****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

If you see a lemming train I would wait a little longer.

I've won a few matches because the opposition were too busy destroying the lemmings whilst three of us snook through and captured. :)
That happens, but not often. We did it tonight and it is a lol when then the 3 tanks left on your side cap out and they have 10 tanks left...

Another poor night, it started off bad but then I had a good run in the IS-3 (all T8 matches) then it was T10 all the way and it went downhill fast :(
Does anyone else have really crap days and really good days even when your play style remains the same?
all jgpantherII yesterday really loving it with the top gun and managing 5k damage in some battles

really good day for me

really good day for me

awesome day for me


pathetic day :S

and in case anyone cares my general stats that clearly don't reflect my ability.

was down to 44% win rate at one point lol taking me ages to get back towards 50%
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I can't say I've had too many great days, I just suck too badly :D The last couple of months have been poor win rate wise but my damage dealt, average xp etc is all going up. I'm trying to work on the tanks that I really really suck in and getting them up to at least 50%. I've done a couple, and I've now dragged the Hellcat up to around 45% from ~30%, funny how not rushing in all the time helps :)
You probably will to be honest, the Jagd PIV isn't that hot... The Jagpanther is well worth the grind though :)

The JgPz4 is a good tank. No armor but its small & fast with decent camo. Just have to be quite careful / passive with it. Its much much better than it used to be. When I played it in the Beta / Early release it saw T9 tanks a fair amount and the 75mm only had 135mm of penetration I believe and the 88mm had the 132mm. Was terrible as you couldnt penetrate stuff higher tiers than you (no premium ammo for credits either). The 75mm buff and far better match making has turned it into a decent tank. I think with 100% crew rammer vents reload is 3 / 3.5s with the 75mm.

I need to add some people from here, bit boring playing with randoms.

Are you not in the clan? Your more than welcome to join.
The JgPz4 is a good tank. No armor but its small & fast with decent camo. Just have to be quite careful / passive with it. Its much much better than it used to be. When I played it in the Beta / Early release it saw T9 tanks a fair amount and the 75mm only had 135mm of penetration I believe and the 88mm had the 132mm. Was terrible as you couldnt penetrate stuff higher tiers than you (no premium ammo for credits either). The 75mm buff and far better match making has turned it into a decent tank. I think with 100% crew rammer vents reload is 3 / 3.5s with the 75mm.

I used to really like it, but back when I started playing company matches with you lot the only T6 tanks I had we're the JgPz4 and VK36. The JgPz4 got one shotted a lot! :D I think it's the tank I have the highest number of kills with in a match as well. It's not a turd but the Stug and Jagdpanther are more fun. I haven't really touched the JgPz4 since I bought the E-25, I should revisit it :)

Accepted, Welcome to the Clan :)

I used to really like it, but back when I started playing company matches with you lot the only T6 tanks I had we're the JgPz4 and VK36. The JgPz4 got one shotted a lot! :D I think it's the tank I have the highest number of kills with in a match as well. It's not a turd but the Stug and Jagdpanther are more fun. I haven't really touched the JgPz4 since I bought the E-25, I should revisit it :)

It plays similiar to the E-25, just not so hyped up :p

1 shotting is an issue in companys but I think thats more down to the OP D-25 on the KV-1S
40% win rate on 15 games isn't going to make a great deal of difference to your overall rate on 5k+ games. At least it looks like you had enjoyable games so I wouldn't worry about it? You're going to need lots of 60% days to see decent movement on your overall win rate. I'd just look at your progress over the last 60 days or so, as long as you're happy with that your overall rate will eventually catch up :)
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