****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Nothing to make you realise even more what a useless, garbage and bot infested community this game has. Been trying to do the simple 180 seconds worth of stun missions for T-55A for 3 hours now, would have completed it on 5 occasions if people simply accepted a platoon invite, all it costs them is a click and I even mention it's for a mission.
What's the mission objectives ? I'll probably be on later if you need a hand (not suggesting I'll get you through it with the luck I have)... As long as it doesn't require me to be in an arty !
SPG-14 for T55A

Artillery mission, need to have a combined stun time of 180 seconds which for two good artillery players is a piece of **** and an average game for 3 players. Consistently doing well over 100 seconds in my games but people are just plain ignoring platoon invites. They literally just have to click and play the game they want to, 4 hours into the mission now and would have done it 7 times if people simply accepted platoon with a click of a mouse.

I ask politely before the game even starts so they are not busy, then during without even a hint of abuse or anything. Sums up for a cesspit the player base is in this game. I'm really ******* hating myself for playing this game but need to grind that FV215B. I am absolutely foaming, as this is one of few days in coming weeks I get to play.

EDIT: 20 games to do what's an easy mission for 2 people, even would have done SPG-15 with the result I got.
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Nothing to make you realise even more what a useless, garbage and bot infested community this game has. Been trying to do the simple 180 seconds worth of stun missions for T-55A for 3 hours now, would have completed it on 5 occasions if people simply accepted a platoon invite, all it costs them is a click and I even mention it's for a mission.

I'm just about to jump on and if you're still struggling give me a shout, be more than happy to help out.
SPG-14 for T55A

Artillery mission, need to have a combined stun time of 180 seconds which for two good artillery players is a piece of **** and an average game for 3 players. Consistently doing well over 100 seconds in my games but people are just plain ignoring platoon invites. They literally just have to click and play the game they want to, 4 hours into the mission now and would have done it 7 times if people simply accepted platoon with a click of a mouse.

I ask politely before the game even starts so they are not busy, then during without even a hint of abuse or anything. Sums up for a cesspit the player base is in this game. I'm really ******* hating myself for playing this game but need to grind that FV215B. I am absolutely foaming, as this is one of few days in coming weeks I get to play.

EDIT: 20 games to do what's an easy mission for 2 people, even would have done SPG-15 with the result I got.

I hope you got sorted, I saw your post after I had just quit for the night in disgust..if you need mission help or want to platoon feel free to hit me up in-game (id is ademcg)
I hope you got sorted, I saw your post after I had just quit for the night in disgust..if you need mission help or want to platoon feel free to hit me up in-game (id is ademcg)
Although having just played 9 games and 1 win...and the same 4 maps in rotation as yesterday and Sunday, e.g. Mines, Stalingrad, Paris, Pilsen....scrap that...I am done....will await next patch or something else to play.
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Thanks for the offer chaps but got it after 20 games, both other artilleries accepted so with 3 of us we smashed it. Over 300 seconds worth of stun, I came top on XP as a T7 in T9 match and would have breezed SPG15 for T-55A too!

I was having great games by the way, my stats and results have really improved recently. Be interesting to see where I'd be if I actually fired premium ammo as freely as QB and used premium consumables, alas I can't afford that on a free account. I refuse to pay for premium now though since only new content we get is premium tanks for which we have to pay on top.
Although having just played 9 games and 1 win...and the same 4 maps in rotation as yesterday and Sunday, e.g. Mines, Stalingrad, Paris, Pilsen....scrap that...I am done....will await next patch or something else to play.

I am currently playing WoWS, though I am far less inclined to give WG any money these days due to how bad WoT has become, I rarely find WoT that fun anymore, can't see myself getting all that into WoWS either tbh.
Having grinded 110k XP on the Conqueror alone over last 2 days while playing plenty of other tanks, I'm looking forward to a long break after I'm done with that tank.

I really do think they've reached the point of no return now in terms of messing up this game big style, it's now definitely a, "Pay to get a solid competitive advantage to win" game. Core issues are still ignored when the game has been out for over 6 (or 7?) years while they are throwing premium tanks down everyone's throat. MM is plain unacceptable after this time, still plenty of boosting happening on maps, no new material, some maps are still horribly unbalanced yet exist, camera bug, etc etc etc.

They are still making money hand over fist though so what do they care and everyone who pays contributes to the problem unfortunately.
I'd love to see graphs showing active player numbers and also income from gold/prem sales.

Obviously the former is maybe possible, the latter is commercially sensitive and we'll never see it.

HD maps - eye candy - they need MM/gameplay changes to back it up.

When I play, there are only a handful of maps I think "yay" at. Most are just corridor shooters allowing no real intellligence.
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How long has it been since they announced HD maps, 2 years now? Only bit of new content we've had is the Paris map which is painfully one dimensional and about as corridor as you get, can play that with my eyes closed.
Neoboy, I agree.

All that money, all those resources - they could have added so much - ideas:

1) A meaningful PvE mode for example.
2) Arty rounds - smoke, illumination etc
3) Crew skills - how about 'memory' - allows a crew member to drive previous tanks at 95% capacity with all skills active

But, no just endless power-creep premium after premium.
Looks like the Super Conqueror is getting some buffs on the latest test server. 10 degrees of gun depression, the same reload time as the FV215b, a bit more more health and a couple of other things. The FV215b is also going to be in 'HD' from the point of it's removal from the tech tree which is nice, hopefully it doesn't create any more weak points though. FV4005 and Conway are getting a speed reduction to 40kph.

Haven't played much this weekend, but I've noticed I'm only 30k XP off the E100 and not far off a couple of other tanks now as well. Still need to buy the ST-1 though, so I'll be back down to being poor again soon.
I put a few mammoth shifts this week with the Conqueror, fuelled by personal reserves and strategically used premium days from T-55A missions so finally bought my first T10 tank. Ready for the patch now at least and unlocked IS-7 and Object 140 on the same day.

Bought IS-7 too which is probably silly as after patch I'll have 3 x T10 heavies. About 2 million short of Object so at some point grind that.

Did buy AT2 as it's half price and it's bloody hilarious, drive forward, don't stop and make sure you keep the gun singing. Zero skill involved and have great games.

They do seem to be buffing the British heavy line pretty damn well this next patch. If both Conquerors get to keep the -10 depression they are going to be insane, M103 is going to be even more irrelevant. Caravan actually going to be a good tank now as well, insane DPM on the test server.
I put a few mammoth shifts this week with the Conqueror, fuelled by personal reserves and strategically used premium days from T-55A missions so finally bought my first T10 tank. Ready for the patch now at least and unlocked IS-7 and Object 140 on the same day.

Bought IS-7 too which is probably silly as after patch I'll have 3 x T10 heavies. About 2 million short of Object so at some point grind that.

Did buy AT2 as it's half price and it's bloody hilarious, drive forward, don't stop and make sure you keep the gun singing. Zero skill involved and have great games.

They do seem to be buffing the British heavy line pretty damn well this next patch. If both Conquerors get to keep the -10 depression they are going to be insane, M103 is going to be even more irrelevant. Caravan actually going to be a good tank now as well, insane DPM on the test server.
Have WG confirmed when they will be removing the "deathstar" 183 from the British TD line?
Well they said the new Badger will be replacing 183 and, "all owners of 183B will keep it in their garage as a rare special vehicle". That's straight from their video, around 3:35 but it's unlikely to happen on this upcoming patch so for those with high pain tolerance, there is time to grind it. To be fair it does make sense in how the line progresses and you can still get the ridiculous gun on the soon to be buffed FV4005.

I'll be unlocking the AT-8 later this evening so I'll see how I get on with it. I do already have a solid crew from my Bert which I can throw at this line and with me having all top guns unlocked until I get to T9, just going to have to see if I have enough left in the tank to get there. Next patch is landing in a few weeks time so it's likely we see this replacement some time next year. AT15 looks like something that's going to be the biggest pain in the behind and I actually always wanted the Tortoise, latter really can't be that much worse than the Jagdtiger?

Well I managed to grind the British heavy line in a few days (FV 215b in the garage) but this grind from AT2 looks even more challenging
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