*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

maybe its just that the dwarf starting area is boring, think ill do an orc later

I didn't do much in the dwarf area, but played a squig herder and black orc quite highly. Their starting areas is pretty decent, I found myself laughing at some of the quests.
Regaular PvE quests are regular PvE quests, you can't do much with them. My advice would be to try some scenarios out, and even better, head to the RvR lakes (you get bolstered to 8 equiv) for some open field RvR. But even RvR at this level doesn't prepare you for the full on seiges in the T3-T4 areas. The T1 zones have some BOs like town squares, T2 introduces the first keeps. Although they are simple towers. T3-T4 introduce full castles with inner and outer walls etc.
So we only get 4 days now then :rolleyes: as the 13th isn't that far away.

I thought the open beta was supposed to be 2 weeks?

It's supposed to be one week if im not mistaken. It finishes Saturday Midnight i think (don't quote me on that) so obviously 5 days. Today/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday.

Rudeboy headstart for CE starts monday next week and it's released next thursday so i highly doubt it will be beta when it's live still.
It's supposed to be one week if im not mistaken. It finishes Saturday Midnight i think (don't quote me on that) so obviously 5 days. Today/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday.

Rudeboy headstart for CE starts monday next week and it's released next thursday so i highly doubt it will be beta when it's live still.

My mistake.

Just hoping I get in before the 13th :rolleyes:

still waiting for my email :mad:
My involvement with this game is now officially over and they won't be getting a dime from me and I sincerely regret wasting my life trying to get all this setup in the first place.

Oh the e-drama. Christ dude, its a BETA! Stop throwing your toys out of the pram.

If you haven't received your activation confirmation after you've submitted your beta key then I'd re-enter it if I were you guys :).
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Got my key! Came in the wee hours of the morning. Patching up now. Day off so time to see if all this waiting has been worth it (day of has nothing to do with the game before you think I planned it this way :D)
Validated my key about 5 times yesterday starting from about 4pm. Wake up this morning to an email received at 1am this morning, been playing since, servers just went down though.

The game rocks so far!
On the beta forums it was posted CE head start is 14th - and i've seen nothing to change that. Although with recent developments I'm not really sure it'll be ready for then.

Ahh ok then, from what i gathered it was a three day headstart with thursday being official launch for everybody. It's all good either way, let's just hope it goes to plan. I am just glad i didn't shell out for CE as if it has it's problems will not be worth it.
Ok lastnight I managed to lose a few hours to say the least playing this game.
Come 2am I realised I really had to come to work this morning so I tore myself away and went to bed.

6 Hours play got me to level 7, but I did pretty much every quest on the way and messed around with cultivation and Apocothary.

PvE its pretty much what you expect, The Public Quests (PQs) are fun but as a Dark Elf they are pretty tricky having no main tank class when you get to the "boss" in phase III. once I got to chapter 2 quests it was getting pretty hard to heal squishy caster when they were pretty much getting one shooted.
Not having a MT class seems pretty silly because the only tanks in the starting areas are there to play with guildys or freinds so no pick up tanks around. PQ loot system works pretty well and even if you dont win after running them a couple of times you can buys some nice stuff on the points you score for contibuing.

Class wise I played a DoK (melee healer) and frankly its fun, a nice twist away from the standard support role standing back and healing. Tonight Ill see how he handles PvP.

Scenarios, I was waiting lastnight for a couple fo hours and didnt get in, I'll give it another try tonight. RvR im at the edge of the first zone right now tonigth ill give it a go and see how my healer works in RvR.

Socially.... I know its a Beta but its very very quiet. Not very chatty at all, I've only grouped with 2-3 people and they just dont talk. Maybe its becaues its lower levels maybe its because everyones finding there way but so far this element isnt impressing. Guess I need to find a guild.

Overall once your in the game its pretty stable and only has a couple of strange "mob un-hittable" type bugs, but to be fair GOA have hardl loaded there server have they because I havent handled the sign ups very well. If you look back in the thread me and others were calling for registration and key entry many weeks ago but GOA knew best.
Now there OB stress test is anything but for the actual game servers and while so far im loving the game I cant help but feel that the launch is not going to be smooth sailing.

Esuoh - DoK - Karag Dorn LvL 7
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