*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

Dont really fancy trailing through the whole thread so i'll just ask a few questions. I recently quit Age of Conan after the 30 day period because the game didn't hold me enough to keep paying what with all the bugs, broken classes etc. So im looking towards Warhammer online mainly to keep me from buying £40 games every month and to restore my faith in MMO's as nothing has ever compared to World of Warcraft to me so here are the questions.

- How "bugy" is the game (if you played AoC then how does it feel compared) are classes broken, are their any major Flaws?

- How does it feel compared to World of Warcraft, is it the same type of combat. Is Melee vs Ranged balanced?

- Is Farming dependant, i dont really want to have to farm for hours for a raid but i dont mind long quests.

Thats the main questions i need answering, As long as those questions are good enough for me to justify purchasing the game then im sold on the rest. Never really got over quitting WoW but i didn't like how addicted i had become.
- How "bugy" is the game (if you played AoC then how does it feel compared) are classes broken, are their any major Flaws?
There are some issues, but they will very likely be sorted by retail. Major ones at the moment are crashing to desktop randomly and also server lag (but the server lag is caused by old hardware and debugging information which won't be on live servers)

- How does it feel compared to World of Warcraft, is it the same type of combat. Is Melee vs Ranged balanced?
Melee vs. Ranged is kinda balanced. The main issue I have is that if a melee class gets close to a ranged class, the ranged class is near enough dead because all melee classes have a snare, and since casters are made of paper... If you are able to keep from the melee though, casters do very well against any class from ranged. You just have to be careful. Due to collision detection as well there is a lot more strategy involved in running a PvP group, such as tanks can physically block melee classes from a caster. Imagine 6 tanks surrounding a bunch of casters, there is no chance that a melee can reach the casters because they can't walk through the melee.

It's very good, it just needs tweaking across the board.

- Is Farming dependant, i dont really want to have to farm for hours for a raid but i dont mind long quests.
Nope, it's one of the most anti-farm games I've played. If you PvP you get experience towards Renown and your level. If you don't PvP and just complete quests, then you get both of them again as you're contributing to your faction securing of the zone. The only major grinding comes in the form of when you get to the max level and you're focused on raising your renown for example - then it becomes a grind. But overall, it's not grind orientated, or no where near as bad as Warcraft is.
There are some issues, but they will very likely be sorted by retail. Major ones at the moment are crashing to desktop randomly and also server lag (but the server lag is caused by old hardware and debugging information which won't be on live servers)

Melee vs. Ranged is kinda balanced. The main issue I have is that if a melee class gets close to a ranged class, the ranged class is near enough dead because all melee classes have a snare, and since casters are made of paper... If you are able to keep from the melee though, casters do very well against any class from ranged. You just have to be careful. Due to collision detection as well there is a lot more strategy involved in running a PvP group, such as tanks can physically block melee classes from a caster. Imagine 6 tanks surrounding a bunch of casters, there is no chance that a melee can reach the casters because they can't walk through the melee.

It's very good, it just needs tweaking across the board.

Nope, it's one of the most anti-farm games I've played. If you PvP you get experience towards Renown and your level. If you don't PvP and just complete quests, then you get both of them again as you're contributing to your faction securing of the zone. The only major grinding comes in the form of when you get to the max level and you're focused on raising your renown for example - then it becomes a grind. But overall, it's not grind orientated, or no where near as bad as Warcraft is.

Exactly the things i was expecting to hear, just preordered. Thanks very much!

Is their an ocuk guild starting on some server? would be nice to be in a space where i can talk rather than just heaving on with everything.
Can anyone fill me in on how the minimap radar majobby works???

Guild wars for me has the best minimap ever, it rotates with the N E S W letters on it and shows your aggro circle and has red dots for all nearby enemies. Perfect!

In WoW you can make the minimap roate but it just doesnt feel the same, maybe as its only got the N letter. also theres no aggro circle or red dots for enemies.

im guessing as warhammer is trying to take wow players it will copy that but if it copies guildwars i will love this game forever.
Some RvR from tonight:





Cool Zealot shot (new gear):
Can anyone fill me in on how the minimap radar majobby works???

Guild wars for me has the best minimap ever, it rotates with the N E S W letters on it and shows your aggro circle and has red dots for all nearby enemies. Perfect!

In WoW you can make the minimap roate but it just doesnt feel the same, maybe as its only got the N letter. also theres no aggro circle or red dots for enemies.

im guessing as warhammer is trying to take wow players it will copy that but if it copies guildwars i will love this game forever.

The map doesn't rotate or show enemies. Although if an enemy targets you, your circle (under you) shows a red arrow pointing in their direction.
Can anyone fill me in on how the minimap radar majobby works???

Guild wars for me has the best minimap ever, it rotates with the N E S W letters on it and shows your aggro circle and has red dots for all nearby enemies. Perfect!

In WoW you can make the minimap roate but it just doesnt feel the same, maybe as its only got the N letter. also theres no aggro circle or red dots for enemies.

im guessing as warhammer is trying to take wow players it will copy that but if it copies guildwars i will love this game forever.

The minimap got an overhaul recently, it was a lot bigger but they made it smaller which I never really liked as it's a bit too small now. However there are various things that appear on it which are shown in the picture below. You can filter things out and put more things in with this menu. Your character is always shown in the center of the minimap as a green triangle which changes position when you move around but it's always fixed on the center position.

The little dot with the Warhammer symbol on it at the top left of the minimap is the Scenario queue which is like a Warcraft battleground (Arathi Basin / Warsong Gulch etc..) and you click that, and it opens a menu to join up as either solo or a party so you can join up from anywhere. You can also queue for multiple scenarios if you have group members in other zones.

There is a + and - on the right side which increases the zoom of the minimap. You can either be zoomed in x2, normal mode or zoomed out x2. The green bar on the far right is the influence bar. This is for the influence you gain from going public quests. Each time you hit a new level (there are 3) you can go collect a new reward.

The top section give you the name of the zone and above that is the war meter which shows you who controls the zone. Currently in the picture Order controls the zone. If the other side has a "lock" symbol on it it means that the War has moved to another zone, and Destruction can't retake this zone without gaining control of another one first.

And finally the globe at the top right of the minimap is basically a button to open the main map.

From what I'm aware, enemies do not appear on the map. However group members do as a gray square. Raid members do not appear however. If you're in a raid (known as a warband) then only your current group will be displayed and not the whole raid, which I personally don't like as I'd like to see where they all are.

Forgive typo's also, it's late :P (or early!)

Thanks for the info. sounds a bit annoying, not rotating doesnt make sense to me, i want to always be going up on my minimap, running forward should equate to going upwards on minimap.lol.
im playing wow for a month atm to get used to these bigger style mmo's before warhammer so get ill just have to turn rotate off and get used to it. although im liking the sound of the quests in warhammer as opposed to wow, in wow every quest is basically kill a boar and get its skin then walk 3000miles to get a reward. less grindy sounds good, basically the more towards guildwars the game goes the better. although release day guildwars that is, the developers ruined guildwars repeatedly with each expansion.
Screenshots look great ! Thanks for posting them. I don't know if it'll be the wow killer but it'll certainly be the end of AoC !

As much as I like and am enjoying WAR, I am also a realist. It wont be a WoW killer, not with the enormous asian userbase that WoW has, with the near fanaticism that asia has for blizzard games, the only thing which will break WoWs hold is the next blizzard mmo.

I however , prefer WAR to any currently released MMO, and I think WAR will do very well. But I am not going to overhype it as a wow killer (it is for me personally, but speaking generally, it wont be. All depends on whether WoW is a dead duck for you (it is for me) and WAR is more to your tastes)
WAR doesn't need to be a wow-killer, it just need to perform well enough to keep the updates and developement going. Plenty of MMO's survive on a fraction of wow's user base and this will be no exception i expect. It would be nice if it made a dent in wow but that's all I expect it's going to be initially at least.
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