*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
is anyone defecting to the US servers?

Not me, 8 years ago I would have, but these days with family/work responsibilities , I just cant be staying up until 2am to help defend a Guild keep/go on a capital city attack etc. So I would just end up missing out on a large section of the game

Think some people are going to the US servers though. Just not an option for me, cant do the time difference anymore.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
What sort of stuff ? is it useful at the low levels ? from what i remember reading its not really worth it till the high levels

Was fairly minor stuff, small stat bonuses, a little extra health. Useful at low levels, but not mind-blowingly useful. Interested to see the high stuff though.
31 Oct 2002
I am having to use the US Beta to even try this out, even though I paid for Beta access in the EU.

I have not even been able to verify my account which was created at 9.30am on Sunday.

I did try the 'backdoor' method for validating the beta key but have not had an email back and that was registered yesterday lunchtime.

Will try the US Beta just to give Mythic the chance but I cannot play full time on US server (tried it before) and I have no faith at all in GOA. So I will either not buy or have to wait sometime until GOA are dumped.

Useless does not some them up!!
8 Jul 2005
Is anyone still getting the error 303 message when they try to confirm their registration via the email link? I have been trying to get in since 10am Sunday.

I see that some of you are registering new accounts - according to the website this has temporarily suspended?

I may be stuck with this game due to purchasing it off D2D. Hopefully they refund me because I have absolutely no interest in playing such a poorly managed game.
8 Jul 2005
I am having to use the US Beta to even try this out, even though I paid for Beta access in the EU.

I have not even been able to verify my account which was created at 9.30am on Sunday.

I did try the 'backdoor' method for validating the beta key but have not had an email back and that was registered yesterday lunchtime.

Will try the US Beta just to give Mythic the chance but I cannot play full time on US server (tried it before) and I have no faith at all in GOA. So I will either not buy or have to wait sometime until GOA are dumped.

Useless does not some them up!!
1 May 2006
reason i asked about the US server was a friend who finally managed to get in, brought up the numerous small bugs like mobs lagging into solid objects, target unattackable etc, yet after heavy reading through the various fan forums, theres no mention of this on the US open beta -- almost like as per DAOC days, GOA has an earlier client.

im not entirely convinced the headstart will go smoothly but the thought of the time difference with the US servers is kinda making me just say 'to hell with it', cancelling my pre order and just leaving the whole shebang alone for a few months to see how it all pans out.
11 Aug 2007
I'm not ready to buy into another AoC tbh, even though I was lucky enough never to buy into AoC in the first place. But still, I'll wait for a few months as I said earlier.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Will try the US Beta just to give Mythic the chance but I cannot play full time on US server (tried it before) and I have no faith at all in GOA. So I will either not buy or have to wait sometime until GOA are dumped.

They wont dump GOA, so it will be a not buy in your case :)
8 May 2007
reason i asked about the US server was a friend who finally managed to get in, brought up the numerous small bugs like mobs lagging into solid objects, target unattackable etc, yet after heavy reading through the various fan forums, theres no mention of this on the US open beta -- almost like as per DAOC days, GOA has an earlier client.

im not entirely convinced the headstart will go smoothly but the thought of the time difference with the US servers is kinda making me just say 'to hell with it', cancelling my pre order and just leaving the whole shebang alone for a few months to see how it all pans out.

sounds about right im on a us server now and its terrible 'attack a mob lag lag lag 1 hit! lag lag dead' same with the unattakable mobs :(

oh well ill just wait for the eu release
15 Oct 2005
reason i asked about the US server was a friend who finally managed to get in, brought up the numerous small bugs like mobs lagging into solid objects, target unattackable etc, yet after heavy reading through the various fan forums, theres no mention of this on the US open beta -- almost like as per DAOC days, GOA has an earlier client.

im not entirely convinced the headstart will go smoothly but the thought of the time difference with the US servers is kinda making me just say 'to hell with it', cancelling my pre order and just leaving the whole shebang alone for a few months to see how it all pans out.

I think the US is having similar sorts of issues, certainly the mob AI. I do have a feeling that the EU might be 1 patch behind at the moment, but only because GOa have bigger problem to worry about atm :rolleyes: and hopefully jnot like doac where we'll be 6 months behind...
24 May 2007
Tunbridge Wells
sounds about right im on a us server now and its terrible 'attack a mob lag lag lag 1 hit! lag lag dead' same with the unattakable mobs :(

oh well ill just wait for the eu release

I played closed beta on a US server and had no lag problems at all for the few months I played, its only because every tom dick and harry is signing and playing open beta now that its lag city.
6 Dec 2002
How many people here have now gone for the US version instead of EU ? Seriously thinking about doing this. If you have, whats lag been like ? Many other EU players ?
8 May 2007
I played closed beta on a US server and had no lag problems at all for the few months I played, its only because every tom dick and harry is signing and playing open beta now that its lag city.
just made a greenskin doesnt seem to have any lag now must have just been a bad day or something still get a unattackble target tho :S
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