****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Jesus Christ, if you can't even join a battle then please uninstall game. We have too many retards already :p

Lol. I was trying to join a training battle. Didn't realise you had to wait for the 'commander' to place you in a team. Hit a few battles and kills under my belt last night......eventually. :p
I recently moved to Tier X and learnt the hard way. The repair cost of a Batchat25t is roughly 25k, which is probably the same as other tier X tanks.

In a giddy fit I played for a few weeks with randoms with my new Batchat and lost a fortune! I dont play with a premium account which probably accounts for a lot. Im not going to use my Batchat unless Im platooning, so give me an excuse to dust of its cobwebs and lets toon up!! :D
That AMX40 Tank looks funny. It looks like its inflatable.:D

Its probably one of the worst tanks in the game imo.
It was a horrible grind, then as soon as i unlocked the next tank, i went and got a top gun. ace tanker badge in it.
Still doesnt take away that i hated that tank
Its probably one of the worst tanks in the game imo.
It was a horrible grind, then as soon as i unlocked the next tank, i went and got a top gun. ace tanker badge in it.
Still doesnt take away that i hated that tank

People actually try to defend that tank as if its 'misunderstood'. ><

Downhill its hilariously fast, on any other terrain its slow as hell. Its armour is high for its tier but unless by some miracle you come up against none of the tanks t3/4 with guns capable of ripping through you like tissue paper you really don't stand a chance. Its gun is actually fairly powerful but it rarely matters and the reload speed is horrible. Its almost as bad as the B1...

The AMX (now ELC AMX) is just a breath of fresh air after it.
Its probably one of the worst tanks in the game imo.
It was a horrible grind, then as soon as i unlocked the next tank, i went and got a top gun. ace tanker badge in it.
Still doesnt take away that i hated that tank

I thought it would have had great ricochet potential seeing as it dosent have a singe straight edge.
The 8.3 patch is out and chinese tanks with it.

The Type B (Tier 2 chinese) is fantastic with the POM POM. :D

I agree. I noticed I was often the only one with it. I think as its a quick firer people reckon its pants but its like having a one shot in four shells.

They have destroyed arty though.
especially the SU26.
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