*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Its certainly a pity about the open beta launch, because it has of course affected a lot of peoples opinions on the game. Which is a shame, because once you are over the open beta issues, its actually a really good game (imo). Sadly a lot of people will now never find that out though.

On a more positive note, our guild is now guild rank 5 and around 40 of us have now got in. If anyone is curious about the guild tax system, I highly recommend it, its working out brilliantly for our guild and I think we will definately set it at 10% for release. We should be able to get our first guild banner this evening or tomorrow, so I will be interested to see what changes have been made to those since the closed beta.
7 Jan 2004
North London
"Your account has been suspended, your access has been blocked" (error 711)

Yay, think im going to give this game a miss, GOA was a nightmare and ruined Dark age of camelot for me after i played on the US version before the euro release.

Cant really be bothered with this level of imcompetence.

See that happened to me, but then i could log into the patcher then servers straight after. If im suspended now i'll just wait until retail, haven't got the patience faffing about as by sunday it'll all be finished.
30 Aug 2006
I have my account set up now (I think), now I need to get the client. Seems to be a choice between a 24 hour wait at fileplanet or a torrent d/ling at 3kb/s :(
19 Feb 2004
Darlington, UK
Its certainly a pity about the open beta launch, because it has of course affected a lot of peoples opinions on the game. Which is a shame, because once you are over the open beta issues, its actually a really good game (imo). Sadly a lot of people will now never find that out though.

On a more positive note, our guild is now guild rank 5 and around 40 of us have now got in. If anyone is curious about the guild tax system, I highly recommend it, its working out brilliantly for our guild and I think we will definately set it at 10% for release. We should be able to get our first guild banner this evening or tomorrow, so I will be interested to see what changes have been made to those since the closed beta.

Sounds good! :)

I haven't touched closed beta for probably a month now, been trying to resist until release.
Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T

LOTRO was one of the smoothest launches I've ever seen. At least they were able to organise an open beta that you could actually get into.

Archlord lasted a VERY SMALL amount of time before they HAD to change it to f2p, people I knew had a lot of trouble actually getting monies back that they had paid.

RFOnline is ran better by random people in their basements than codemasters, private servers are smoother, run better, have newer patches (by far) have active GMs/Moderators. Codemasters in house GMing is pathetic, Ive had multiple guildies banned for absolutley no reason, GMs decline to answer emails and when you report GMs the emails seem to dissappear into the ether. Codemasters ways to "fix" things also seems to be removing content from game, whereas private servers have everything running properly with all content included.

On top of which codemasters actually seem to be breaking laws.
goto the Codemasters forum and you see a lot of people complaining about this but the biggest one I can see if the payment system for rf online, the game is now completely free but running on a cash shop model. Codemasters do not llow you to remove billing information from their systems.
from a quick read through the data protection act this can be seen as a valid point. Uknown wether this affects the archlord section as well tho.

hey Codemasters could bring out the most popular MMo ever, put their name on it and then it will crumble. too many people know the issues codemasters have caused and failed to remedy.
5 Jan 2007
I just cant beleive this! What a complete load of rubbish. I just got my email back saying that my key didnt work (from d2d) and my other account STILL hasnt got an email back to comfirm. My brothers account also didnt work, Even knowing i DID put the details in right. I read about spamming the beta key, But as far as i can see i cant do that anymore because the bloody varify button isnt showing up for me on any pc anymore!

Last night i signed up for US beta, Guess how long it took to get a key and verify it, make an account on mystic website and then setup my account to be working and ready to go... about 2-3 MINUTES!!

So thats it, CBA with EU open beta. Its just beyond a joke now.. Im sitting at working trying my hardest not to say bad things about the french! But being english its quite hard..

Its such a shame really, So many people are being put off this game because of open beta.. Just goes to show how much faith people have in GOA actually pulling there finger out and sorting how this EPIC FAILURE!

Might be a good idea to play on the US servers after all.
30 Jan 2004
if enough EU players move to the US then the US servers might not be so bad, baring latency issues, as itll give EU gaming at EU times, main put off is if that doesnt happen your stuck with not a lot to do unless you are in a position to play at silly hours
7 May 2008
Born in the U+K
I think that GOA let far to many people join the OB personally.
They should have just kept it to existing Closed Beta people CE and SE preorders.
Rather than give another ~60k (prob more) to the general public.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
if enough EU players move to the US then the US servers might not be so bad, baring latency issues, as itll give EU gaming at EU times, main put off is if that doesnt happen your stuck with not a lot to do unless you are in a position to play at silly hours

Sadly thats what used to happen to me when I played Daoc on the US servers. People would be just starting to make attacks on keeps and relics, right as I was about to go to bed, and our guild repeatedly lost the keep we owned because when the US guilds attacked it most of our guild had already gone to bed.

Luckily I was younger and had more freedom back then, so when it got to midnight and people were just starting to talk about launching an attack to get a relic I was able to go along and join in until 3 or 4am. Being as I now have other responsibilities though, I cant do that...and I just know I would get annoyed if people were just beginning to launch capital city attacks and it was 11pm and I had to log and miss it. At least on the EU servers all that would mostly happen at times where its no problem for me, but of course everyones situation is different.
7 May 2008
Born in the U+K
Does the guild system then really require a large amount of numbers to do anything ?
Ie if there was say a grp of 8-10 would you still be able to do the whole guild keep thing ?
4 Jun 2003
Fraggle Rock
Archlord lasted a VERY SMALL amount of time before they HAD to change it to f2p, people I knew had a lot of trouble actually getting monies back that they had paid.

RFOnline is ran better by random people in their basements than codemasters, private servers are smoother, run better, have newer patches (by far) have active GMs/Moderators. Codemasters in house GMing is pathetic, Ive had multiple guildies banned for absolutley no reason, GMs decline to answer emails and when you report GMs the emails seem to dissappear into the ether. Codemasters ways to "fix" things also seems to be removing content from game, whereas private servers have everything running properly with all content included.

On top of which codemasters actually seem to be breaking laws.
goto the Codemasters forum and you see a lot of people complaining about this but the biggest one I can see if the payment system for rf online, the game is now completely free but running on a cash shop model. Codemasters do not llow you to remove billing information from their systems.
from a quick read through the data protection act this can be seen as a valid point. Uknown wether this affects the archlord section as well tho.

hey Codemasters could bring out the most popular MMo ever, put their name on it and then it will crumble. too many people know the issues codemasters have caused and failed to remedy.

I'm tempted to say it serves you right for playing Archlord and RF Online :D

But it looks like they put their staff where the money is, and have farmed off the unsuccessful stuff to a load of muppets in a basement somewhere. My only experience has been on LOTRO, and that's incredibly smooth.
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