thats also been on my mind as I too have some doubts, but hey at least give us a chance to find out.
from my experience in CB i have to say if you like to PvP in mmo's the game is great fun, for those who would rather level via PvE its also great fun and lastly if your a bit of a loner in MMo's the Public Quest system is also great fun(with nice rewards)

personally i think its a decent game and it will happily co-exist next to my lifetime lotro sub ..
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