winrate is almost completely random depending on the time of day you play, what age ranges are playing etc
but I'm crap at wot remember? and probably only rant because I'm crap?
Well, you said it...
yup I'm rubbish and only ever play crap which is why I have an under 50% win rate and should not be allowed to play high tier.
wasn't it you that once said that?
Puppetmaster may have said it but so did I. What is the point in playing top tier tanks when you have no clue how to play them? Bad stats players are bad because they do the wrong thing.
This can be, but is not limited to:
1) Going to the hill with a slow top tier heavy tank, leaving the town under-defended against the other team's top tier heavies Or failing to sometimes head for other key positions to back up the mediums.
2) Mediums that camp or go town, ignoring what is generally their role of claiming key positions before the heavies get there or taking the big hills.
3) TDs that charge in or camp back so far behind the heavies and mediums that their gun can't be used to support their team mates.
4) Arty that does not look at the map and support the weaker side, despite it being open.
5) Light tanks that die far too quickly to do their job, which is to keep targets spotted for TDs and Arty to shoot. (And sometimes mediums and heavies, but these should generally be nearer the enemy anyway).
Obviously there are exceptions to these rules, for example the Brit mediums are often a little slow to get to these key positions quick enough, but they can still get there before heavy tanks and are best used to support the other mediums. The French heavies play more like medium tanks and the turreted TDs tend to play better closer up then other TDs, so should generally try to support the heavy tanks. Also certain situations may need a slightly different approach, but these are not as common as morons that play this game would have you believe with their own tactics.
The thing is these players then shout how rubbish the team is, pointing out they've done 3,000 damage, but this has not helped the team as they have not been defending key areas, they've played selfishly in a
team game and wondered why the
team lost.
I see it time and time again, and up to tier 7 I have lots of patience as it takes time to learn, however even by tier 8 you should have learned, and tier 9 and 10 should not be available to you until you have... This affects your win rate, but not your efficiency.
I have noticed those screenshots you posted where you show yourself top with kills don't actually show the enemy team. You hiding the fact you only kill low tier enemies? That's what it looks like and that does not help your team much.
Another way to help your win rate is to platoon. Being part of the OCUK clan would help you with this, but you left (your choice, you are of course welcome to rejoin or ask members to platoon with you). I was playing with Defrag last night and spotted Rojin asking for a platoon on in game chat. Defrag and I were mainly playing tier 10 tanks, and Rojin's max tier is 8, so we figured it would be unfair on him to drag him up, however someone else hopefully responded.
@Rojin: I'll toon with you at some point when I'm not tier 9ing or 10ing if you like.