****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Do you ever watch any of the WoT streamers on Twitch? I've found this quite useful. It's highlighted for me that my map knowledge is really poor, and also my use of terrain. I'm trying to improve in this, but it's painful at the moment as I'm spending more time manoeuvring than shooting!

You also might pick up some of the glitches that are exploited. Especially shooting through what I had always thought was solid ground! It explained a lot! I've only seen one that I've remembered which is on El Haluf, you can clip the hill on the north east choke point from the higher position. I've been shot loads there before when I thought I was in defilade.

TBH I find watching other people boring but I watched one of my own replays back yesterday and it seemed pretty cool being able to slow the game speed right down and see how the shells trajectory is and seeing exactly where I hit.

it looks like my aiming is fine.

I likely don't make the best use of the terrain though which is why I would like to see some puppetmaster TD games.

although when I played Chinese light tanks exclusively for a few months I did watch a couple of guide videos and learnt a lot from them but light tanks are really hard to play and do well in so I knew watching some videos of them would be invaluable especially with how the turrets depression is on chinese light tanks that forces you to not use the regular snipe spots unless you want to expose your whole tank.

(you may laugh at light tank sniping but those chinese light tanks have pretty beefy guns and with view range equipment and proper crew training you can see so far you often don't even realise it was you spotting people until the scoreboard pops up)

I tended to sit 1-2 squares infront of the TD's in a bush and just snipe the hell out of people with my uber low camo :D was tons of fun
I should really rebuy the wz-131 or 132 for when I want a change of pace and some more furious action


Check out my WoT videos.


In a lot of them I am playing solo...
Okay I will be sure to have a look at some of your video's later on when I have some free time.
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post some solo games ^_^
oh wait you probably never play solo

had 3 ocuk people pm me ingame today btw saying you guys wouldn't understand my argument because you will always be platooned

I play the vast majority of my games solo. It's fun to play in platoons sometimes though.
post some solo games ^_^
oh wait you probably never play solo

had 3 ocuk people pm me ingame today btw saying you guys wouldn't understand my argument because you will always be platooned

This would depend on what exactly your argument is, as I must admit, I'm still a little unsure.

Can one player influence a game? Of course they can.

Can one player influence every game so they win. Of course they can't.

Does a platoon of 3 good players have more chance of influencing a game more then one player. Of course they do.

I think it's as simple as that. I really don't think you can argue against any of those statements, and if you do, you're wrong ;).

Btw, like I have said before - you get better by playing with better players (Puppet is still learning from me all the time...), this really is the best way to learn! Like Rojin says, watching can also help a massive amount.
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This would depend on what exactly your argument is, as I must admit, I'm still a little unsure.

Can one player influence a game? Of course they can.

Can one player influence every game so they win. Of course they can't.

Does a platoon of 3 good players have more chance of influencing a game more then one player. Of course they do.

I think it's as simple as that. I really don't think you can argue against any of those statements, and if you do, you're wrong ;).

Btw, like I have said before - you get better by playing with better players (Puppet is still learning from me all the time...), this really is the best way to learn! Like Rojin says, watching can also help a massive amount.

Must I keep posting screenshots of you doing 0 damage :p? You are right tho with the 3 statements

On an interesting note, Foch 155 is rather good at stat padding (checked this morning and its at around 2350 WN7 lol, maybe thats how all the unicum players get their stats!). It definatly needs whacking with the nerfbat though. Its not quite KV @ Tier 5 OP but somewhere close.

I will play a fair chunk of my games over the weekend Solo, in a variety of tanks and tiers and I will record my stats, keeping screenshots of various games as well to put the arguments to rest as to whether you can influence game. I will upload aload of replays as well.
Heres one of my Foch 155, love the tank
It was a draw due to the fact we lost 4 t9 and 2 T10 within the first minute as they rushed across like noobs, left me to mop up, arty got me in the end with a lucky splash shot, bloody hate GW Tigers for that, and then E5 was a complete noob and didnt go find the arty.

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I just got a mastery badge as well :D


replay if anyone cares
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Well I'll be buying the Jagpanther II and probably the E-75 later. The Made in Germany special fails to deliver above T5! I might buy back the Hetzer for fun though...
Another 24hrs goes by and another 2½ pages ! Well at least it wasnt about the stupid MMO arguement :)

You can turn the tide of a game solo. I did in a t3 arty on Airfield 4 < 11 into a win. Went TD on their asses. Never knew what hit them.

<slowly shrinks back into single player shadows from wence he came>
I just got a mastery badge as well :D

replay if anyone cares

Nice. I bought the JgPzII last night, I haven't had any epic games in it but a few solid games. It's almost too fast, I keep finding myself leading the line which is great fun but can end badly :D

I'm trying to decide on the modules for it, currently got egld and rammer. I've stuck binos in the 3rd slot for now.

Anyone else having issues with 6th sense? It just doesn't work every time for me, I've obviously been spotted as I'm getting hit but no warning. This has been happening since 8.8, both at stock and with a custom warning icon :(
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Nice. I bought the JgPzII last night, I haven't had any epic games in it but a few solid games. It's almost too fast, I keep finding myself leading the line which is great fun but can end badly :D

I'm trying to decide on the modules for it, currently got vents and rammer. I've stuck binos in the 3rd slot for now.

Anyone else having issues with 6th sense? It just doesn't work every time for me, I've obviously been spotted as I'm getting hit but no warning. This has been happening since 8.8, both at stock and with a custom warning icon :(
I'm using vent's , rammer and camo on mine.
I had pretty good teams for the majority of my games yesterday :D
Victory ratio: 61.11%
Battles: 18
Efficiencyold: 3940.93
Efficiencyv2: 2237.28
WN6: 1970.52

did a lot for my efficiency ratings :D
2604 average damage for my games yesterday too :D so as you can imagine I had more than a few really big damage games it's brilliant when your teams aren't total fail

makes up for all the crap teams I had the day before yesterday... 40% winrate.... :mad:

people probably look at my average rating from all my games I think he's **** like when you guys look down upon the -50% people like me.
Efficiencyold: 1221.43
Efficiencyv2: 1073.02
Wn6: 844.84
most days I'm playing double what those ratings are recently and my winrate was at 44% at one point..

Jagdpanther2 is so good I'll keep it to farm free exp to unlock upgrades/other tanks and stop ruining my stats grinding crap all the time..
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The main thing I need to do with the JgPzII is to stop playing it like a medium :D

In game I look at the players stats on the tank as well as overall. I don't know about others but I try to always target the other teams best players rather than the worst. So having a lower stat at the moment might also work for you, although I guess there will be others who only target the perceived weaker players :confused:
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I know I'm going to get the inevitable "omg that wouldn't happen if you were not in a platoon" from some people, but chips and nuttah really didnt do very much. Either way the E-25 can be a sick passive scout :)

Nice Work. I want to play mine but its ruined by T10 TD's and premium ammo, even more so than arty did pre 8.6.

This +100. So many slow heavily armoured tanks have been rendered useless by that bloody noob ammo.

Once it was:
Med sees HT/TD, works out how to flank, get behind, work together.

Now it is:
Med sees HT/TD, loads gold, pens front plate.

Gold ammo is the single most game breaking element of the game IMO.
Different ammo types is a great idea just keep it balanced - like the HESH ammo for the T10 brit med. Less pen, more damage. But the daft situation recently (ok fixed now) where a T69 went from 173mm to 300mm pen was just stupid. The current 173mm to 250mm pen is still pretty daft.

But WG will do as much as they can to get gold/credits out of people so gold ammo will never be removed :-(
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