****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

arknor - can you answer a few questions....

1) What level of maths/stats have you reached? Your questions would indicate a pretty basic understanding. It would therefore be sensible to accept that people who have done degree level maths and stats are right and even if you cant understand it, just accept it.

2) Do you understand the idea of 'influence' ? No-one will win all their battles for ever. You can influence a result, you cant control it.

Do you accept point 2) as if you do then we have basically agreed.
btw when I was in the ocuk clan I remember some of the higher rated players losing a few games and then disappearing because of only idiots playing.

if you can influence games so much why don't they just do that? and if it all evens out after XXXX battles it wouldn't matter?

pretty sure puppet did it a few times

I hate to lose and sometimes there is just so many idiots playing it isn't possible to win. But this isn't always the way. Sometimes I am just not in a good mood. Doesnt happen that much tho.
Sure if you stay at the base camping you don't personally have an effect but your actions do !

For example - I am in the bottom teir tank, but I manage to track the T71 scout who is then killed. That could mean that he didnt spot our arty and we win, or it could mean that the shot from the T10 tank that would have killed him anyway - that is just an example.

But the point remains over 1000's of battles my positive and negative actions WILL mean my win% changes to reflect how beneficial a player I am - it is a FACT.

If you disagree, please answer my question 1) above....
I can accept it is a fact you can influence a portion of games although imo a very small portion maybe it's enough to effect the winrate by a few percent but you guys are assuming match making would make you win/lose roughly 50% anyway

I just think there are to many variables for you to really have an effect in the majority and your influence in the battle only really hastens or delays the inevitable result.

look at at the last 4 games I posted
3 of them are surely lost no matter what because of how big a gap there is between the teams all your actions can really do is delay or hasten the inevitable depending on which team you are on?
do you accept a large portion games are either won or loss and out of your control based on the match making ?

you guys even admit theres times when only idiots are playing and it's lose lose lose.
I hate to lose and sometimes there is just so many idiots playing it isn't possible to win. But this isn't always the way. Sometimes I am just not in a good mood. Doesnt happen that much tho.
is it really not possible to win hodders?

if your only able to play during the times when the game is like this then can you really effect your win ratio that greatly?

people on here have even asked what the best times to play are! I'm pretty sure someone asked within the last few pages infact
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There are games where the team folds and there is little you can do. This isn't every game though is it? You will have played on both sides of this coin as well though. I've been on 85% chance of win sides that have lost, and on 20% chance that have won. You are making the extremes out to be the norm but they are not. You can get a dozen in a row, but that works both ways.

If no individual can influence the outcome of the game, why do players even leave the spawn?
There are games where the team folds and there is little you can do. This isn't every game though is it? You will have played on both sides of this coin as well though. I've been on 85% chance of win sides that have lost, and on 20% chance that have won. You are making the extremes out to be the norm but they are not. You can get a dozen in a row, but that works both ways.

If no individual can influence the outcome of the game, why do players even leave the spawn?

but 3 of 4 losses in a row = inevitable
one could and should have been a win but 2 players platooned together working with team work were able to influence the battle enough to effect the outcome and it was still fairly close anyway compared to the majority of my losses which are one sided as I tried to show above.

when you play seems to have in my experience more of an effect on your win rate than any of your own actions do.

during the summer holidays those 6 weeks were bloody awful.

I know I lost more than I won during those.
now the summer holidays are over and I am able to play when most people are at school or working my win rate is going much higher.

Maybe match making is not the biggest problem with the games being one sided the the lack of teamwork from people.
look at at the last 4 games I posted
3 of them are surely lost no matter what because of how big a gap there is between the teams all your actions can really do is delay or hasten the inevitable depending on which team you are on?
do you accept a large portion games are either won or loss and out of your control based on the match making ?

Some games yes, but overall you still have an inpact

you guys even admit theres times when only idiots are playing and it's lose lose lose.
is it really not possible to win hodders?

Yes it's possible to win and even Puppet's post you have twisted out on context to try to make it support your same blunt argument.

if your only able to play during the times when the game is like this then can you really effect your win ratio that greatly?

people on here have even asked what the best times to play are! I'm pretty sure someone asked within the last few pages infact

What a load of ****. Again you've missed out points, have posted without thinking (even you have admitted you do this) and twisted parts of arguments to suit yourself. Have you ever thought about becoming a politician?

I'm interested in seeing replays of these games you play, maybe I can see some proof that you've done everything in your power to win and still been unlucky, or I'll be able to tell you exactly where you've gone wrong...

To do this, turn on battle recording and stick the files on dropbox public, posting the links in this thread.
for what the losses ?

I don't have dropbox and cba to sign up


does that work?
BTW when I died I was waiting for the tiger to take a hit from the is3 then sneak a shot and kill the is3 but I either aimed slightly high/he moved/my gunner missed and I died before I could retreat around the corner.
noway we would win that game anyway look my team all camping and everyone scared to try and interrupt the cap

BTW yes I was impatient and know that but the cap was happening and no one seemed to really care

scoreboard from the game.

I don't know if replays show them or not

but if you think I did anything wrong other than my death then the advise is most welcome.

tbh maybe I would been better off accepting we were going to lose either way because not enough people came to the city.
I could have sat back somewhere and raked up 2-3x more damage without any risk and improved my rating even if not my winrate.
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for what the losses ?

I don't have dropbox and cba to sign up


does that work?

Perfectly. Nicely done, Dropbox was only an example. :)

BTW when I died I was waiting for the tiger to take a hit from the is3 then sneak a shot and kill the is3 but I either aimed slightly high/he moved/my gunner missed and I died before I could retreat around the corner.
noway we would win that game anyway look my team all camping and everyone scared to try and interrupt the cap

BTW yes I was impatient and know that but the cap was happening and no one seemed to really care

scoreboard from the game.

but if you think I did anything wrong other than my death then the advise is most welcome.

tbh maybe I would been better off accepting we were going to lose either way because not enough people came to the city.
I could have sat back somewhere and raked up 2-3x more damage without any risk and improved my rating even if not my winrate.

I'll watch it and will let you know any advice I can think of.

This last one is a classic idiot team!

tbh I doubt there's any advice you can give for games like these...

I'll see if I can manage to get some half decent games to upload....

I'll be surprised if my winrate for today was anywhere near 50% just bad teams nearly all day.
EDIT: woohoo a win
Doubt I could have done anything better that game

thought I would follow the type59 and he did a fine job spotting on that side.

was another one sided game though.

BTW these are not hand picked and in the order of my battles
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post some solo games ^_^
oh wait you probably never play solo

had 3 ocuk people pm me ingame today btw saying you guys wouldn't understand my argument because you will always be platooned
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post some solo games ^_^
oh wait you probably never play solo

I had a roughly 6.5k 4 kill game this morning before work and a 6k 6 kill game after that. Siegfried line and Ruinberg, Dont have screenshots but I have the replays if you want them?

I also tend to have better / high xp & damage games when alone or when whoever im platooning with doesnt do very much, like the above screenshot where nuttah died after doing not a lot but you seem to think he was spotting a lot (even tho it was sorted by xp high to low and he was 4th from bottom on xp from 151 to 188.

No Platoon


If you want I will quite happily screenshot all my good solo games.
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I had a roughly 6.5k 4 kill game this morning before work and a 6k 6 kill game after that. Siegfried line and Ruinberg, Dont have screenshots but I have the replays if you want them?

If you have any TD replays I would be most interested in seeing where you go on different maps.
preferably games where you are not platooned as you will most likely have a different play style when you know you can rely on people
Awesome thanks :D
I might not totally agree with you guys but I am happy to learn from you :)

Do you ever watch any of the WoT streamers on Twitch? I've found this quite useful. It's highlighted for me that my map knowledge is really poor, and also my use of terrain. I'm trying to improve in this, but it's painful at the moment as I'm spending more time manoeuvring than shooting!

You also might pick up some of the glitches that are exploited. Especially shooting through what I had always thought was solid ground! It explained a lot! I've only seen one that I've remembered which is on El Haluf, you can clip the hill on the north east choke point from the higher position. I've been shot loads there before when I thought I was in defilade.
I love playing with the guys from here whenever I can, I always feel I am always learning and picking up little tips and tricks when I toon up.

first to admit i'm a poor single player but can play well with others :).

just wish I could find more free time to get on and play WOT
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