****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

You're the one moaning that you can't affect your stats, this is plainly not true. There will be times MM deals you a hand you can't win, but this doesn't happen every game. You also complain that your recent good form hasn't changed your overall stats, it has been explained to you why this is. Your stats are a direct result of your ingame performance, that's what stats are. Clearly you think you're a better player than your stats show, I'd suggest ignoring your overall stats if they give you so much grief. Just concentrate on your last 60 days if that makes you happier.
I never complained my recent performance has not had an effect on my stats....

I said you can play well and not really influence the win rate because in my experience the majority of losses are so heavily one sided you would need to be super human or cheating to really over come the odd's

and I am a better player than my overall stats show or they wouldn't be spiking up would they? they would remain relatively stable if I started a new account I could easily have an average efficiency/win6 around double the current values

look on noobmeter which shows my last 1000 battles etc compared to my overall stats

clearly improving , over the last 500 it would be even better
surely this suggests I am better than my overall stats show?

actually for the last 2,197 battles I had a 50.39% (+1.19%) win rate and for the last 7 days 53.09% (+0.07%)
but for for the majority of defeats it's pretty much impossible to have had such an influence on the battle you would have won. most wins are one sided and I'm sure you realise that.

how many close games do you really have a day?
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winrate is almost completely random depending on the time of day you play, what age ranges are playing etc

but I'm crap at wot remember? and probably only rant because I'm crap?

Well, you said it... :p

yup I'm rubbish and only ever play crap which is why I have an under 50% win rate and should not be allowed to play high tier.
wasn't it you that once said that?

Puppetmaster may have said it but so did I. What is the point in playing top tier tanks when you have no clue how to play them? Bad stats players are bad because they do the wrong thing.

This can be, but is not limited to:
1) Going to the hill with a slow top tier heavy tank, leaving the town under-defended against the other team's top tier heavies Or failing to sometimes head for other key positions to back up the mediums.
2) Mediums that camp or go town, ignoring what is generally their role of claiming key positions before the heavies get there or taking the big hills.
3) TDs that charge in or camp back so far behind the heavies and mediums that their gun can't be used to support their team mates.
4) Arty that does not look at the map and support the weaker side, despite it being open.
5) Light tanks that die far too quickly to do their job, which is to keep targets spotted for TDs and Arty to shoot. (And sometimes mediums and heavies, but these should generally be nearer the enemy anyway).

Obviously there are exceptions to these rules, for example the Brit mediums are often a little slow to get to these key positions quick enough, but they can still get there before heavy tanks and are best used to support the other mediums. The French heavies play more like medium tanks and the turreted TDs tend to play better closer up then other TDs, so should generally try to support the heavy tanks. Also certain situations may need a slightly different approach, but these are not as common as morons that play this game would have you believe with their own tactics.

The thing is these players then shout how rubbish the team is, pointing out they've done 3,000 damage, but this has not helped the team as they have not been defending key areas, they've played selfishly in a team game and wondered why the team lost.

I see it time and time again, and up to tier 7 I have lots of patience as it takes time to learn, however even by tier 8 you should have learned, and tier 9 and 10 should not be available to you until you have... This affects your win rate, but not your efficiency.

I have noticed those screenshots you posted where you show yourself top with kills don't actually show the enemy team. You hiding the fact you only kill low tier enemies? That's what it looks like and that does not help your team much.

Another way to help your win rate is to platoon. Being part of the OCUK clan would help you with this, but you left (your choice, you are of course welcome to rejoin or ask members to platoon with you). I was playing with Defrag last night and spotted Rojin asking for a platoon on in game chat. Defrag and I were mainly playing tier 10 tanks, and Rojin's max tier is 8, so we figured it would be unfair on him to drag him up, however someone else hopefully responded.

@Rojin: I'll toon with you at some point when I'm not tier 9ing or 10ing if you like.
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how many close games do you really have a day?

I have more close games than I do landslides, by close I mean ~4 left alive at the end rather than 10+. There are times when you get a run of bad defeats, but it evens out over time. A week or so ago it was all I could do to get a shot off before I was destroyed, due to the team folding and getting flanked. Recently it's been much more balanced. You just remember the bad games more than the good.

You are the player that your stats show, that's what your stats reflect. They currently reflect that you are getting better. This may be due to improved gameplay, or recent tank purchases suiting you better. Maintain the improvement and be happy.
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Another way to help your win rate is to platoon. Being part of the OCUK clan would help you with this, but you left (your choice, you are of course welcome to rejoin or ask members to platoon with you). I was playing with Defrag last night and spotted Rojin asking for a platoon on in game chat. Defrag and I were mainly playing tier 10 tanks, and Rojin's max tier is 8, so we figured it would be unfair on him to drag him up, however someone else hopefully responded.

@Rojin: I'll toon with you at some point when I'm not tier 9ing or 10ing if you like.

I always seem to be in T10 matches anyway :D Well not always but it feels like it, especially if I win a few on the trot it seems to stick me in T10 matches as punishment :D

I'm waiting to see what the German special is this weekend, then I'll buy myself an E-75 so I'll have a T9 at least.
I have noticed those screenshots you posted where you show yourself top with kills don't actually show the enemy team. You hiding the fact you only kill low tier enemies? That's what it looks like and that does not help your team much.
well I was showing the performances of my team and how only 3-5 players were really contributing much in terms of damage dealt which I personally see as the most important thing with a TD we have a big gun we are supposed to do a lot of damage , If I see 2 tanks one with almost full hp and one with only a few hundred I will nearly always go for the higher HP tank and let someone else with a lesser gun that has a faster reload and less damage worry about getting a kill for tiny damage.
of course there are exceptions to this rule depending on what the enemy tank is capable of doing if it's some monster t10 TD with 1k dmg shells it needs to be a priority even if it only has 1 hp

I didn't think showing what tanks I had killed was really important.
of course dead tanks deny the enemy team from doing damage but you can get topgun with under 1k damage in a tier 8-10 game and I have done just that before I didn't feel like I really did much other than leech from the people who did big damage

anyway as you know playing TD means you are generally the lowest tier in the game so no matter what I killed it was likely tiers above me and not low tier tanks.

I know where to aim to pen the majority of tanks, I don't know every single weak spot that exists on every tank but I know where to aim to have a better than not of a penetration
if you really want I can play a few more games and show you where I have hit and penned some tier 10's or show you my hit to pen ratio in a few games if you really care

Puppetmaster may have said it but so did I. What is the point in playing top tier tanks when you have no clue how to play them? Bad stats players are bad because they do the wrong thing.
I don't have 50% win rate.
I am playing tier 8 and achieving a better than 50% win rate most days in this tank and dragging my winrate towards 50%
Should I stop playing a tank I clearly enjoy and do well with just because my general stats do not suit your criteria ?

One of the biggest problems I find is the lemming mentality and how everyone pretends they are playing a TD it causes most of my losses.

why bother playing a heavy tank to camp with or more often than not behind the TD's? they might as well just sell the heavy and a buy a TD so they have a bigger gun because they are not using that armor anyway.

obviously I don't mean people should be suicidal but how often do you get the biggest tier camps hiding at the back behind everyone else? and often waiting for the TD to go and spot to avoid a draw or lose when the enemy team start capping and no one want's to stop them
Here is a perfect example - unless you think that was random and I had no effect on the game at all? ;) Wasn't even driving an OP tank either.

and you do that more often than not? I find it hard to believe.

why black out the other guy in your platoon? was it your personal scout spotting for you all game?

I have noticed those screenshots you posted where you show yourself top with kills don't actually show the enemy team. You hiding the fact you only kill low tier enemies? That's what it looks like and that does not help your team much.
heres some enemy team from my last 2 games seeing as you really seem to care

actually why I say you can't influence most games turning a defeat to a win is because I play TD so much and in TD you tend to be the vs higher tiers all the time especially in a tier 8 half the enemy team tend to be tier 10/tier9.

once I'm in a tier9/10 TD with the nice big damages I'd guess I could likely influence a decent portion of games
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well I was showing the performances of my team and how only 3-5 players were really contributing much in terms of damage dealt which I personally see as the most important thing with a TD we have a big gun we are supposed to do a lot of damage , If I see 2 tanks one with almost full hp and one with only a few hundred I will nearly always go for the higher HP tank and let someone else with a lesser gun that has a faster reload and less damage worry about getting a kill for tiny damage.
of course there are exceptions to this rule depending on what the enemy tank is capable of doing if it's some monster t10 TD with 1k dmg shells it needs to be a priority even if it only has 1 hp

Tip: Kill lower health tanks whenever you can (obviously prioritise the bigger guns and the scouts). The thing that doesn't help your team in regards to winning is not shooting until a tank is lower on health, then stealing the kill, if you are shooting at other targets and then switch to get a kill quickly before that guy can injure a team mate then you're doing fine. This frees up your team mates to be able to help you and stops those smaller tanks from spotting for their team, meaning your team's survivability improves.

anyway as you know playing TD means you are generally the lowest tier in the game so no matter what I killed it was likely tiers above me and not low tier tanks.

The games you've posted you are in Tier 8, either in Tier 8 games or Tier 9, along with many other tier 8s. Doesn't look particularly bad to me and I can't say I've noticed getting any harsher matchmaking in TDs then in heavies or mediums.

I know where to aim to pen the majority of tanks, I don't know every single weak spot that exists on every tank but I know where to aim to have a better than not of a penetration
if you really want I can play a few more games and show you where I have hit and penned some tier 10's or show you my hit to pen ratio in a few games if you really care

I don't have 50% win rate.
I am playing tier 8 and achieving a better than 50% win rate most days in this tank and dragging my winrate towards 50%
Should I stop playing a tank I clearly enjoy and do well with just because my general stats do not suit your criteria ?
Reread my post and think before you type. I said by tier 7 you should know how to play, tier 8 obviously is included in this, but should be the last tier available to those with sub-50% win rate.

One of the biggest problems I find is the lemming mentality and how everyone pretends they are playing a TD it causes most of my losses.

Yes there is this, but there's also a "I will not push even if it's a tactical advantage for my team" mentality, unless of course there is just a single lone tank left on the other team.

why bother playing a heavy tank to camp with or more often than not behind the TD's? they might as well just sell the heavy and a buy a TD so they have a bigger gun because they are not using that armor anyway.

obviously I don't mean people should be suicidal but how often do you get the biggest tier camps hiding at the back behind everyone else? and often waiting for the TD to go and spot to avoid a draw or lose when the enemy team start capping and no one want's to stop them

why black out the other guy in your platoon? was it your personal scout spotting for you all game?

I doubt that's the case, he just probably doesn't want to admit on the forums he likes to play the game with Nuttah...

Even if it's true though, why is spotting for your platoon mate a bad thing? Defrag and I had a game the other night where I did lots of damage myself, but at the same time got spotting damage for him (he was in arty, I was a medium). Our team won btw, carried by us really.

heres some enemy team from my last 2 games seeing as you really seem to care
I just like to see how both teams did, just showing us your side does not really give a good indication of how well the team and you actually did. That is all.
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Even if it's true though, why is spotting for your platoon make a bad thing? Defrag and I had a game the other night where I did lots of damage myself, but at the same time got spotting damage for him (he was in arty, I was a medium). How in any way is that a bad thing?
I never said it was a bad thing but it's hardly a representation of a single player influencing the battle if he is relying on someone else to give him an advantage someone playing solo does not have.

of course if i were platooned with someone of similar or greater skill level I would have far better stats than I do now and a far greater chance of overcoming whatever odd's we face.

there is generally not much team work in games other than everyone huddling together like penguins hoping they are not the one that get's shot up first.

even most platoons tend to be platooned just so they get into the same game together.

here's an example of 2 platooned guys working together and doing really well but not able to carry the team yet you guys seem to be under the impression I should be able to influence most games enough to change the outcome when all I have to rely on is my own wit's

I did pretty poor because me and the t28 were on a flank together and got rushed which is how we lost.

BTW I left the OCUK clan because most of you seemed much better than me and you only seemed to want to platoon with the better players like some kind of inner circle which most clans tend to have.
I guess to some of you stats are more important than playing with ocukers and making friends
I have no issue with that but decided I might as well leave

or maybe I was shunned because I didn't have that magic 50% win rate you guys always bang on about

anyway you must love arguing with me since you followed me though various threads recently :D

btw I am not a troll.
I often say what I feel without thinking it through properly and end up contradicting my self at times..

If you think I am genuinely trolling this thread say it and I will completely stop talking with you guys
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BTW I left the OCUK clan because most of you seemed much better than me and you only seemed to want to platoon with the better players like some kind of inner circle which most clans tend to have.
I guess to some of you stats are more important than playing with ocukers and making friends
I have no issue with that but decided I might as well leave

or maybe I was shunned because I didn't have that magic 50% win rate you guys always bang on about

there's no inner circle but most of us on team speak tend to platoon together and the ones not on team speak tend to platoon together also.

i do remember sending you company battle invites on a few occasions and getting no response so please do not make it sound like you were shunned when that is not the case.
i do remember sending you company battle invites on a few occasions and getting no response so please do not make it sound like you were shunned when that is not the case.

yea I did get a few random invites but tended to have the game open in the background whenever my computer was on.

there was also the odd occasion I got invited to a company battle or whatever but I always tended to only have a couple of tanks and what I had at the time didn't fit in with what people wanted.

I could have made more of an effort to fit in though and I only tried to get on TS once which didn't help.

for some reason I couldn't connect at all like the IP was wrong but I am fine on other TS servers so couldn't be bothered to find out what was wrong.

so please do not make it sound like you were shunned when that is not the case.
well judging from this thread there are at least a few who would have looked at my winrate and decided I was not good enough to play with and openly say I should not be playing high tier tanks
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When do company battles take place? :o

Saturday nights tend to be when I set one up if I'm around and feel like playing some companies. Depends how many we can get, who actually listen to the Commander.

Sometimes other players start them, such as Chipps101.

arknor said:
I never said it was a bad thing but it's hardly a representation of a single player influencing the battle if he is relying on someone else to give him an advantage someone playing solo does not have.
But then I play solo and I still spot for people, so it's not a massive change from how I play normally, there is just someone smart enough to take advantage. In randoms if I still play the same way, there are randoms who will also use this advantage. In both cases I am having a positive impact on my team. Understand?

Your stubborn belief that no single player can affect the game is pretty stupid, especially if you look at the statistics of all the players across wot and watch how they play in game.

Players with bad stats almost always do stupid things and I reckon this is partly Wargaming's fault for blurring the line between the classes and not providing a good video tutorial on what each class of tank does and is meant to do. I'll happily make one if enough OcUkers want to join me in a training room one night....
Wow....It's been a busy day on here....

There is some validity to your argument Arknor, you are only one player in a game with 15 players. Playing in platoons with other players who have a clue does help - a massive amount, simple as. This said, even playing by yourself, a good player will make a difference. OK, there might be 4 games out of 10 where you cannot do anything, and the other 4 out of 10 might have been automatic wins irresepctive of what you have done, however, in those other 2 games what YOU do could be imperitive to the result. In a platoon, maybe that number of games you can influence rises to 6....(those numbers were picked from the sky, but you get the idea...).

Nice tactics lession there by the way Link, very useful....On this subject, I think it's very easy for someone to go through to T10 in this game without picking up some of the tactics which you mention and may think are basic, some of these things will only be picked up when playing with other good players (or even watching them....). I was a complete noob until I started platooning with people.

Btw Arknor, Puppet doesn't always have games like the one he showed, and I believe the other player was me...(Yes, even unicums like me have bad games...;)
Right - can one player influence the game - of course.

Lets assume the MM is fair - by fair I mean it does not deliberately put you in rubbish teams again and again. If it is fair then over enough games (say 5000+) the good and bad teams will average out. Just like tossing a coin 5000 times you WILL end up with broadly equal heads and tails.

Now I have played 11000+ battles. If I made no difference (neither helped or hindered) my win rate would be 50%. My win rate is 53% that means that I am exerting a statistically significant difference to any team I play on.

That is to say one 1 game in 33 I make enough of a difference that my team doesn't lose. I.e. I tip things just enough in our favour that we win a little bit more often than a truly random battle. Players liek Puppet, Chips, link etc make an even bigger difference - often by platooning and working together.

But the MM is not fair. WG have patents that describe the process by which the MM will balance teams by putting stronger individuals in weaker teams. So it is possible that the MM is not 'fair', but that does not mean that players don't make a difference. Watch good players and you learn so much. Quickybaby is a great example of a guy how explains why he does stuff and everybody should watch his videos as a guide.
There is some validity to your argument Arknor, you are only one player in a game with 15 players. Playing in platoons with other players who have a clue does help - a massive amount, simple as. This said, even playing by yourself, a good player will make a difference. OK, there might be 4 games out of 10 where you cannot do anything, and the other 4 out of 10 might have been automatic wins irresepctive of what you have done, however, in those other 2 games what YOU do could be imperitive to the result. In a platoon, maybe that number of games you can influence rises to 6....(those numbers were picked from the sky, but you get the idea...).

well to me factors outside of your control when there are 15 players on a team and you are only one of them will always have a bigger outcome of the battle than the actions of one tank apart from the games where everything just fits into place and you are seemingly in exactly the right place no matter where you move to

there is also the random nature of the game.
you can only aim at the right place and then the roll of the dice takes over.

maybe there are games the team I am on have won and I have influenced the outcome of the game and made the difference but to me I never see it that way unless I am one of the last people alive and it's blindingly obvious.
(although I would say the exceptions of this are playing light tanks and arty where it's stupidly obvious like a lot of my arty stats are over 60% win rate)

but for the main damage dealers and brawlers I reckon you need to rely on other people to do their jobs to much
for the defeats I often see it as no matter what I could have done differently it likely would have had zero effect on the end result no matter how good my damage or kill count was.
there always seems to be one side that just has players who can't pen a paper bag.

like just now had a game where no matter where I tried to move to I was getting spotted and shot up because all my team decided to rush and hide together.

some of us TD's tried to defend a flank but obviously have crap spotting range and couldn't do anything at all without one of the mediums , heavies or scouts sitting near us and helping spot

end result

me and ferdi never saw the tanks shooting us

next game.
the joy's of platooning...

we had bout 5 of us left vs those 2.
we knew roughly where they were...
people rushed across an open field towards them rather than let them come to us

can't do anything when people are that stupid

oh they got a nice medal between them

they must have been rushed by idiots all game to get 12 kills
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well to me factors outside of your control when there are 15 players on a team and you are only one of them will always have a bigger outcome of the battle than the actions of one tank apart from the games where everything just fits into place and you are seemingly in exactly the right place no matter where you move to
I am starting to wonder whether you actually read anyone's posts and more importantly take them into account before you post yourself as I have read this exact point before, even if worded differently...

there is also the random nature of the game.
you can only aim at the right place and then the roll of the dice takes over.
Sometimes. If you aim accurately enough though the vast majority of times it will hit where you want, unless it's a kill shot. :(

maybe there are games the team I am on have won and I have influenced the outcome of the game and made the difference but to me I never see it that way unless I am one of the last people alive and it's blindingly obvious.
(although I would say the exceptions of this are playing light tanks and arty where it's stupidly obvious like a lot of my arty stats are over 60% win rate)

Well I am just going to quote Hodders as he put this point across better than I can in a single sentence.

Hodders said:
Lets assume the MM is fair - by fair I mean it does not deliberately put you in rubbish teams again and again. If it is fair then over enough games (say 5000+) the good and bad teams will average out. Just like tossing a coin 5000 times you WILL end up with broadly equal heads and tails.

This is exactly the point.

*Waits for arknor to argue that he flipped a coin once and called heads, getting tails. Therefore coin tosses are not a good comparison.*

But the MM is not fair. WG have patents that describe the process by which the MM will balance teams by putting stronger individuals in weaker teams. So it is possible that the MM is not 'fair', but that does not mean that players don't make a difference. Watch good players and you learn so much. Quickybaby is a great example of a guy how explains why he does stuff and everybody should watch his videos as a guide.

Do you have a link to these patents? I've heard rumours of this but never actually seen anything that supports this myself.

Personally I think MM should be the next thing they do an overhaul on, putting the same/similar number of reasonably equal skilled players per team, so that landslides are less common. They've actually made this easier on themselves with the new performance rating so it should be possible to do.
another loss

look at those 0 dmg hardly low tier either....

maybe some losses you can influence but not if it's all one sided or brain deads

they were my last 3 games in a row btw not hand picked from some library

was el halluf encounter btw which is why my damage is low if no one want's to play smart it's almost impossible to do damage as a TD on that map , it's not like I can brawl with the heavies around corners I need my team so be smart enough to let them come I asked them to let the enemy push to A-3 but no one listened.

anyway the MM is not fair or the games would be less one sided out of those 3 losses only one was anywhere near close and we should have won that one with 5v2 at the end

4th loss in a row look at the time left the game had barely started I barely reached the flank and almost half my team is dead

oh look at that 2 bounce is this not an is3 weak spot?

he was trying to come over the hill when I bounced twice on him btw so pretty much straight on and not a funny angle like I'm looking at him there.

he realised I bounced twice and decided to rush me probably thinking I had a crap gun when I have the top one for this tank
how are you supposed to overcome the randomness of a dice roll that does 2 bounces in a row on what I am 90% sure is one of the 4 weak spots on the front of that tank.
Im supposed to have 246 pen as well

and scoreboard

how am I supposed to influence games like those and turn them into a win?
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btw when I was in the ocuk clan I remember some of the higher rated players losing a few games and then disappearing because of only idiots playing.

if you can influence games so much why don't they just do that? and if it all evens out after XXXX battles it wouldn't matter?

pretty sure puppet did it a few times
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