*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

Tombstone - Does the zealot have a fair bit of survivability, any crowd control at all?

I personally found that my shaman had higher survivability than my zealot, thanks to the shamans ability to turn heals into instacast ones. But I did also find the survivability on my zealot fairly decent too. Except obviously when you get swamped, at which point there is little that most people can do.

It does have a few limited CC abilities, but nothing anywhere near as close as the kinds of CC abilities that were in Daoc. There really is no equivalent in WAR to the Daoc midgard healer in regards to mez/stun etc.

Most CC abilities in WAR arent designed to stun/mez, but rather to throw your enemies back x amount of foot, or knock them over. Just to give you the space and time to run.
cheers again for the more orc pics tombstone. Orcs are looking very cool atm :D

I really want to roll chaos but i keep looking at the orcs and they look damm awesome !
Although i have got my eye kinda set on zealot.

How does the looting system work btw for public quests and just in general ? is it kinda like wow where its based on need or greed, but the raid leader can asume master looted and distrubute how he sees fit ?
I really hope WAR doesnt become a wow killer, and wotlk keeps the kids and gold farmers in barrens chat. Hopefully the game will attract a higher % of mature crowd that AoC was supposed to
I really hope WAR doesnt become a wow killer, and wotlk keeps the kids and gold farmers in barrens chat. Hopefully the game will attract a higher % of mature crowd that AoC was supposed to

Aye im kinda hoping this too. Id just get annoyed with people constantly running round yelling noob to everyone that doesnt protect them or help them.

Although i have a feeling the first few weeks or months you will prob get a lot of people trying it out. Like most did for AOC.

But again I dont see it as a wow killer the game is too different. Mainly based on pvp/rvr rather than wow which has a lot more PVE content. So i guess its down to preference
How does the looting system work btw for public quests and just in general ? is it kinda like wow where its based on need or greed, but the raid leader can asume master looted and distrubute how he sees fit ?

On the PQs, when the PQ is completed it automatically does a roll, everyone gets rated for their contribution during the PQ, the highest contributors get a + bonus to their roll. Then the highest rollers (the exact number of winners varies with the PQs) win a "bag" from the end chest. Nobody else can loot the bag they have won. You pick up your allocated bag, and select 1 item from within it, usually a blue or purple item.

When it works right, its very nice, but to be honest its prone to some annoying events, like sometimes you will contribute loads and come 1st for contribution, which gives you say a +250 bonus to your roll, and then you annoying roll a 4 and end up missing out on a bag. Alternatively you come really low for contribution and roll a 800 (on a scale of 1000) and end up winning a bag. Its a bit random really. Though its not too bad as you usually run the PQs a few times to max your influence and pick up the influence rewards anyway, so you often win something at some point.

General looting though is essentially the normal affair similar to wow
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As much as I like and am enjoying WAR, I am also a realist. It wont be a WoW killer, not with the enormous asian userbase that WoW has, with the near fanaticism that asia has for blizzard games, the only thing which will break WoWs hold is the next blizzard mmo.

Who cares about the asian market? Bunch of wierdo's who will happily sit for days killing the same thing over and over.... they love pointless grind. WAR if it comes off has the ability to kill wow pvp. In wow you have 2 camps the pvp'ers and the pve'ers. If WAR pulls it off the pvp'ers will all migrate.

The only other thing that im worried about is if the appalling wow community infect WAR with the same low level, kiddish, thugish behaviour.
Who cares about the asian market? Bunch of wierdo's who will happily sit for days killing the same thing over and over.... they love pointless grind. WAR if it comes off has the ability to kill wow pvp. In wow you have 2 camps the pvp'ers and the pve'ers. If WAR pulls it off the pvp'ers will all migrate.

The only other thing that im worried about is if the appalling wow community infect WAR with the same low level, kiddish, thugish behaviour.

Well I personally dont care about the asian market, but I am pretty sure the shareholders do :)

I prefer WARs RvR to WoWs PvP (though of course there are still lots of folks who wont like WARs RvR), mind you to be honest I prefer UO and Daocs PvP rather than WoWs pvp too :D , I was just addressing the "wow-killer" term.
Flibby & Misterjingo - what are your impressions of the game?

I'm currently running a guild in game, and theres a lot of people waiting to get in once the OB starts (CE preorders), and i'm pretty impressed with it even after all this time tbh.
While there are still some CTD issues, on the whole the client is pretty stable, a lot more so that many MMOs i've played in the past this near to release.
They've managed to balance the game so that while gear definitely helps, it's not the final decider in any confrontation. Skill plays a large role (as far as skill can be defined in these kind of games).
Something that becomes apparent early on is that skill distribution amongst classes is geared towards team play - it's also balanced towards team play. This might be an issue with WoW players who will staill maintain the solo PvP mentality - they'll die a lot here. Every class can hold their own PvE-wise, but PvP is all about grouping.
PvP itself is fantastic, if you havent got long to play you can join the zerg and an open WG (usually praag) or sign up to scenarios. If you have a few hours, group up with guildies and either flank the zerg or go find others looking for team play.
Something to note is the guild system - they've done an amazing job with it.

So while the game still has some issues, they're not great enough to stop me and my guild playing release - i'm looking forward to finally having a char which won't be wiped :D

Tombstone - Does the zealot have a fair bit of survivability, any crowd control at all?

Zealot *can* have a large amount of survivability if played well. The thing with zealot is that to play well, you need to utilise a lot of skills. I've had 3-4 order all attacking me, and through use of HoTs and shielding (which is a bit pants, but helps), i've managed to escape and survive - we have some nice healing moral abilities too which help a lot.
As mentioned above, there WAR doesn't contain huge amounts of CC. What I have on my zealot is a mass knockback (1min cool down but can be reduced by over half through the use of tactics) which knocks back all enemies in a xx range in front. I've also speced quite highly in one tree and have a 3 second stun which is fantastic for escape, or to stun stragglers for your group to deal with.
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As mentioned above, there WAR doesn't contain huge amounts of CC. What I have on my zealot is a mass knockback (1min cool down but can be reduced by over half through the use of tactics) which knocks back all enemies in a xx range in front. I've also speced quite highly in one tree and have a 3 second stun which is fantastic for escape, or to stun stragglers for your group to deal with.

So that's the Alchemy tree then?

I'm thinking of going zealot rather than disciple now.
So that's the Alchemy tree then?

I'm thinking of going zealot rather than disciple now.

I can't recall the name of the tree it's the first one which says concerns mainly healing (At work atm so can't check).
Some things to note about zealots though - the higher you level, the more you seem relegated to healer as our damage doesn't scale well. Lower level, only warrior priest would be a threat and I could hold my own. At 31+ I need to do a lot of self healing to take anyone on solo.
Our trees are not as they are detailed. What I mean by this is that no tree buffs only healing or damage, as these skills are spead amongst all trees - this makes it hard to decide where to spend points. You can't simply stick to one tree for an overall buff in healing, it'll just buff the healing spells under that specific tree.
Another thing i wanted to ask was is chat restricted to there faction ie orcs cannont talk to empire ?

Like WoW has restricted it. (i know i keep refering to WoW but its an easy one most people can relate to)
Does anyone know if we are we allowed to post screenshots of the beta phases that have been and gone, or only this current phase? I have a few from my Warrior Priest from level 1 up to 8 or so last phase, and was going to post them up if they won't land me in trouble :)
Another thing i wanted to ask was is chat restricted to there faction ie orcs cannont talk to empire ?

Like WoW has restricted it. (i know i keep refering to WoW but its an easy one most people can relate to)

Thats correct, Destruction races cant talk to Order races and vice versa

Does anyone know if we are we allowed to post screenshots of the beta phases that have been and gone, or only this current phase? I have a few from my Warrior Priest from level 1 up to 8 or so last phase, and was going to post them up if they won't land me in trouble :)

I dont believe there are any restrictions on posting screenshots from earlier phases
A question about instances does it have anything comparable to wow in this case, I remember in daoc an instance was a case of finding a spot with mob spawns and just camping it or if there wasn't many people about running between spawn points, do they have anything dungeon wise that you can just run within a group, kill bosses rinse repeat and so on?
A question about instances does it have anything comparable to wow in this case, I remember in daoc an instance was a case of finding a spot with mob spawns and just camping it or if there wasn't many people about running between spawn points, do they have anything dungeon wise that you can just run within a group, kill bosses rinse repeat and so on?

The instances aren't instances in the traditional sense, they're all open until you get to the main boss fight. Then you enter a specific instance for the fight with that boss. So basically throughout a dungeon or similar, you could be battling your way through with other members of your own faction, or the enemy faction if they happen to be there too, until you reach the end boss.
Flibby & Misterjingo - what are your impressions of the game?

My initial impressions when I joined beta was that it was very good. The game feels quite solid even though there are some gaping bugs, doesn't feel like there is a massive thing missing. The classes I've played are well designed, although some of them have their flaws and I'm expecting them to get looked at. The graphics are mediocre but we are all fixed on "low" settings and there is no AA or AF. The game is actually quite funny too - it likes to crack jokes and humour the player in other ways, such as my Empire Bright Wizard shouts "********!" when she gets hit. The humour side I find quite unique and it makes the game more enjoyable and you do get a few smiles out of it even if the jokes are cheesy.

RvR is very good. I've never played DaoC so I cannot compare but overall it's a lot of fun. I do have my faults with it though which I'm hoping at looked into. Such as when you are defending a keep - the ranged can just about hit the front of the gate with their spells, but everyone else standing about 10 foot from the gate basically never get hit. The ballstic weapons also never realy do a lot of damage. The hellblasters that you can attach to the keep to fire do about 500 - 800 damage to one single target with a reload time of about 8 - 10 seconds which is crap.

There are several "mini-games" in the game too which are great fun. Such as there is one for the battering ram when you are trying to bust into a keep. 4 players operating the ram enter into a small mini game which is simple and it's just like a random number generator trying to get 100 but it is good fun. There is another when operating a ballistic weapon near a keep or warcamp. When you click on it, you can enter sniper mode and then look through the vision of the weapon and can shoot players. Basically like trying to sniper people from distance with a weapon - it's fun, even if they don't do a lot of damage.

The zone design is good, they have laid everything out very well. Basically all zones have a segment of RvR and PvE in them so you can do either no matter which zone you go into. The bad thing is that you have to cross PvP areas to get to other PvE areas which I don't like - it means that people who HATE PvP are still going to have to flag themselves and gauntlet over a PvP area to reach the PvE bit. Another bad thing is, you don't need to PvP/RvR to build up your renown ranks. Every 2 level of renown ranks you receive Tier armour which is like a full set of class armour. In the first tier zones (1 - 11) you can buy this armour without setting foot in a RvR area. However Tier 2 to Tier 4 zones (12 - 40) require you to venture into a RvR area and visit a keep your faction owns to buy it which sucks again for PvE people.

PvE I never tried, however there are about 8 PvE high end zones for people to visit so it's not a purely PvP game. There is one in Altdorf for example, and speaking of that there is also a Public Quest in Altdorf - you have to kill a Rank 40 Lord and it's some big fat thing that looks like that thing from Blade that was in the archives and they killed it with UV light :)

Public Quests are definitely my most fun thing in the game. There are loads of them, and you can actually solo and still end up getting loot at the end of it. Or you can group up and co-ordinate and go from there. Each PQ (Public Quest) is split into sections. The first section does not have a time limit and is generally "kill X of these" and "find x of these". When you do that and complete it the PQ movies into the 2nd stage which is time based, and it involves Champions (think of elite mobs from WoW) and sometimes a Hero (like a boss). When you gank all of them, the PQ either ends or it'll advance to stage 3 it depends which PQ is it. When it goes to stage 3 it's always Hero's, and sometimes there a few of them. When you finish though, you receive a rating from 0 to 400 on how much you contributed. This is your base score. When everyone gets a base score, the game automatically rolls 1 - 1000 for everyone and adds it to their base score. This is good and not good at the same time.

1000 is quite high, and it really means that if a group was the only ones doing a PQ and they were battling HARD and finally got down to the last Hero in stage 3 and some random guy came along and hit the Hero twice he'd be entered into the rankings but he'd have a low score. Now imagine the whole group that had been there all the time all got sub 550 rolls, and random guy got a high 900's roll - well he'd win the best loot, and he's only been there for 5 seconds. You may think this would be very rare, but I've seen it happen 3 times so far and it's quite annoying - basically 1000 roll is too high.

Overall the game is good, it has it's flaws which would smack you straight in the face as soon as you made a character if you joined beta right now, but they are hopefully going to be resolve and the game does have potential.
I always have a knack and choosing a character which ...never ends up being what you expect.

For example in Anarchy Online I wanted to be a Tank, so I chose the class Enforcer but, very early on they were not that good, mid-life of the game they got better and when expansions came out other classes could do it, better, I think now they have reign of tanking again.

As for WoW, I played it in beta when Mages had invis and were a little overpowered, but still, I wanted to be the ranged damage dealer, but again early on they were not bad but end game they suffered.

I'd like to note I no longer play either of these games so years worth of patches could have changed a bit.

Not sure what I want to play in WAR, I was tempted to go healer because I usually team with my friends/brother but life of a healer is quite ...demanding and you have no room to slack.

I guess I want to be another damage dealer where I don't need other people to rely on me for anything, I just want to concentrated on bashing things and can be pretty self reliant.
As for WoW, I played it in beta when Mages had invis and were a little overpowered, but still, I wanted to be the ranged damage dealer, but again early on they were not bad but end game they suffered.
That was probably due to Blizzards ingenious idea to make most of the end-game prior-TBC and AQ40 Fire based so all Mages ended up Frost :)

Taking screenshot requests also if anyone wants pictures of things - like classes, skills, capital cities, morale stuff etc.
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