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I guess bat-chat is the way to go. I find missions make me take risks that result in yolo type behaviour. See JgPz-E100 and I want to charge in - take the hit if necessary and then farm the damage. Problem is you often then get killed by the base campers. Wait too long and other people get the HP damage you need.

The missions could have been great if they had encouraged people to play the type of tank the way it should be played.

The arty ones are stupid - "stun vehicles so that your team does 2k damage" for example. What you mean I've got to deliberately miss so that I leave the HP on the vehicle for my team to meet my target ?

Plus waiting for the 'right' map to come up (LT15 - I'm looking at you here). GAH !
Yeah it is what it is, some are pure RNG, others are just plain YOLO and behaviour that's not beneficial to the team. I'm on the LT mission now where I need to spot 3 SPGs and cause damage to all of them, basically pray get 3 and then just YOLO into them.

To be fair arty ones I found all easy apart from hit 3 vehicles at once since I only have T7 pieces which don't have a huge splash radius. It's TDs I'm struggling with right now as I play very little of them lately and only decent one I have is Jagdtiger which frankly, I hate.
I managed to get TD15 with a final shot into the last event from my obj268. Fired between two sites risking a team kill just to get the last 200hp I needed. Again really bad behaviour as a player.

I might decide to go for honours in lt15 and ht15 instead.
Whatever works, that's my philosophy for these missions. Had my first ever ban today, the team damage auto system really doesn't work properly.
^^ you can get a temporary/timed ban for continuous team damage, first your name turns blue and if you do more team damage you get banned for an hour or so. ^^

The next patch (or soon) apparently has a system in place that allows you to skip four missions for each vehicle if you complete a mission and it's secondary.

Not sure how it works but basically it sounds like you can use a token to complete the mission without having to play it.

Also, the rumours are saying the Type 59 could be going on sale..... *fingers crossed*
Team kill, disconnected me and all that. Deserved I suppose, so long as you don't count that I kept repeatedly getting shot by someone who drove into a middle of the map in his 7/1 within first 30 seconds, lost more than 80% of their health immediately and then pointed his gun at me around 250 metres away and fired an HE round (those hurt in the Bulldog). Started typing how I'm not doing my job as a scout and my fault he got shot up to pieces. Then drives up to me and continues to shoot at my tracks and being a general nuisance so I relieved him of his last HP and put him out of his misery, he was never going to be useful to the team and preventing me from doing anything.

I should have been a better man and all that but don't have patience to deal with this nonsense anymore. He really could not have lived up more to an idiot WoT player stereotype, 47% WR after 32k games, PL in the name and rest of the stats to go with that.

I just don't understand how the auto system doesn't pick up someone so deliberately doing damage to me and I get picked up straight away after a few shots with a low calibre gun. Bar an occasional rare accidental hit or minor ram damage, I do very little team damage so don't understand how it picked me up so quick and auto banned me.

Also, the rumours are saying the Type 59 could be going on sale..... *fingers crossed*

I wouldn't bother for the extortionate price they would charge, even with the upcoming buffs, it's just going to bring it from utterly irrelevant to barely relevant (I have one with over 1k battles in it). Any of the new OP premiums and buffed older tanks chew you up pretty good in this thing. I've basically replaced it with a Ravioli, may be a glass cannon but at least you can put out damage.

That and T8 MM does seem a little screwed up, few of the Youtubers also reporting on it and preferential tanks ain't doing much better.
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Aye, the MM does seem messed up watching a few vids and reading the comments.

I know the Type 59 isn't anything special now with the new t8 power creep that's happening but I'm a collector and I need one !!!
Well collecting purposes is the only reason anyone would buy it although to have a slap in the face, the T-34-3 is getting the Type 59 hull basically but the upcoming HD model looks much better :p

In case you were upset we're getting too few premium lately, two new T8 lights got announced as well and in super testing now apparently. The AFK Panzer will be back and a French auto loading thing.

Armour model for STB got released today as well, looks like gun mantle is buffed but if pictures are correct it now has a roof turret you can overmatch like on the Object 140 before it got buffed.
Had to go find the HD version of the STB and damn that's one sexy tank :D

The T-34-3 has always been a dirty fave of mine and that new model looks superb.

What have they done to the Obj 416 ???? that's gruesome, the 'round pan' look was great but this new version is hideous !

> Pictures <
Actually one weird thing that happens when these are released is that a lot of tanks are shown in their stock configuration. KV-4 and Object all look stock as do some other tanks so may not be their final look sort to speak.

One they have also been actively doing with HD models is removing any weakspots from collision models, so the good ol' machine gun and driver hatch weakspots are gone from many tanks. Guess it just fits the new meta of the game or at least that's their argument for dumbing the game down. At this point it's hard to say how they can get themselves out of the mess they have created "balancing" the game.

One welcome thing is that Batchat artillery getting real paper thin armour, I wish they would do that for all as I find counter arty a little bit **** since the changes frankly. Direct hits seem to very rarely kill the artillery anymore so to be fair I've stopped bothering for most part and so have many others I think. I don't even bother moving between shots anymore and very rarely take any fire but I don't play enough artillery for anything I say to be statistically significant I suppose.
I agree - Used to move everytime between shots - after all what else have you got to do with teh 30 secs downtime.

I used to look at the xvm stats of the other arty players - any decent players always used to be watching for trees in the fave arty spots ready for counter arty. But I agree very rarely do it now.

I do think that WG have started along a very risky road. They need to reintroduce a better element of knowledge being an advantage. As you say covering up weakspots is a big mistake.
Some of it is an attempt to buff tanks like KV-4 but here's an example of what's been going on a lot with majority of HD models.



Used to be that if you see a hatch, window, machine gun port then it was slightly weaker and for you to aim at as the game was balanced that way. Now you have all these detailed models but actual collision models don't even correspond to what you're seeing. Hell we have tanks that don't even have cupolas on their collision models like the Super Pershing where the other cupola doesn't even exist for you to shoot at.

Been playing the latest Common Test this evening. Super Conqueror is in, but I'm not really seeing a difference between it and the standard Conqueror unless its the standard test server premium spam, everything goes through the hull of the tank still. Plus, the T9 Conqueror seems to have the spaced armor on the turret as well now.

Thought I'd try the Charioteer while I'm on the test server and I've been getting on with it really well with it. Turret traverse doesn't even really bother me too much, being the test server I play it aggressively and it seems to hold up OK even when I play it in a way it shouldn't be played so I'm looking forward to finishing the grind on the Challenger now.
Well Challenger is finally going to be a good tank after this update.

Is the armour on the front hull of the Conqueror spaced as well or is that just a cosmetic look?
The Conqeuror appears to have had a buff to the upper plate, but no spaced armour, it just seems to have the spaced armour on the turret just like the Super Conqeuror. Maybe I missed that change in the notes.

The Super Conqueror seems to be another hull down beast if you can get in to the right position. One of DezGames' latest videos showed him playing it in a grand battle game and he blocked 6000 damage including shots from a T110E4. I personally don't seem to be getting on particularly well with the Super Conqueror, but again it may just be the premium ammo spam on the test server negating the improved hull armour so I'll just have to try it when it is fully in the game.
Armour models are on the tanks gg so armour on the front of the Super Conqueror is spaced, essentially extra 20mm on top of regular Conqueror.

Haven't had much time to play recently so a little concerned as I only just unlocked the top gun so another 200k of XP to go until FV215.
Apparently there's still three or four weeks to go until the change-over so there's still a bit of time for you to get the 215b.

I've finally got the M103 with the top tracks, turret and gun. Stock engine seems fine which is annoying because you need 45K XP to unlock the top engine and be able to proceed with grinding the T110E5. Just had a nice little game in it getting 2000 damage, 2000 assisting and 3000 blocked. I'm liking how I seem to be able bounce a lot of shots with the hull as well as the turret, the T32 and T29 seemed a bit specialised in their turret armour but not as much elsewhere.
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