*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

16 Mar 2004
Oh the e-drama. Christ dude, its a BETA! Stop throwing your toys out of the pram.

If you haven't received your activation confirmation after you've submitted your beta key then I'd re-enter it if I were you guys :).

Hardly, if they can't get it right so close to the release I can't see myself bothering with something I didn't really follow from the start and only wanted to try out. I may just wait when a few months down the line when they release a free trial.
26 Nov 2003
East Sussex
meh im off to test WAR OB on US side. took me all of 10-15mins to
A)Get a OB key from warcry
B)Setup account
C)Register OB key
D)Got email acknolodging i have registered and i am ready to test.

Only catch is i need to download the client. Meh its on the download il have it by 2moz and will be playing so all i can say is **** GOA i pray that you dont mess the head start.

Thanks for the tip, done this for the gf :)
21 Apr 2006
just made a greenskin doesnt seem to have any lag now must have just been a bad day or something still get a unattackble target tho :S

Report such bugs through the bug option of the main menu. I've seen a few unattackable mobs recently, but they've been few and far between. THis is something they're still supposedly working on.
7 Jan 2004
North London
I still cant login to the patcher, get authentication error :/

The same happened to me, i had to wait 5 or so minutes after the email. I then went to my first email hit the click link to activate account and got taken to the website where i got an error then tryed logging in and it patched right away and i could then log into servers.

Go figure :D.

Try and see if it helps.
22 Aug 2006
I managed to get on at about 10 last night and played for 2 hours or so. First impressions? Seems pretty good. Playing a Choson atm, got dominated in pvp until i got some armour from my reknown rank. Not tried pvp outside of scenarios atm, haven't worked out where the 'outdoor' rvr is yet for chaos but what i have tried is great fun, quick small skirmishes.

Questing is good fun, but then there isn't a lot they can do with pve solo quests. Havn't tried the PQs yet but all seems very fun! Will try out a witch hunter tonight i think. Haven't found any bugs so far and next to no lag which i was impressed with.

This for me is a definate buy, cannot stand wow anymore. WAR will fill the void nicely :)
8 May 2007
Report such bugs through the bug option of the main menu. I've seen a few unattackable mobs recently, but they've been few and far between. THis is something they're still supposedly working on.
have done :p

anybody trying to get on to the us server now may not able to because i just got a message saying they are shuting the server down for maintenance

will have a good play tonight i guess
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I managed to get on at about 10 last night and played for 2 hours or so. First impressions? Seems pretty good. Playing a Choson atm, got dominated in pvp until i got some armour from my reknown rank. Not tried pvp outside of scenarios atm, haven't worked out where the 'outdoor' rvr is yet for chaos but what i have tried is great fun, quick small skirmishes.

Questing is good fun, but then there isn't a lot they can do with pve solo quests. Havn't tried the PQs yet but all seems very fun! Will try out a witch hunter tonight i think. Haven't found any bugs so far and next to no lag which i was impressed with.

This for me is a definate buy, cannot stand wow anymore. WAR will fill the void nicely :)

The outdoor RvR areas are the big "red-shaded" areas on your map. I find the outdoor RvR FAAAAAAR more interesting than the scenarios because the scenarios just remind me of instanced BGs from WoW (which was one of the reasons I left WoW), so the open rvr stuff appeals to me a lot more :)
Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
New info from Warppl
WaR said:
Since we launched our new validation system yesterday, players have been flooding onto the beta servers. We've been working on the systems constantly and at the moment more than 70,000 fans are able to play. Some of you however have tried to validate your codes and have received a message saying that they were invalid. If this is the case, please take note of the following points:

The letter 'I' can sometimes look like the number '1'
Likewise on some printed sheets, the letters 'D' and 'O' may be hard to tell apart
A zero will be printed as an 'O' with a line through it.
Please ensure that you are only trying to validate an open beta code, headstart or bonus item codes are not valid at this time, the system will now reject these codes immediately to make it easier for you and to prevent the wrong codes from being submitted.

Previously when you validated your code, there was a delay between the confirmation email and you being able to access the servers, our technicians have worked to remove this delay and now you will be able to patch and play as soon as your confirmation email is received. The last remaining 10,000 players who were waiting for access can now join the action on the servers.

It is good to see how much they screwed this up, 3 days and couting and only a fraction of players allowed on the servers, if they cant cope with beta wtf chance do they have of coping with retail, wonder if theres a hardware upgrade before retail.

Cant wait for them to screw up the billing servers/info going by how long its taken them to remedy people just trying to joint he beta ;)
7 Jan 2004
North London
Cant wait for them to screw up the billing servers/info going by how long its taken them to remedy people just trying to joint he beta ;)

It's cool they will take our money then we will have to wait a few days for an email to say our account is activated ;).

Got to have a laugh about it, or you'll end up going mad regardless whether your bothered or not.
Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
yep lol :p

afaik Sega (think it was them) had a huge issue with a recent incarnation of Phantasy Star in japan where the billing servers went haywire for a while. Free play time was the result from what I was told.

just lookin forwards to the amount of "issues" that could arise, this might be even more fun that actually playing the game :p
But hey at the end of thw day they aint codemasters, who couldnt run a marathon nevermind an MMO

Strange thing is we had no inclination to play this whatsoever up untila week ago, just it isnt another Conan Fiasco :/
Last edited:
29 Jul 2004
Try and see if it helps.

"Your account has been suspended, your access has been blocked" (error 711)

Yay, think im going to give this game a miss, GOA was a nightmare and ruined Dark age of camelot for me after i played on the US version before the euro release.

Cant really be bothered with this level of imcompetence.
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