****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

we were about to run out of slots so i have ejected some people from the clan who hadn't played since June.

if you were one of those people and come back to the game just say in the thread and we will get you added back to the clan :)
we were about to run out of slots so i have ejected some people from the clan who hadn't played since June.

if you were one of those people and come back to the game just say in the thread and we will get you added back to the clan :)

Do we have clan wars etc, and how do I get to play or is it T10s only at the moment?
Do we have clan wars etc, and how do I get to play or is it T10s only at the moment?

we don't do clanwars as we don't have enough regular players for that.

you need a pool of at least 30 players with multiple tier 10's that can all play for hours every night.

we do try and do company battles every now and again when we have enough players, we usually do tier 6 or sometimes 8 and team speak is pretty much needed for it to go well.
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we don't do clanwars as we don't have enough regular players for that.

you need a pool of at least 30 players with multiple tier 10's that can all play for hours every night.

we do try and do company battles every now and again when we have enough players, we usually do tier 6 or sometimes 8 and team speak is pretty much needed for it to go well.

I have limited game time, naggin wife :eek:

So it is better to die quick and hope next game is a winner.

I still want to win, that's what gaming is about, but I don't care if I do x damage, take y damage as long as our team wins.

There is a common misconception that being on the losing side and repair bills outweigh contribution in a defeat.

On the contrary, being on a losing side, and dealing a lot of damage/getting kills/spotting enemies (and hitting those achievement rewards and mission rewards) can still give you comparable experience and credits in reward.

I often get experience and credits comparable if not better than members of the winning team if i am playing well (getting the damage in, killing tanks)

It is never worth throwing in the towel if your team is losing, you are just removing the opportunity of getting some additional damage and therefore reward before your team loses.

Always play to the best of your ability.
On Fjords if you are green I sometimes take a short cut if I have a fast enough tank through the small lake in the dip to the immediate right before you head up hill. I often beat tanks that go round it. You can zoom down through the water and up the other side sometimes quicker than going round. Bit like a big dipper.

A KV-2 saw me do this once and accused me of suicide, he even shot me. I called him a prat and when he realised what I was doing he did apologise at least. I just turned round to him and said who got up that bit of hill quicker me or you ?
We could start the company at around 9, those that arrive later could then join us. I'll see how many are on.

Added you to my friends list Bastic, will send you an invite.

Anyone who wants to play, please make sure you have Team Speak 3 installed. We'll give you the server details in-game later.
I had an awful night last night. Some were poor MM matches but in the main I just played so badly. Every decision I made just turned to crap! I did get Top Gun in one match, but that ended in a draw... I should've done so much better, depressing :(

I'll have to blame it on the man flu I've got! :eek:
I've started only playing a few games a day or often end up with huge losing streaks.

it's like the more you play the worse match making becomes.

I think I'm only about 15k from moving up from the jpanther2 though so might just spam some games today
I had an awful night last night. Some were poor MM matches but in the main I just played so badly. Every decision I made just turned to crap! I did get Top Gun in one match, but that ended in a draw... I should've done so much better, depressing :(

I'll have to blame it on the man flu I've got! :eek:

We all get days like that, they suck.

I had 6 losses in a row trying to get my 1st win in my cent-1. 6 teams in a row with AFKs and idiots.

Worst was a team that had a 22% win chance. I ended up me (on 4 kills), arty and type59 vs T69 and M103. Arty and Type were AFK. I killed the M103 and then got killed by the M103 leaving him on <100hp.

But of course the arty and type were both bots/afk. Type had been sat in base all game. But the second he was shot he woke up and started moving his gun around firing and missing. Arty of course was afk and failed to fire a single shot.

We lost.

I was fuming - they wreck games.

WG have got to stop bots/afk being a valid way of grinding. Just make it a condition of buying the next tank that you have to have a win rate (over the last 50 games) in the current one better than 50% of the other drivers of that tank.

That way only people that have 'learnt' a tank/how to play will progress. Plus bots and AFKs will never get the required win rate.
sometimes I hate this game and want to murder the devs...

Prokhorovka - encounter battle.

Starting on the south side of the map , about 8 of the team head into the small strip on the west side of the map you know completely the opposite direction to where the cap is on the encounter battle.

theres so few of us going to where the actual cap will be fought over that I decide to just drive into the cap and try to stay alive for as long as possible.

I manage to stay in the cap for about 5 minutes hiding behind buildings. (3 other enemy tanks are in there with me)

I'm clearly the only thing denying the enemy team a really fast win without me doing that we would have easily lost the game....

I die and then not long after the rest of the team that decided to take the scenic route finally get to the cap and manage to win,.

I clearly did more than anyone else on my team and was the only thing stopping the enemy from getting a quick win.

the game does not recognise this because you get no cap points etc for dieing which imo is a huge flaw so I end up with a crappy 1k exp game and that's after the 3k bonus.....

I know it's my own fault but you shouldn't be punished for doing the smart thing whilst all the other cowards run off and hide as far from the cap as possible
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sometimes I hate this game and want to murder the devs...

Prokhorovka - encounter battle.

Starting on the south side of the map , about 8 of the team head into the small strip on the west side of the map you know completely the opposite direction to where the cap is on the encounter battle.

theres so few of us going to where the actual cap will be fought over that I decide to just drive into the cap and try to stay alive for as long as possible.

I manage to stay in the cap for about 5 minutes hiding behind buildings. (3 other enemy tanks are in there with me)

I'm clearly the only thing denying the enemy team a really fast win without me doing that we would have easily lost the game....

I die and then not long after the rest of the team that decided to take the scenic route finally get to the cap and manage to win,.

I clearly did more than anyone else on my team and was the only thing stopping the enemy from getting a quick win.

the game does not recognise this because you get no cap points etc for dieing which imo is a huge flaw so I end up with a crappy 1k exp game and that's after the 3k bonus.....

I know it's my own fault but you shouldn't be punished for doing the smart thing whilst all the other cowards run off and hide as far from the cap as possible

Thats the retards for you. :eek:
Sadly all PUG type games are full of them
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