*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***


You can view and make your own talent trees there :) Just click on the words "Career Builder" to change the class. Something that got me however - you don't just get the skills when you pass them when moving up a true. When you reach the level of a tactic or ability, you have to spend another point to get it. Such as if you wanted the first tactic from any tree, you'd need to spend 3 points to reach it, then click on the tactic itself (red thing with a sword in it) to get it - so 4 points in total.

They have have renown tree's here:


Just click on the Renown Builder to change class. These are the points you get when you get a new renown rank through advancing your factions control of zone through quests and things, or when you RvR in Scenarios of open world.
This may have been asked, but I'm a firm believer in paying for a game and being done with that bit.. as such I'm a Guild Wars fan.

Ive been a fan of the Games Workshop genres though and am thinking about giving it a try, but has anyone else who has played GW gone into the WH beta? I need some insight onto the changes. I am not a WoW player..
Been reading a lot an absorbing massive amounts of info but finding it hard to put in to context. For example how much health does each class type have? When something adds 900 damage to an attack is that life threatening? Does a 60dps weapon actually do a lot of damage?
Been reading a lot an absorbing massive amounts of info but finding it hard to put in to context. For example how much health does each class type have? When something adds 900 damage to an attack is that life threatening? Does a 60dps weapon actually do a lot of damage?

Most classes seem to have a lot of health, such as at 31 most will have 3.5k easily, tanks probably a lot higher. Some attacks which do high damage (such as level 3-4 moral abilities) will not be fired too frequently due to the mechanics needed to build moral up.
Autoattack is also pretty useless in this game in regards to damage, it's more like a low level DoT. You need to utilise your skills and specials in every fight if you have any hope of doing well. Such as in WoW, I could leave my shaman autoattacking and use a few skills occasionally- but WAR is built differently and such play will see MOBs killing you easily.
Here are a few shots from my jaunt as a Warrior Priest from level 1. The images have all been resized, and despite the game options being set to high-quality, there were no options for anything else other than resolution and "High Quality for PvE", so they look a bit crappy. Rest assured, since the last few patches, they have got better (as you'll see from the other posts before mine) and they will no doubt get even better as more options are added for the graphics rendering. The normal sized versions of these images can be found at http://chokka.site40.net/war/, and you can find shots from other characters at ttp://chokka.site40.net/war/resized/. There are actually a few more in there, I don't want to post them all as there are a lot.

These are from the main starting area and the surrounding parts. They may be seen by some to be ***SPOILERS*** so scroll past if you don't want to see some of the stuff in the beginning of the game...


After just killing a giant in the first Public Quest for the Empire:

I did it again to get a screenshot of the giant entering, as I was just expecting him to spawn as they do in some games:

He's going down!

I was really chuffed when I got my first big hammer. It was a free reward for completing public quests in the area. The green bar to the left of the minimap shows your progress. You get three levels of rewards, and you can choose all three if you have accumulated the points to do so:

Me fighting a random horror during another public quest further into the Empire lands:

My first RvR kill in the Tier 1 contested area. That poor Chosen didn't know what hit him! Note that I'm only level 6, so the first RvR area is accessible from a very low level :)

Just killed a Zealot after picking up a quest for that first RvR zone. Also note that after the kill, I had a message informing me that I had encountered a Zealot of Chaos, and that an entry had been made in my Tome of Knowledge. I can't stress enough just how cool the Tome of Knowledge is. It tell you all the stuff you really want to know in the game, and will be an incredible tool for all WAR players:

This Chosen and his two friends owned me hard! It was fun nevertheless, and I put up a relatively decent fight. I think I lasted around 10 seconds :P

Here's a bunch of us facing off against a sea of Destruction! We got caned but it was a really awesome fight. Shortly after though, we got more into our group and formed a Warband, and took it to their front! As you can guess from the picture, ranged classes really shine in the lower-level RvR so far, especially when there's a large distance between you and the enemy ranks.

This may have been asked, but I'm a firm believer in paying for a game and being done with that bit.. as such I'm a Guild Wars fan.

Ive been a fan of the Games Workshop genres though and am thinking about giving it a try, but has anyone else who has played GW gone into the WH beta? I need some insight onto the changes. I am not a WoW player..

I have played Guildwars, but to be honest I could not give you an unbiased view of WAR because I really didnt like Guildwars as it just isnt what I look for in an MMO. (if indeed it can be called an mmo). So although I've played both it wouldnt be fair of me to comment on the two because it will come out very one-sided
Most classes seem to have a lot of health, such as at 31 most will have 3.5k easily, tanks probably a lot higher. Some attacks which do high damage (such as level 3-4 moral abilities) will not be fired too frequently due to the mechanics needed to build moral up.
Autoattack is also pretty useless in this game in regards to damage, it's more like a low level DoT. You need to utilise your skills and specials in every fight if you have any hope of doing well. Such as in WoW, I could leave my shaman autoattacking and use a few skills occasionally- but WAR is built differently and such play will see MOBs killing you easily.

Cheers, secondly AP: Seeing various skills costing up to 70 AP which i assume is a lot but whats the total you can have? At a guess i'd think 100 with 10/sec regen. Also on wardb it lists some abilities having a 60m cooldown but the tactics reduce the cooldowns of some by 40 seconds. 40 seconds of 60minutes seems pointless or is it a typo and they have a 60 second base cooldown?
Cheers, secondly AP: Seeing various skills costing up to 70 AP which i assume is a lot but whats the total you can have? At a guess i'd think 100 with 10/sec regen. Also on wardb it lists some abilities having a 60m cooldown but the tactics reduce the cooldowns of some by 40 seconds. 40 seconds of 60minutes seems pointless or is it a typo and they have a 60 second base cooldown?

I'm not sure the amount of AP off the top of my head, but the regen is crazy tbh. Unless you madly spam skills, there will be few instances where you are all out. As a zealot throwing a lot of HoTs about, I sometimes run out - but it regens so quickly its not an issue.
Also, afaik, the tactics which reduce cooldowns (at least the ones i've seen on the chars I play) usually reduce them by 50%.
Health is based purely on Wounds, if you have 210 Wounds then you have 2100 health (wounds x 10 = health). A rank 31 Warrior Priest for example, naked with no master points or anything has 233 so 2,330 health. Add in all the Wounds points from gear, and also a +700 HP buff I can get her to 5,400.

Cheers, secondly AP: Seeing various skills costing up to 70 AP which i assume is a lot but whats the total you can have? At a guess i'd think 100 with 10/sec regen. Also on wardb it lists some abilities having a 60m cooldown but the tactics reduce the cooldowns of some by 40 seconds. 40 seconds of 60minutes seems pointless or is it a typo and they have a 60 second base cooldown?
Total AP is 250. Some skills do cost a lot, but there are things like tactics which can help against this. A tactic for a bright wizard for example has a 25% chance when you damage something to instantly regen 30 AP. The regen is very fast out of combat, and as stated until you mash the keys you'll not run out of AP. Mashing them however, ie. skill after skill, then you'll run out pretty fast. You also do not regen AP when you are casting an ability or in the middle of an animation and it only happens in the gaps in between.

Here are some screenshots of the game, mainly around Altdorf which is the Empire Capital City.

Layout Editor

That is the built-in layout editor. You can move anything on the screen to wherever you want, and it can be scaled around. They also "snap" to edges so you can set it up easier than trying to move it a few pixels to the side to line it up with the screen. They snap very well to other objects also, they snap on the edges / center.

RvR Zone markers

On the map you'll see blue "keeps" and smaller blue "shield" symbols. The smaller things are objectives that are available to take around the map, they give large renown for taking them. The big blue things are the keeps. Taking control of both keeps in and the markers will move to the way to the next zone. For instance it'll move from Praag to Reikland if Destruction took everything. When that happens Order cannot retake anything in Praag until they push the Destruction players out of Reikland and control the keep for 30 minutes. The green objectives are untaken objectives, that are neutral and not in control by anyone. They cannot be taken by either side until the War has moved to that zone.

Open Groups

When you enter a section of a zone, it gives you a button to click that shows all the open groups in the area. You can join these simply by just double clicking on them and you don't have to bug people for invites. Currently however they have set all groups to be open by default, so you might end up joining a private group who haven't set their group to closed.


You can make your own macros. You can basically make your own buttons, and enter scripts or commands to tie into them. There are a bunch of icons you can select from and you have a good few of macros you can select.

Flight Masters

Around the zones, and mostly or only in warcamps which are small camps on the outskirts of a RvR area but not actually in the RvR section so you don't get flagged, are flight masters that you can use to travel around the world. The screenshot shows the Empire vs. Chaos zones that I can fly too. I can change the type however to Elves vs. Elves or Dwarfs vs. Orc and can fly to them as well.

Altdorf and Exploration

Exploration in Altdorf is fantastic, I really really really love it. There are so many places that you can just find by luck and it turns out to be something you can click on and get something from it. In a couple of the screenshots I ran down the stairs of a random house, and you could click on the Shelves. When you click on it, it opens the shelves up as door as there is a zone entrance behind hit which is a group instance. Another one was a man dying in the Slums of Altdorf and you can click on him for more information. Lastly was a dark back alley. After noticing a door you can click on, I ran down the alley and into the house which had lit candles everywhere. Running to the bottom showed Chaos NPC's. Killing them all and there was a "Peculiar Mirror" you click on. When you click on this, you get a tome entry of two and it starts a public quest to kill monsters which you can complete and get rewards from.

There are so many things like this, just random little areas you can find and click on and get some tome entries and the like. It really is an explorers dream. It's not just the capital city either, you can go exploring and find tons of things around the zones in your own time and it's good fun and there's a lot of information to gather and read and things to do.
Yeah, that must be a typo on the site, because there arent really too many skills that have an hour cooldown, I cant check for certain because that site is blocked here at work so I cant get to it to check the listed skills
I'm looking at the pics CHokKA the last one with the red, green and yellow arrows.
What does the arrows mean ?

The yellow arrow points to your secondary target (friendly), the blue arrows point to your team mates, the red line arrows point to people targeting you or attacking you, the full red arrow points to your offensive target.
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Hollow Blue Arrow = Group Member
Hollow Red Arrow = Enemy player
Solid Red Arrow = Currently Targetted Enemy player
Thick Yellow Arrow = Your defensive Target

Warrior Priests can have a defensive target as well as a main target. They can for instance attack the player and if they press heal it'll heal their defensive target so you don't need to keep switching around.
The more vids and pics and info i devour the more and more im getting excited this aint fair ! :p

The warhammeralliance video thats on the main page atm is really good.

Currently in beta we're forced to use level 31 templates, so its a bit harder to get into it as you're suddenly overwhelmed with skills. Prior to that in CB, starting from 1 - I actually felt something playing this game that I haven't for a very long time with MMOs (not since DAoC) - this bodes well for a good future (for me and WAR anyway :D).
Currently in beta we're forced to use level 31 templates, so its a bit harder to get into it as you're suddenly overwhelmed with skills. Prior to that in CB, starting from 1 - I actually felt something playing this game that I haven't for a very long time with MMOs (not since DAoC) - this bodes well for a good future (for me and WAR anyway :D).

Yeah I agree with that too. I was a bit overwhelmed when I logged my WP in at level 31 and had only a few skills on the bar. It was a bit like Christmas because I had loads of skills and abilities in my abilities menu, but I had no idea what order to put any of them into as it's much easier to assign buttons when you're levelling up gaining skills. I did feel a lot more of the atmosphere when I was playing from level 1 upwards though. I can't wait for general release :)
Thankfully they are wiping and starting at level 1 for open beta, although it's locked at tier 2 maximum so can't get above level 22/23.
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