****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Don't go with the E-25 for a credits earner as at these tiers most players can tear it to shreds very quickly, its a good fun novelty tanks and rip a lower tier team apart but in the high tier it just gets munched. Get the SU-122-44 instead as its able to take a round or two before exploding in a ball of flames unlike the E-25.

That is incorrect. E-25 is fine in T8 games. Just last night I killed a T34 from full hp in very little time. It was sat out in the open side on (with regular ammo as well).

It is a very good tank, just requires some skill and knowledge. I cant comment on what its like with a stock / 75% crew because I use my JT crew (on the 4th skill 45 - 60%). To do well it in it you need to use its speed and camo, not charge in head first trying to kill something in a 1vs1.

I own both the E-25 and the SU-122-44. I have much better average damage and xp in my E-25 vs my SU-122-44. Its much more fun to play and I would say earns more credits (really cheap shells help a lot with that).

In tier 9 it does ok as well. Might need to use a bit of premium ammo on some tanks but its ok. I've come top on damage in T9 games when platooning. Its also excellent at passive scouting due to its crazy camo value.

I would say if your a new player / not very good, the SU-122-44 is the better tank but the E-25 is better in experienced hands.
In terms of MM, The IS-6 is the tank you want. It will never see games higher than T9, so you are always top tier (in a Tier8 battle) or middle table (in a Tier9 battle). Unlike the Lowe, T34 and Jagdtiger8.8 who can all see T10 battles

It has good alpha and sloped armour, its only weak point is its lack of Pen.

JT 88 has the same MM as the IS-6.

unlike the IS-6 the T34 and Lowe both have guns more than capable of damaging even tier 10 tanks so can do a job in those battles hence the reason they get put in them.

in a good players hands i would say the Lowe is still the best earner out of the 3 as it has the best mix of pen / alpha / accuracy and dpm.
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The two chinese premiums (112 and T34-3) come out with the update; might be worth a look but as with all the premium tanks they have glaring weakpoints. Frustratingly you'll only be able to get them from the gift shop.

The best credit earner for me is whatever is on special. T54 atm is on for the rest of the week. The 15 wins/day for 250k has been good but I haven't got it a few days. T6 medium was on at the weekend; didn't touch that but cromwell was really good. I'm waiting for the Jumbo to come up so I can give it a blast. You're also grinding tank lines.

Only the T34 and Lowe don't get special MM afaik.
you've sussed it wrong, the thing to do with it is sell it next patch and get your 7200 gold back as it's really not fun to play at all.

i'm selling mine and will either get an E-25 or maybe keep the gold and see what else comes out.

and the T34 can be great fun to play, it's just a bit situational as the slow rate of fire can leave you screwed at times coupled with the weak hull.

Will be selling mine come the next patch and looking to use the gold towards the Jg 8,8.

Tried the Jg 8,8 on the test server and enjoyed it, not to mention the credits it made.
The two chinese premiums (112 and T34-3) come out with the update; might be worth a look but as with all the premium tanks they have glaring weakpoints. Frustratingly you'll only be able to get them from the gift shop.

I tried the T-34-3, the depression -3 is surprisingly hard to work around with.
Tiger H rof buff is nice, not got a timer but i would say with vents rammer and 80% crew its around 6s. Its great for noob bashing but still is weak as tinfoil :(. Extra HP does help a lot with 1v1.
Gonna download this again, still have load of coins to spend on it as well iirc.

Having read some of the patch notes it seems to have improved on the things that put me off it.
Tiger H rof buff is nice, not got a timer but i would say with vents rammer and 80% crew its around 6s. Its great for noob bashing but still is weak as tinfoil :(. Extra HP does help a lot with 1v1.

I kept my Tiger for 8.8 to see if the ROF helps, it's armour sucks badly since gold ammo was available for credits. Not that it was great before then!

I just logged on to check that I still have all the bits and bobs for my VK3601, Tiger, Tiger II and Jagdpanther. They are all at stock but barring the removed engines all the other bits are still there to add back on. Some on the forums reckon they have lost everything and will have to research it all again... Also reports that German tanks now catch fire very easily?
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Well early days, but Tiger is on fire more than I'd like :/ Was the turret traverse always this slow? It's been ages since I played it, but it's painful.
Well early days, but Tiger is on fire more than I'd like :/ Was the turret traverse always this slow? It's been ages since I played it, but it's painful.

I think all the German engines have 20% chance of fire, at least all the ones that have had an engine removed. Fire seems a major problem now.
I think all the German engines have 20% chance of fire, at least all the ones that have had an engine removed. Fire seems a major problem now.

In matches where you go toe to toe and can't cover the bottom glacis you're stuffed it would seem :( As I seem to nearly always get T8 or T9 matches though I've been sitting back and making use of the ROF :D I had about an 80% win rate playing the Tiger. Then it took me nearly 3 hours to get only 4 wins needed for the 250k. Ask DonPachi how bad the teams I had were! I don't think I won a match in the IS-3 all night :(
I think all the German engines have 20% chance of fire, at least all the ones that have had an engine removed. Fire seems a major problem now.

It's the same for german TD's everyone knows if you shoot the lower front bit it's almost guaranteed to knock out the engine or catch it on fire so you have to try and hide it
It's the same for german TD's everyone knows if you shoot the lower front bit it's almost guaranteed to knock out the engine or catch it on fire so you have to try and hide it

It has been ages since I played the Tiger, but I don't recall it ever being this bad. I may just be blankng out the horror though :D I mainly play the Stug, E-25, 3601, Tiger II and Jagpanther and don't have much of an issue with fire at all.

I'm waiting to see what the German special is in a week or so. I doubt it will have the E-75, Jagpanther II and Ferdinand in it, but I wouldn't be happy if I bought them now and they were!
Also sold my Super Pershing.
I have not missed it!! It was very frustrating to play - however it was a good credit earner and the only tier 8 premium that can be had for 7200 gold.

I hummed and harred over what to get.

I was down to 2 in the end, the T34 and the IS6.

I really wanted the T34, but I am going down the American turreted TD line, so will hopefully have T30 before too long, which is essentially the same tank for silver.

IS6 is unique, it has great MM setup however I have found the gun to be frustrating at times and it doesn't make great money with a standard account, because of the price of the shells.

I am at 60% win rate, already got my Mastery badge and all in all it is much more fun to play than the T26E4. Finally it doesn't meet the devastating tier 10 TD's that Lowe and T32 meet.
I just hate this game at the moment, being constantly put into teams with no chance of winning is just pathetic.
I just hate this game at the moment, being constantly put into teams with no chance of winning is just pathetic.

Know just how you feel, not played for 2 months, had 2 games on wednesday, played rather well, and lost both games due to inept teams. No matter how good WG make the game, the retards will always ruin your chances. Such a shame, I put a lot of time into WoT and love the game. Doubt I will ever return. To frustrating losing all the time with 14 brain dead knob heads herping around the map. Games are meant to be fun, but WoT lost the fun factor I'm afraid to say.
Know just how you feel, not played for 2 months, had 2 games on wednesday, played rather well, and lost both games due to inept teams. No matter how good WG make the game, the retards will always ruin your chances. Such a shame, I put a lot of time into WoT and love the game. Doubt I will ever return. To frustrating losing all the time with 14 brain dead knob heads herping around the map. Games are meant to be fun, but WoT lost the fun factor I'm afraid to say.

I don't mind losing if you still had a good game that's close. It's when the team folds in such an inexplicable manner that you end up being surrounded and all alone within 5 minutes of the match starting! I'm going to start following the lemming train instead of trying to cover the other two routes they leave wide open... I'm nowhere near a good enough player to carry a match so try to support higher efficiency players, if there are any!
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