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This +100. So many slow heavily armoured tanks have been rendered useless by that bloody noob ammo.

Once it was:
Med sees HT/TD, works out how to flank, get behind, work together.

Now it is:
Med sees HT/TD, loads gold, pens front plate.

Gold ammo is the single most game breaking element of the game IMO.

yup gold ammo should be removed from the game in my opinion.

gold ammo should be only for gold...not many people would use it - like in old days.

as for arty...thanks to arty nerf, we have shed loads of tank destroyers that are not afraid to stay in open filed and be squashed...now we have 5-6 TD's per party each side...
now wait for TD nerf ...:(
This +100. So many slow heavily armoured tanks have been rendered useless by that bloody noob ammo.

Once it was:
Med sees HT/TD, works out how to flank, get behind, work together.

Now it is:
Med sees HT/TD, loads gold, pens front plate.

Gold ammo is the single most game breaking element of the game IMO.

Odd, I thought it used to be:

Med sees HT/TD, keeps him spotted and waits for the 4 arty to take him out.

yup gold ammo should be removed from the game in my opinion.

I agree it's overpowered at the moment, however it may be better just to nerf it. It should really be there as a slight improvement, not a massive increase in penetration as it is right now.

For example I feel it's fine on the IS6, because it boosts you from 175 pen to 217 (still lower than the IS3 BL9s 225 pen on AP). However, in the case of say the Object 268, you get around 300 pen normally and 400 odd pen with premium. With the Chinese heavies you get 250 pen with Premium from 175 AP.

I also feel that if it has to be in the game it should be available to everyone, i.e. not Gold only.

Basically, it should be there as an expensive alternative, however it should not give a massive advantage like it currently does on some tanks.

A Tier 10 TD nerf and a cammo value nerf for all TDs at all tiers would be a good move.
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A Tier 10 TD nerf and a cammo value nerf for all TDs at all tiers would be a good move.

I am fed up with nerfs everywhere...
I want my old arty back!!
and I dont want weaker 268 ;( I get penetrated enough already...and even with high pen, I do tend not to pen now and then lol
I would love to be able to analyse what I have been killed by. For example, I'm sure that decent arty players don't get killed often by arty. But it would be nice to see !
I would love to be able to analyse what I have been killed by. For example, I'm sure that decent arty players don't get killed often by arty. But it would be nice to see !

after SPG nerf, I am surprised that some arty players still trace others...
it takes donkeys years to aim and reload
I can't be bothered with that anymore....

before artys become tier 10, I managed to gring to bat chat and 261(still havent bought it ) but failed with m40/44 and recently sold it with 150k on it...grind on it with randoms is just a pain...
now slowly am training new crew on lorr 51 as its crew went to batchat
Reading this thread. Some things never change.

Sounds like the game has gone even further in the direction of 'pay to win' and breaking things again.

Link, 175mm going up to 217mm pen is still completely unacceptable. Its a small increase if you look at it in terms of straight numbers compared to the ones that go 300-400mm but that 42mm increase is approximately 25%. Against the tanks it faces around its tier, that extra 42mm penetration is all it'll take to penetrate things easily that you shouldn't be able to penetrate easily.
Reading this thread. Some things never change.

Sounds like the game has gone even further in the direction of 'pay to win' and breaking things again.

Link, 175mm going up to 217mm pen is still completely unacceptable. Its a small increase if you look at it in terms of straight numbers compared to the ones that go 300-400mm but that 42mm increase is approximately 25%. Against the tanks it faces around its tier, that extra 42mm penetration is all it'll take to penetrate things easily that you shouldn't be able to penetrate easily.

It's still less than an IS3 on AP (that is non-premium). I rarely need the Gold ammo myself (useless for making money, which is why I drive my IS6 anyway), but even so, when I switch the APCR, I know I am still using lower pen then most T8 heavy equivalents have as their standard ammo. To say it's still completely unacceptable makes no sense whatsoever.

Also, at range Premium shells lose penetration quicker than AP the further away an enemy tank is, so it's more likely if you are being penned at long distance, you are being shot at with AP.

Also, I've had premium shells bounce close up (especially with the IS6) so this idea it's an insta-pen every time is a little bit inaccurate.

Now you've made me look pro-premium ammo which is not really the case, but if your going to argue Evil, at least get your facts right! :p

Also, you haven't been in game for months so saying it looks like it's gone more pay-to-win is not entirely accurate. It's still about the same as it was.

after SPG nerf, I am surprised that some arty players still trace others...
it takes donkeys years to aim and reload
I can't be bothered with that anymore....

before artys become tier 10, I managed to gring to bat chat and 261(still havent bought it ) but failed with m40/44 and recently sold it with 150k on it...grind on it with randoms is just a pain...
now slowly am training new crew on lorr 51 as its crew went to batchat

Absolutely no way do I want Arty back the way it was, even with the new TD creep at high tiers it is better than it was as at least TDs have to have line of sight, not just point and click.

The good arty players still seem to do well, only thing I'd change about arty now is raise their experience per battle to be more in line with medium and heavy tanks depending on how much damage they do (which would be a buff).
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Personally i feel that premium ammo should have a downside other than cost eg it does half / a third of the damage. In most tanks with a premium account its still possible to atleast break even so the cost aspect isnt really an issue.
I rarely use gold ammo anymore, unless I've run out of AP :D At most I use it if I really need to make a hit to break a cap or get the last tank.

The vast majority of the games I play now have arty, a lot of them with two a side and they're still effective. It may not be as easy as before but you still see players racking up 4+ kills with them.

Edit: I had a real shocker yesterday, 42% win rate :(
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You've been able to buy the premium ammo for credits for ages now, you select how you want to pay when buying it :)

I'm sorry it may have been unclear, but that was the point I was making. It's better now as it's available to everyone. :)

Personally I feel that premium ammo should have a downside other than cost e.g. it does half / a third of the damage. In most tanks with a premium account its still possible to at least break even so the cost aspect isn't really an issue.

I kind of agree, but maybe 2/3rds of the damage. Also, fixed your grammar/spelling Puppet. :p
I'm sorry it may have been unclear, but that was the point I was making. It's better now as it's available to everyone. :)

I kind of agree, but maybe 2/3rds of the damage. Also, fixed your grammar/spelling Puppet. :p

Im not overly fussed about gold ammo, its an annoyance, but not a deal breaker, learning the vulnerabilities of tanks can mitigate the advantage a lot.

problem i have is the matchmaker, and fact that it refuses to (or rarely) matchs tier where possible, it always spreads the tiers in the battle. if the pre-battle lobby is anything to go by, if there is, say, 217 tier 8s waiting for a battle, why not have 15 tier 8's each side, fill up matches with same tier combatants until you run out of players and then spread tiers in the same battle. Would make for a more even experience.

Otherwise, loving WoT at the moment, seems like the missions have made XP and credit grind a lot easier.
I rarely use gold ammo anymore, unless I've run out of AP :D At most I use it if I really need to make a hit to break a cap or get the last tank.

The vast majority of the games I play now have arty, a lot of them with two a side and they're still effective. It may not be as easy as before but you still see players racking up 4+ kills with them.

Edit: I had a real shocker yesterday, 42% win rate :(

Dont worry about your win rate, mines sh*te, you can play like a demon, kill loads and still lose because of derpin' PUB teammates. Had 10 battles on the trot yesterday, alternating between t28 proto. and isu-152, ended up losing 9 out of ten despite doing 2-4k damage in most.
Team abilities will even out over 1000s of battles. You will have bad teams to match good ones. Win rate is a good measure of how much benefit you (and the people you might toon with) bring to your team.

It is only valid after 1000s of games but is a very good measure of someone's teamwork abilities.
As I have pointed out to others on here, losing lots of games despite doing lots of damage is often down to bad positioning of your class of tank and/or being slow to react to the minimap. Win rate should even out over time if you are an average player (or improve if you are above average).

Some days will be bad and you can't do much about them, but other days will be good, evening this out.

@ Arknor, I have watched your replays and this is usually the issue.

Positives: You know where to shoot and you are really good at getting the damage in.

Negatives: Certainly in a Tank Destroyer (especially lightly armoured) you should not be leading the charge! Also as you are quite fast you should be constantly watching the minimap, moving to support worse defending positions as they make themselves apparent.
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Dont worry about your win rate, mines sh*te, you can play like a demon, kill loads and still lose because of derpin' PUB teammates. Had 10 battles on the trot yesterday, alternating between t28 proto. and isu-152, ended up losing 9 out of ten despite doing 2-4k damage in most.

It's the manner of the defeats that I didn't enjoy, I also don't enjoy playing on the winning side of a landslide win. They were just sucky games, the lag issues didn't help either. That ruined what would have been potentially two good game wins.
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