*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

21 Apr 2006
Does the guild system then really require a large amount of numbers to do anything ?
Ie if there was say a grp of 8-10 would you still be able to do the whole guild keep thing ?

Firstly there are guild levels. The more actively players, the faster it will level. Regarding keeps, a small guild could take a keep if they were skilled enough to take down a keep and keep lord on their own. You simply have to have high enough guild level to claim the keep then.
Defence might be an issue if you're outnumbered 3/4 to 1 though, unless you got people to help out.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Does the guild system then really require a large amount of numbers to do anything ?
Ie if there was say a grp of 8-10 would you still be able to do the whole guild keep thing ?

8-10 people could do one of the early keeps or take a strategic objective, if neither the keep or objective was defended. But to do the later stuff, and the capitals or if the keep is defended, you need more than 10 really because its a lot easier to defend than attack so even 5 people defending makes things a lot harder. I remember the devs saying once that the optimum guild size was between 30 and 50. It was part of the reason why we set the limit for our guild at 50 members.
Last edited:
30 Dec 2006
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
I finally managed to play the whole evening yesterday ! I used the closed beta account of a friend of mine and it worked like a charm. I received the email saying my own account key was registered but could not try it yet.

Just a few words about the game and my impressions:

Technical Aspect:

- I though the animations were not as bad as most of the people are saying.

- About the GFX, well i activated the AA and Anisotropic from Nvidia panel and it worked nice, just a few stutter when joining a scenario when a lot of player are on the screen. Only real issue is with the distant textures sometimes looking quite rough, i guess this can be easily improved.

- Only experienced two crashes during the whole evening, and it was always during scenarios, Mythic already stated that they were working on that issue.

- Other than that the only thing i noticed is that sometimes i get a bug while casting a spell with my shaman and my guy stayed blocked in an animation but it would go away the next time i casted a spell. I guess this is worked upon.

Game Aspect:

- The world has really got a nice touch to it, i started with a goblin shaman and i must say the Greenskin starting zone is really funny. The voices of the NPC are really well done and the quest always got a little funny touch as well. I also tried Chaos, Dark Elf and Empire, overall all the starting areas were really nicely designed, always with a comic touch somewhere. I really dig Chaos these guys are tough :p

- I really like the Tome of Knowledge, always a nice touch about the story. Sometimes you go and speak to an npc and it unlocks a little story inside the book. You have some achievements, like 25 crits and you get a title etc.. I liked that as well.

- Solo quest were enjoyable and i always could solo them till now, i'm only Rank 5 tho but i did quite a few already. Sometimes when exploring you stumble upon random quests that are not in the warcamps, it is nice as well.

- PQ, that was really a blast, i did only the first two of the greenskin. The first involved a Giant being chased by annoying squigs, you had to kill plenty of them then he would rest and ask for beer so we had to collect beer barrels, then he took a huge ass bomb and threw it at the dwarf fort, we then proceeded to kill them and get loot wouhou :p I really liked that, you don't need to be grouped and you are still participating on the final roll. If you are lucky you can get a nice item. The PQ also gives Influence, it is like a xp bar you have 3 steps and each one gives you a reward you can get from the guy. You get influence just by participating in the PQ. The second PQ was a litte less well designed imo but still fun.

- Almost each level you get a new ability so it is quite nice having something new to test.

- I played the first Greenskin / Dwarf scenario, i liked it but i did not really understand why we always got hammered by Order but anyway i could play my healer job for a moment and i must say it was fun. Tanks might be a little overpowered tho, they do reasonable damage and are REALLY hard to kill. I hate Bright Wizards :p


After a really terrible launch by GOA, i must say at least Mythic really did its job and they are delivering a game that is really worth it in my opinion, i might be a litte biased :p but i really liked every aspect of what i tested. I really like the Warhammer world ,lore and races, and if you get over GOA mess then the game is worth it! I only played to rank 5 but i'm going to keep going with this char to try the open RvR zone and a few other things.
Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
I'm tempted to say it serves you right for playing Archlord and RF Online :D

But it looks like they put their staff where the money is, and have farmed off the unsuccessful stuff to a load of muppets in a basement somewhere. My only experience has been on LOTRO, and that's incredibly smooth.

Never played Archlord, after the shambles that was RF I'd never play another game ran my CM.

RF was their big MMo for almost a year then they started using it to subsidise other projects, thats when it started goin down the drain, yeah RF might not have been to many peoples tastes but running round endlessly looking for magic mushorooms and lookin for specific witches ( ;) lol old ref) might not to be to manys tastes either, RF was a grind game, dont like grinding dont go anywhere near it (or any other Korean MMO for that reason :p) I believe the largest mistake with CM was offloading the good GMs they had from AD and going "in house" teriible support, poor replies, GMs that dont know the game theyre meant to be supporting. Many also had billing issues which was amusing as many got banned when it was a fault of CMs payment vendor.

The muppets in a basement? you talking about people playing these games or the random noones that can run a game far superiorly to CM?

The fact lies here that someone with no contract, monetary obligations or links to the MAKER of the game can run the game better, more stable, more up to date and with translations well before CM even know whats happening with their own current game speaks volumes IMHO.
20 Aug 2008
Seems like GOA really screwed the pooch on this, get no email despite spamming their activator which is meant to be "near instant". Meh, doesn't look good for the 18th does it...
7 Jun 2005
Trawled the net last night for a key, but could only find one from warcry eventually. Got validated super fast and made an account, but then saw the queue on file planet was like 1700 minutes!?!? Googled a bit more and found a torrent labeled US WAR BETA, so I'm getting that. At 9gig hopefully this is the correct version :p
7 May 2008
Born in the U+K
yay my manager has let me go home early :D
I can vacate this place on hell i call work and make haste home at 2:30 :D
Cant wait gunna jump straight on my PC and straight into WAR providing servers dont die..... *touches wood*
2 Aug 2004
Anyone in an order guild? I'll be looking for one come launch and wouldn't mind getting involved in beta, now that I can finally play.
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