*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

NDA is lifted !!


As of now, the Non Disclosure portions of our Beta Testing Agreement is now officially lifted. From this point on players may now freely talk about their experiences in the game as well as post screenshots, videos, etc. We will be sending an email out to all our current players with full details about the lift over the next 24 hours. Players with access to our forums can also see the letter there. Players may not talk about nor reprint posts from our forums and our Test Servers (currently Deathsword) are still fully covered by the confidentiality portions of our Beta Testing Agreement. So, other than that, free feel to talk about and share your experiences in WAR.

My thanks go out to everyone who has beta tested and continues to beta test WAR. It has been with your help and feedback that WAR is where it is today. We really appreciate your effort.

WAR is almost upon us!

Mark Jacobs
Just to get the ball rolling


Is it any good? :p

A question I cant really answer.

I can tell you that I thought it was good, reminds me a lot of the early days of Daoc, which I loved. But that wont of course bear true for everyone. For every person who thought it was good, another will have thought it sucked. All depends on personal tastes.

I enjoy playing the beta more than I do any currently released MMO, but as I say, it will be different for everyone. (for the sake of MMO history, I started MMOs in 1997 in UO, and have played every major western MMO since (except AC1))
Heres a bunch from our Guild forums, I havent resized these from their originals, and they are from a variety of beta phases and users, so expect varying qualities.

Warning...incoming large amount of pictures
is RvR good?
Does it work?
is it similar to DAoC?

Favorite destro class?
Who's the main tank Borc or Chosen - who debuffs more?
Main healer, Zealot? - do they have offensive capabilities too?
Disciple - fun? heal well? can they really tank? single target or aoe?
is RvR good?
Does it work?
is it similar to DAoC?

As for is the rvr good, same applies as to my answer above about whether the game is good.

I think RvR is good, some agree with me, some dont agree with me. Its hard to state whether its good or not because everyone is different.

It does remind me quite a lot of Daoc, at the moment in beta there is a fair bit of zerging going on, which again..reminds me of the early days of Daoc. Just as it did in Daoc, I expect the zerging to die down as people get clued up on how to RvR properly.

So to sum up, I like the RvR, the sieges actually work (*casts a glance at AoC*), controlling of keeps works, battle standards are a lot of fun, scenarios are good if you like WoW-style Battlegrounds, the open world RvR areas are good if you like Battlefield 1942 style PvP with set objective points to capture and hold, the keep attacking and defending works very similar to Daocs (without ladders).

Its not for everyone, and not everyone will like it, but I do.
Favorite destro class?
Who's the main tank Borc or Chosen - who debuffs more?
Main healer, Zealot? - do they have offensive capabilities too?
Disciple - fun? heal well? can they really tank? single target or aoe?

Well usually in MMOs, I play a healer, so my favourite destro class was a tie between the Zealot and the Shaman (I wasnt too fond of the Disciple as although its a healer , it has to melee to build up its mana, and as I like healers I tend not to melee too often :D )

The zealot is probably the closest thing to what people think of as a "normal" mmo healer, and the Shaman is a kind of hybrid healer/nuker. Shamans have a great mechanic where as they deal damage, it gains them favour with a "god", and this allows them to turn their heals into instacast heals. Which is damn useful.

The main tank could be either the Borc or the Chosen, but if we are talking a tank as in the definition of lots of armour, and lots of defense stuff, then I would say Chosen.

All the healers can damage as well as heal. To be honest, only the Disciple can really melee (as his healing mechanic requires it). Shamans and Zealots have a bunch of offensive spells, single target and a couple of AoE stuff.
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