*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

over £10 a month, wow, that's brave considering WoW is both cheaper and more established

Same price in Euro for WoW and WAR. So it really doesn't matter.

The game cards cost the exact same in Euro also and everyone I know that plays mmo's use those.

So for the EU its the same as most mmo's.
Yeah :/ The headstart is only 3 days long as well, other games that I know that have done it give you 1 week. 3 days is poor.

To be honest, 3 days is fine. Long enough to do tier 1 and 2 if you know what you are doing, and if it was longer than 3 days there wouldnt really be much point, what are you going to do in tier 3 or above with so few people in the area.
over £10 a month, wow, that's brave considering WoW is both cheaper and more established

Remember that WoW was released almost 4 years ago, i'm sure the cost of pretty much everything has gone up since then.

And it's pretty obvious that WoW is more established than a game that hasn't even been released yet.
Three important things I've been told:

If you've bought the pre-order pack which allows you into open beta and gives you your in-game items and head-start from HMV or from eBay or something and you are buying the standard edition, you will LOSE the headstart account. So whatever you do in those 3 games will be wiped. So other than open beta access, the pre-order packs are useless without a collector's edition key to go with it.

There will be standard edition pre-order packs available from the end of August, which will allow you open beta access, live game head start and free items but are linked to a standard edition.

One more thing... if you don't replace your headstart key with a matching key from the game a couple of days after the headstart ends then the account will be lost and you'll have to make another one. So if you're postie brings it too late, you'll have to start again.
Three important things I've been told:

If you've bought the pre-order pack which allows you into open beta and gives you your in-game items and head-start from HMV or from eBay or something and you are buying the standard edition, you will LOSE the headstart account. So whatever you do in those 3 games will be wiped. So other than open beta access, the pre-order packs are useless without a collector's edition key to go with it.

There will be standard edition pre-order packs available from the end of August, which will allow you open beta access, live game head start and free items but are linked to a standard edition.

One more thing... if you don't replace your headstart key with a matching key from the game a couple of days after the headstart ends then the account will be lost and you'll have to make another one. So if you're postie brings it too late, you'll have to start again.

Thank god I have 2 collectors editions so I dont have to worry about all these complications :)
Three important things I've been told:

If you've bought the pre-order pack which allows you into open beta and gives you your in-game items and head-start from HMV or from eBay or something and you are buying the standard edition, you will LOSE the headstart account. So whatever you do in those 3 games will be wiped. So other than open beta access, the pre-order packs are useless without a collector's edition key to go with it.

There will be standard edition pre-order packs available from the end of August, which will allow you open beta access, live game head start and free items but are linked to a standard edition.

One more thing... if you don't replace your headstart key with a matching key from the game a couple of days after the headstart ends then the account will be lost and you'll have to make another one. So if you're postie brings it too late, you'll have to start again.

That's not true at all m8.
Anyone know if you need to pre-order the standard edition at a "selected retailer" to get all the extras or if you can order it from anywhere?
One more thing... if you don't replace your headstart key with a matching key from the game a couple of days after the headstart ends then the account will be lost and you'll have to make another one. So if you're postie brings it too late, you'll have to start again.

If that is true then that is very annoying as my post always takes ages! :mad:
you dont lose your account if you dont put in a CE code...

you have a grace period where you can play the game for a few days after that the acoutnt if frozen until you put in a CE key it doesnt get deleted.

the bit about CE pre order keys needing a CE key is probably right though because they said for america they might have a different headstart date for CE people so obviously the ce pre order keys are linked with CE game keys
The codes from CE pre-order box will be different to the codes in a standard edition pre-order box. If you have the CE pre-order you will be able to play the headstart and for a few days after release at which point you will need to put in the licence key for a CE. If you don't then your headstart account will close and you'll need to open a new account with your regular edition licence key but you won't have your headstart characters or items.
From the English Community Manager @ GOA (IainC at Warhammer Alliance).

If they didn't actually remove/delete the headstart account after X days then they'd end up with thousands of inactive accounts clogging up their system because of all the resellers on eBay and the people that go the pre-order pack from the official partners of the CE edition but then cancelled the game. Meaning they all have a Collectors Edition version of pre-order pack but no Collectors Edition game.
From the English Community Manager @ GOA (IainC at Warhammer Alliance).

If they didn't actually remove/delete the headstart account after X days then they'd end up with thousands of inactive accounts clogging up their system because of all the resellers on eBay and the people that go the pre-order pack from the official partners of the CE edition but then cancelled the game. Meaning they all have a Collectors Edition version of pre-order pack but no Collectors Edition game.

what utter tripe he says "close" meaning you wont be able to use it until you put a CE cdkey in go ask him on the freddyshouse forums
mmos never delete old accounts even after years so you assuming they will delete headstart accounts after a few days is laughable.

at most there is 55,000 pre order packs floating around in europe and you think 55k accounts with clog up there system?
Ahhh there's always one that has to turn their posts into snotty ones. If you want to run under the assumption that they aren't deleting accounts arknor be my guest, personally I don't really care. You can take it both ways from what he's said.

Safe <> Sorry
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