*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

9 Apr 2006
well still waiting for my mail,done it at 4.10pm yesterday when turned pc of last night at 10.30 still had no reply,so hopefully be there when i get home from work (fingers crossed)
21 Apr 2006
How is the game running on people's systems? What kinda framerates are you getting? I'm getting around 20-45 in populated towns/camps and usually 30-75 in less populated areas, thats on both High and Balanced settings for some reason?

I'm getting 100+ all the time. But in previous stages of beta major zergs could reduce it down to 70ish.

Is it just me or when you see other people's characters in the distance it looks ilke they are in slow motion? Also, whats up with the soup textures of things in the distance? Is it because theres no antriosopic filtering in-game yet? Reminds me of Oblivions textures lol.

There are algorithms ingame which deal with LOD. So close textures are high res and further ones lose detail. It seems they have a lot of tweaking to do with this still. Although tbh it would be better if they allowed us to specify the distance it kicks in, so those with decent systems could hi-res all the way to the horizon.
Were the animations doing this on high animation settings in the custom menu? I ask because this once again is a performance setting, so far away npcs/pcs drop animation frames to improve performance. With custom -> everything high, it doesnt occur on my system.

fyi: Q9450 @ 3.2, 8gig 800mhz ram, GTX280. But I had similar framerates when using the above system with an 8800GTX - although forcing 16Q AA 16 AF on the 8800 saw framerate drops where the 280 doesn't drop at all.
31 Dec 2003
well still waiting for my mail,done it at 4.10pm yesterday when turned pc of last night at 10.30 still had no reply,so hopefully be there when i get home from work (fingers crossed)

I was in a similar situation, but I just brute forced it this morning (attempted about 20 duplicate authentication attempts and got the email after about 5 minutes as lots seem to have done)...
2 Nov 2006
I just spammed it 6 times and got my email 5 mins later. Cant log on and patch, though.

Well. I'm off to work. From my 2 days off, I'm now fitter and with a clean house... instead of couching like a pig in mud. How dare the French do this to me.
22 Aug 2008
For all those who bought through D2D please find below their response to me requesting a refund;


Hi there,

I sincerely apologize that you have been inconvenienced!

The UK EU beta has not started yet and isn't going to be available to you until Sept 15th. Next week. You will then be issued early access keys for the UK EU beta. The one that you are trying to get into is the US beta which is not accessible from the UK EU. Additionally there are no refunds offered for this game purchase. I am sorry.

Feel free to contact me with any more questions you might have.


Harry Vansickle
Associate Manager - Digital Distribution
Customer Service

Un Quote

It seems to me GOA may own this company as well because the associate manager thinks the EU beta starts on the 15th September.

I ask you how do people get the jobs they have?



1 Feb 2007
Had no luck activating yesterday. Validated my key several times but no mail. Tried again this morning and got a mail almost immediately. However I was still unable to actually log on and patch. Will try again when I get home.

Not too concerned as it is a Beta still, however next week they really need to get things sorted...
12 May 2007
I still have not received my email.

I've lost enough confidence that I've just cancelled my preorder (Yes, I realise it's a beta.. but it's an OPEN beta and if they can't handle it, how're they going to handle the game.)

I'll give it a couple weeks/months after launch before I decide to order.
7 May 2008
Born in the U+K
I got my email this morning finally :D
Took my laptop to work with an external HDD with the WAR folders gunna double check it works at lunch time :D thats if the servers dont fall over again :p
22 Nov 2005
i got to lvl 4 as a dwarf engineer seems pretty boring so far and slow to lvl.

maybe its just that the dwarf starting area is boring, think ill do an orc later
14 Aug 2007
I just spammed it 6 times and got my email 5 mins later. Cant log on and patch, though.

Well. I'm off to work. From my 2 days off, I'm now fitter and with a clean house... instead of couching like a pig in mud. How dare the French do this to me.

Thought I might try this but when I try to register my code again the submit button is missing. I think a few people mentioned this yesterday, anyone know how they got around it?
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Isn't this WoW with a different skin?

Only if you believe that a vauxhall astra is a ford focus with a different skin

Had a few hours of play now and for me I don't really like it so far. Graphically, it just doesn't impress me, I'm Not sure what it is but it just seems very plain, even the enviroments look flat and rather plain looking and stiff.

I'm more interested in what the PVP aspect has to offer, so fingers crossed this will sway my mind the more I play of it over the next couple of days.

Will give it some more play time this afternoon and see if my opinion shifts. So far though, it hasn't lived upto all the hype and chaos. Although early days, first impressions isn't good.

I do understand that mmo's need time to mature over time.

Thats ok, no problem with that. WAR wont be for everyone, just as Daoc wasnt for everyone. Daocs graphics were pretty poor too and its environments were the very definition of plain :D , it made up for it in other more enjoyable ways though. As does WAR (at least for me :) )

i got to lvl 4 as a dwarf engineer seems pretty boring so far and slow to lvl.

maybe its just that the dwarf starting area is boring, think ill do an orc later

Afraid I couldnt tell you the difference between the dwarf and orc areas, I only ever played as destruction all through beta
7 Jan 2004
North London
Had no luck activating yesterday. Validated my key several times but no mail. Tried again this morning and got a mail almost immediately. However I was still unable to actually log on and patch. Will try again when I get home.

Not too concerned as it is a Beta still, however next week they really need to get things sorted...

The same happened to me, i had to wait 5 or so minutes after the email. I then went to my first email hit the click link to activate account and got taken to the website where it gave an error and then tryed logging in and it patched right away and i could then log into servers.

Go figure :D.
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